Can Leo's be in long distance relationships?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by TheLioness79 on Saturday, August 3, 2013 and has 14 replies.
Just Curious...Discuss
I was in a long distance relationship with a Leo for roughly 5 years.
Posted by WoundedLeo
Absolutely. We prefer to be together, but we can handle loving from afar if necessary. It goes along with out feelings of deep love and loyalty.

I can understand the loyalty and deep love, we will go all lengths and sacrifices for that. But wouldn't the strong desire of being with that person be overwhelming?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I was in a long distance relationship with a Leo for roughly 5 years.

Did it start off as one? Or did it developed into one because of life circumstances? How far apart?
Was with Leo man for over a year in long distance relation. After he came back to Canada his feelings for me had not changed till this day 5+ yrs.
Was in a long distance relationship with a Pisces for 9 months and the feelings were so overwhelming, we were on the verge of breaking up. I actually ended up moving to her.
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I was in a long distance relationship with a Leo for roughly 5 years.

Did it start off as one? Or did it developed into one because of life circumstances? How far apart?
click to expand

She lived in a city 3&1/2 hours from and it started like that.
Posted by xdimplez
No, must have sex readily available

LoooooL smile
Yes! When he really adores you. And what I mean by that is he loves everything about your mind, your style, and your way of handling rocky situations (body and sex is a plus.)He will stay through the ups and down. Been with mines over 4 years. I could throw the worst fits or even silent treatments it won't stop him from loving or reaching out to me. He has taught me so much and he has openly admitted I help him matured a whole lot. Sometimes it feels like a dream. I do have my doubts inwhich he breaks them down and reassures me I'm his queen and in return I let my love pour out. One way you can tell he loves you by the attention he gives they don't ever ignore the one they love and actions they are sooo intense. He still says he can't let go no matter how much time passes by. He sees me in everything he does. Lol he's so sexy. I'm a libra lady by the way.
I'm in one right now for 1,5 years now. He lives in Korea and I am from Netherlands
He is Virgo I'm Leo
Through this I matured a lot, learned to be more patient and more understanding of the other instead of always only focusing on myself..just can't do that in an LDR (and cant do that with a virgo haha)
So for me it worked out great. The only really hard thing once in a while is the physical part of the relationship, but I feel so secure with him so it's fine/managable
Posted by lovinglibra
Yes! When he really adores you. And what I mean by that is he loves everything about your mind, your style, and your way of handling rocky situations (body and sex is a plus.)He will stay through the ups and down. Been with mines over 4 years. I could throw the worst fits or even silent treatments it won't stop him from loving or reaching out to me. He has taught me so much and he has openly admitted I help him matured a whole lot. Sometimes it feels like a dream. I do have my doubts inwhich he breaks them down and reassures me I'm his queen and in return I let my love pour out. One way you can tell he loves you by the attention he gives they don't ever ignore the one they love and actions they are sooo intense. He still says he can't let go no matter how much time passes by. He sees me in everything he does. Lol he's so sexy. I'm a libra lady by the way.

Awwwww, so sweetsmile
It's definitely possible. I was in one briefly and only broke it off once I realized that seeing the other person would become extremely difficult. She understood, we parted as friends, and moved on with our lives.
In one now going on 4 months... It's getting harder and harder and I miss him so much. I'm a Taurus he's a Leo... But he has a Scorpio moon and I think that helps with the deep emotions. When I feel like giving up here he comes telling me have Patience and we'll be together soon. We do video chat constantly. No it's not all a bed of roses. I have trust issues and we argue too and sometimes he gives the silent treatment but he never leaves me alone for more than two days and one time I block him from everything and he didn't stop until he got in touch with me again (email) .... Funny he never says sorry we just read each other minds. And when he contacts me I'm calm and I smile because I just know he loves me though he's yet to say it and we know that's the apology (the unspoken stare and silence). Any whose tomorrow may be another issue haha. But I'm stricken by my Leo sun Scorpio moon.

Love Taurus.