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Apr 16, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 18
So I was seeing this guy on and off since last summer. Nothing set in stone as far as exclusivity. Recently u found out that he had sex with someone who is related to me by marriage. She IS sort of my cousin. I confronted him about it and he thinks there was nothing wrong with that. She idea that me n him were messing around. She was really sorry about it. He wasn't so much. He said that I was jealous. I told him how I felt Like he over stepped his bounderies. he says he didn't think he SIS anything wrong. Things ended ugly between us. U put this on a Leo forum because he's a Leo. I think he did cross that line. Am i wrong to think that
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Apr 16, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 18
I am mad at both of us. I know he can go what he wants, but i still think he crossed the line. I would never mess around with his cousins or anybody that was close to him knowing I'm intimate with him
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Apr 16, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 18
True but i know if I was to do that to him he would flip out. Either way I still think its wrong. It's why I ended things with him. he was doing her behind my back and that don't make it right.
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Apr 16, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 18
Ok can I ask u this. How would you react if you found out that somebody you was intimate with was having sex with your cousin at the same time. how would you feel? It wasn't strictly fwb status. It wasn't always about sex with us. We were on and off because of things going on in our lives. We been dating on and off. I'm not trying to change your opinion. I appreciate it. In my eyes, my personal experience with this. Im just angry n hurt about it all. I'm just trying to understand this
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Apr 16, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 18
I would still be upset but not as bad as I am now. She's family. It's like I got stabbed deep in the gut. If it was anybody else it would feel like a dull ache that goes away in an hour.