Are Leo women truly complex?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by JessiedLeo on Sunday, May 5, 2013 and has 7 replies.
I found this site and here's some of the excerpt:
"The Leo Woman Personality is a complex issue that many psychic mediums have tried to describe over the years and in my opinion most have failed. Leo Woman is an incredibly complex character, full of subtle intrigue and mysterious elements. It is for this reason that I have decided to continue on my previous work (see my article on Leo Woman Traits if you have not read this already) to delve deeper than ever before into the heart of the Leo Woman Personality. As ever I love to hear from you so make sure you leave a comment and I or my team will get back to you with a response. If you are a Leo woman we especially want to hear from you, let us know how your personality matches up with our expert analysis of the Leo Woman Personality analysis."

I've had a few people become frustrated with me. "You're so messed up", "you're too much", "you're too complicated" yet, I was just being myself, which I admit, I can be a handful.
Any thoughts?
Well my mother is a Leo and she is a very complicated person to me.
Being a Leo female, I don't feel I'm that complicated but I do recognize I tend to be rather oxymoronic (note my username lol). Which may be why I come off to others as having a rather complicated personality. In general, I have no issue understanding other Leo females, although I rarely get along with them do to the fact that even if I do understand them I can't handle them for some reason or another.
Well, is true, they are simple and directly and they never like someone who lies, someone who is hiding soething, etc.. At least this is true . And they are very much inlove when they are.. and love real and with their heart . Very loyal in a relationship. They become angry just like there is the end, but after few hours or 1-2 day , you can contact her again and you will be surprised, she will reacting just like nothing was happened. It is something that only a Leo can do this. They have a big power to forgive and pass all the bad things if they thing there is a reason , a little reason that it is worth and it can become more worth. Leo have imagination that exceed all the limits, and hopes, and dreams.. In my opinion, Leo are great peoples. They aregood drivers in everything, even in a relationship when things are not going well, they try their best to do all what is good to be good.
They are very passionate, sexy women and they know how to make a man crazy in the bed and out of bed. They are the spirit of a party , they like life, they live life...
Hope this help. smile
complicated? hardly. moody, maybe. insecure, usually. confused by idiocy, frequently. we just want to know that we're loved and appreciated for exactly what we are - we want to love you for exactly what you are, as long as what you are has some integrity and intelligence.
while we're not interested in changing for someone, we're definitely curious about evolving to a more regal place in our realm - self mastery is an exciting proposition; being mastered by another is not. we express intuitively from the centre of our hearts, and that's a challenging thing to maintain when most people express intellectually from the front of their thoughts - no depth, no real purpose or meaning, no real connection. we're all about authenticity (or vanity, depending on which end of the spectrum your lioness chooses to pace).
she's deeper than she knows, and it's this depth of being (not just the breadth of her light) that makes her seem complicated. but even her depths are illuminated by her inner dignity - always appeal to our highest vibration and we'll joyfully encourage you to do the same. believe in the best in us and actively support what you see makes us happy - then watch how quickly those unrefined qualities disintegrate, and how very humble and helpful we can be. cats aren't complicated, they're sensitive. it's this sensitivity that makes us strong - it's also what we protect, and are reticent to reveal.
alot depends on the moon sign too.
i practically kill people wid my mind thanks to my scorp moon. :/ not on purpose though.
leos generally speaking arent complicated.u treat them rite,they treat u is a whole different ball game.
I think it depends on what other signs are in your chart as well, but over all I don't think we're complex at all. This is coming from a Leo sun, ascendant, Venus and Mars lol. I think what makes us "appear" complex is our general aloofness. Sometimes we're hard to read, whether it's purposeful or not.