Hey Leos. So I'm really just curious about something. If you are dealing with a personal problem would you prefer to just be left alone for awhile until you sort things out or would you prefer someone try and help?
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Sep 07, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 131 · Topics: 13
as a leo, i would need support from the very very few and select people i trust. and you would know if you're one of these people, because i would actively seek you out for support. times when i have troubles are times when i feel most insecure and vulnerable. and i need certain people around me for that.
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Dec 06, 2012Comments: 126 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 97
I like to have support from people but I recognize now that as a Leo I really need to be helping other people. A Leo requires so much light that only they can really get themselves out of depression, luckily that usually isn't so hard. It is really the challenge of a Leos life to use the light they have in a positive manner.
Leo Moon speaking.
You Leo's seem to be full of light and energy, it's a little contagious if you ask me!