Aries woman needs HELP understanding Leo man!

This topic was created in the Aries and Leo Compatibility forum by Ariessunchick on Saturday, July 11, 2015 and has 6 replies.
I think I understand how you feel. Perhaps you feel weak without him? Out of sorts? And with a daughter going through chemo... This is all so sad. Sad

What I see here is a man who is faced with either dissolving your relationship or losing his current 'cash' flow. He needs to keep his gf until he is on his own two, and she thinks you are a threat. Simple as that.

At least, there's hope for you. By keeping on and focusing on your daughter's health, you can rebuild positivity in your life and by extension he will gain from it as well. Maybe, he will leave her and start to be his own man again, then you will gain your friendship back.

At the moment though, you need to keep on keeping on.
I don't think he meant to friend dump you. He did it to convince his gf that its over between you two.
He can't tell you that though, because then it will just make things too complicated and might even ruin your friendship.

I think he'll work on restoring your friendship, though.
How long do I wait though? I'm an all or nothing kind of person, I fear that I will no longer care if he takes too long..
Give it as long as you can no longer take it. If you feel you no longer care, just move on.
Great advice.