So, August is fast approaching and with it my Leo's birthday. Now, I know that every person is an individual and the best presents are personalized to that person's tastes and personality. That said I have an idea for a present idea that I'm thinking about and I'd like to hear what you lovely Leo's think about it.
My guy likes to tinker and build stuff and we had a discussion a couple of month ago about how he especially likes the larger Lego sets. He even mentioned a specific one. The problem is that it's over $ 1000 for the set. Not being able to afford that I simply stored the knowledge away. Then one say I stumbled upon Pleygo (which is self-described as Netflix for Legos. Basically I can pay a monthly fee and rent sets. They even have the one that he was interested in.
I'm curious if ya'll think this might be a good idea. Or do you think the fact that he wouldn't be able to keep what he built would negate the pleasure, or even just lessen it.
I'm also open to any suggestions for ideas that I could supplement or add.
Thank you both for responding.
@Jynja - I like the picture idea, I think I might incorporate that. Thanks!
@ianthepisces - Oh! He wasn't asking or even suggestion that I purchase the set for him. It jut came up in casual conversation while we were out.