Can Scorpio and Leo work?
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
My Scorpio friend met this wonderful Leo female and he just is already in love with her and vise-versa. Can it work out or are they doomed?
I have tried the Scorpio-Leo thing before and it is a very EXTREME relationship!!!! These two signs are the most powerful of all the other signs!!! They are both fixed. One is fire and the other is water!!! Both have strong egos!!!! This relationship will depend on your communication skills!!!!! If it is good, it is outstanding!!!!!!! WARNING: If it is bad, than it is war!!!!! Very strong passions! For me, it didn't work out! But I know a few couples with these signs that have worked out! It all depends!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
I hear Leos's get on very well with Librans and Aquarians.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
The best partner for a Leo is a Sagittarian.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1117 · Topics: 104
Leos and Libras do, my friend.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
I am a lioness. My best friend is a Scorpio and her and I have great communication. Although I would imagine it could get nasty if we were to fight!! Talk about power struggle. I have not seen it work out!
As for mates, I prefer Gemini's the best. Sag is a bit too mellow for me and with libra I felt that I did not get enough attention. With Gemini although sometimes too flirty a leo can expect the royal treatment. They are also excellent lovers who dig foreplay!! That is always good especially for this kitty cat!!
Even just living with a Leo female for the past 6 months has made me confused, bitter, angry and resentful and brought out the worst in me oh and she has called me Psycho a few times, seriously I just don't understand this girl, once I was very attracted to her and liked her a lot but now there has been so much fighting, wars, dramas (some made up),jealousy and hurt and anger.
See I did a dumb thing and told her I liked her via a text but she said she didn't feel the same way but things were NEVER the same after that...I dated other girls and she would get jealous, even though she didn't want much to tell...but what I can tell you is I need her out of my life and asked her to move out last week (I'm the leaseholder).
If you want any further info then please ask.
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Sep 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 258 · Topics: 31
Scorpios are way to possesive and jealous for my liking... I need room to breath!
Not very good for me!
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
Dude, nething can work. But, I find that the best relationships almost always fall under trine astrological signs. For example, I know three couples who are in long term relationships, scorpio-pisces, leo-cancer, scorpio-gemini. This is how they are: 1) s-p relationship is almost divine they love each other so much, they definitely belong together, 2) l-c is not bad, a lot of love but both had to compromise a bit (at the beginning), but still a very healthy and loving relationship, and 3) s-g these two do not belong together at all, the gem cheats but scorpio doesn't know about it... or does she I think she's just ignoring it, but they've been dating for about three years now...
So anything can work, it all just depends on the lvl of happiness that results from the relationship.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
Scorpio men can be very intense, you really have to get on their good side or suffer the wrath. It looks like just u and me on the boards at this time OFA, I'm bored from studying for midterms
, what about u? Signed Up:
Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
it is scary. very scary... my scorpio friend stood up in class and told the professor off and walked out of the class. And, he got in a fight with his best friend b/c he thought he was hitting on his sister at a party... It's just too krazy... But, if you're their friend, they will do everything for you, which is great
Btw, caps suck (j/k). scorpio men are great they will give you anything you want wine and dine you but you will have to go through hell to get it.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
Well OFA, it's been nice talking to you, have fun out on the town while I labour away at my text books
. I should probably get back to my studying anyways. MWHAHAHAHAHA... :p Signed Up:
Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
So nothing works? Just from my personal experience the trine sign relationships always turn out better, but i'm drawing from a extremely tiny sample size which isn't representative of the population at all. And you misread my post, I don't think Scorpio-Gemini is a good matchup. The couple i know isn't very happy, they're just together b/c they have history and both are scared to move on or at least the scorpio is. the gemini is definitely too outgoing for the scorpio. But, the scorpio-pisces couple i know is truly a good relationship. I do agree with you that one should not blindly decide relationships based on astrology. I read somewhere that two famous serial killers were pisces. Based on my own dating experience, I have had good experiences with pisces and virgo, and terrible experience with gemini. And this was b4 I read aobut the astrology stuff. I mean is this just concidence? i dunno...
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
"coincidence", forgot the in
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
And branh, you seem to have a very pessimistic view on relationships, you also tend to view all signs negatively... I take the belief that anything can work as long as you both work at it.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
What are you trying to say? You are arguing using astrological traits for personalities while condemning the trine astrological pairings? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Either you disbelieve astrology all together or you believe in it. You can't use one aspect of astrology to argue for the disbelief of another aspect of it. And, where did the gemini-virgo relationship come from? I didn't mention it in my post. Are you just trying to point out that a non-astrological matching relationship can be the best and trine relationships are difficult?
If you want to use traits to define a relationship, then Gemini-Virgo are both mutable, who's going to take the lead and change directions when neccessary? Virgo is grounded while gemini is flighty. Virgo wants to stay in the serenity of home while gemini is always on the go to meet new ppl. How is this much better than the three previous relationships I've described? How is an earthy virgo going to be much happier with a capricious gemini?
Anyways, we all have our opinions and beliefs. Leave it at that.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
And, can you actually carefully read my posts b4 you respond?
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
I agree with you on the reality aspect and the fact that you cannot purely base a relationship on astrological pairings. That was in my post.
I am in conflict b/c I have only learned about astrology about a year ago, and b4 that I have never based anything on astrology. But, since then, I have noticed how current and past relationships I have had with ppl are so much better when the people belong to the signs I am more compatible with. I am still struggling with the "theory" of astrology and whether it is true or not. Or whether that it is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sort of like the placebo effect in medicine.
All in all, I find myself extremely attracted to the Pisces women in my life, and this is b4 I even knew some of them were Pisces. Is this astrology or just reality? I do not know.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
And, I have to disagree with you on trine pairings, b/c at least from my personal experiences, I find that these types of relationships tend to turn out for the better.
Out of all the couples I know, I can say that the two best relationships are scorpio-pisces and taurus-virgo. The worst is scorpio-gemini, and from my own experience, I had the worst time with a gemini, which would be a cancer-gemini relationship. It is not to say that the trine pairings always works out, but rather I find them to have the highest probability of resulting in a successful relationship.
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Aug 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 18
Branh, you have to remember that you can't start a relationship without there being attraction in the first place.
i dated a scorpio. it was a rebound relationship, though, and it was all fun for me but he was telling me he loved me and all this other stuff i just wasn't ready for. i'm a leo. cancer-leo. i think it could have worked. what i liked about him: i liked the intensity that they're so known for. his eyes would sometimes creep me out because he knew exactly what i was feeling or thinking and i knew it from the way he looked at me. his eyes would just lock on mine... but i liked that he knew exactly what i wanted without me having to say a damn thing. i think he probably would have killed for me. literally. i never asked him to do anything, though, i was just out to have fun.
i was in love with a capricorn.... can a capricorn and a leo work out in the long term? because i have problems sometimes because he doesn't talk much about what he wants. i want him to tell me what he wants out of me. what he likes, what he doesn't. at times he's not very assertive. so anyways, i left the scorpio for the capricorn, who i am now with, once again. how long will it last this time, i wonder? and ya know what's kinda funny and scary at the same time? i later found out that while i was dating mr. scorpio he had called my ex-capricorn's house and threatened his MOM. yeah... possessive and violent. he used to rob places, he would tell me (was it supposed to impress me?) and he used to street fight. he'd tell me that over and over, he was soooo proud of himself. kept telling me he was going to become a professional boxer. then he'd go smoke a blunt. loser scorpio huh?
As whitney Houston says: "hell to the naw" they can't work!! I'm a scorpio woman and I was married to a leo man and left him for another leo man...I'm not trying to offend any leos, but yall think you are God's gift to the world and feel that the world has to revolve strictly around you! I could go on and on- but to all scorpios out there, Leos will work your LAST nerve!
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
"I'm not trying to offend any leos, but yall think you are God's gift to the world . . . "
And you went back for more? No offense. Just curious.
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
I like scorpios and I get along really well with them.most of my friends are scorps and I have 3 scorpios in my own family.....I think I got used to them haha..they are sometimes very rude,harsh and short-tempered but by my experience I can say that even if they behave this way SOMETIMES,when you are in trouble you can be sure that without asking them for help or support,they will be there for you without saying a word!Very protective,jealous and possessive too!