Are leos clingy? Because I saw this girl who is a leo who is going out with a pieces male. She wants his company all the time and she is a student of collage university and was writing an speech for her assignment and she needed his help and suddenly his mate rang for him to come over his place and she hates his mate because he backstabed
like broke her trust and anyway the fish dude said he had to moe the lawn for a few minutes and after she texted him no reply so she rang his home place he was apperently at his mates place and the fish dude did promised to help or be there for her this weekend and she starts cying because he rather be with someone who is a man whore and broke the trust of his girl. Like what the hell she cried for hours I had no idea what to do for her she loves him but he can be a jerk to her. When he becomes a jerk I understand why she be a bitch back to him. Is he worth it for her what should I do and is this a typical leo?
lol @ calling pisces the "fish dude"! anyway the answer to your question is that this leo woman may be clingy but not ALL leo women are, i'm a leo and i'm the total opposite of the word actually! i like to treat men mean to keep em keen kinda thing and i never make the first move or give people my heart so easily like that and i'm sure not up guys asses 24/7, i know one leo girl who's just like the one you described, she's call her bf a hundred times a day and wonder why he wouldn't pick up the phone, (he was a sag btw) he even hinted to her that they should go "on a break" and not speak to eachother for a while, my leo friend agreed, only to break the rules and text him the next day and apparantly she'd call him every night and talk on the phone to him from like 12am to 6am EVERY DAMN NIGHT, she let me listen to one of the phone conversations one night and they were talking about nothing, absolute crap, plus awkward silences wonder why he wanted a break from the damn girl...she has venus in cancer btw and as we both know venus is the "love" sign and cancer is a sign known for being up in people's grill all the time and being clingy so i wouldn't be surprised if the leo girl you described had venus in cancer...but to sum up my point, NO not all leo women are like that, cos i'm not at all! plus she could have venus in cancer or other aspects in her natal chart that would suggest she's clingy!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"his mate rang for him to come over his place and she hates his mate because he backstabed like broke her trust"
lol, her Fish will swim .. very soon, or else his butt will explode from her forcing her shit up his ass.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What should you do?
Tell her, the Pisces will swim if she doesn't grasp that his friends are his, not hers, and they don't have to show loyalty to her.
Yes, that is typical Leo .. they think everybody owes them .. and here's a prime example of it. this friend of the Pisces doesn't have to show her any kind of loyalty or trust, he only has to do so to his mate ..
Tell her the truth .. once fed up with her attempt to dominate his every move, thought and feeling, the Pisces will flip his backfin at her in defiance to this kind of control .. and she'll never see him again.
"venus in cancer"
ima cancer. i want 2 know wats my venus. i didnt know about that stuff. my birthday- july 15, 1987
femalecancer what time were you born? if you can find that out then i'll do your natal chart for you so that you can find out what your venus sign is!
Oh crap I forgot to metion the dude who broke trust to her they were best friends for ages . Many more years bere he was friends with the fish bad lol
Wait Im curious if she does have cancer in venus I thought fish people cancer match like chocolate.
i dont think she's clingy just because she's a leo, the girl is just clingy. personally, i'm used to my men being clingy. i dated a scorpio once and i dont think i need to get into what a nightmare that was....