Clingy Lion

This topic was created in the Leo forum by GeminiPrincess92 on Saturday, December 10, 2016 and has 4 replies.
Hey Leo's, so earlier this year I cheated on my leo and then broke it off and started a relationship with a scorpio man, after a while the scorpio was just as controlling and clingy as the leo so i got fed up and broke it off with Scorpio. The leo guy came back around, he admitted to stalking my online accounts and that's how he knew of the break-up anyway we got back speaking, i could never date him again because well i cheated on him it's not fair in my eyes.

All he talks about is he can't wait to see me and kiss me? He's acting like nothing happened the past 10 months, anyway i told him i'm off out with another guy friend for New Years Eve and i had a photoshoot lined up next week then he then told me he was upset that i'd even think about going out with another guy, he said i'm banned from hanging out with any other man but him? I clearly stated to him we are just friends nothing more. He says he's cool with just being friends then the next day i saw a girl flirting with him on his photo and he said he's "unavailable" and told some people in our social circle we are "back together".

I've never known a lion to want a woman back after she's hurt him and i don't understand he's really good looking a lot of girls flirt with him but he told me last night he's no longer interested in them he just wants to put his energy towards me. I've never known him to be like this either.

Is the best solution to cut him off so i don't hurt him? I wish we could just be friends but he's trying so hard to control me and he's being very jealousy and clingy :/ my gemini ass can't deal with anymore of these clingy men hahaha

Here is our chart placements if this helps

Him - Sun: Leo | Moon: Libra | Venus: Virgo | Mars: Virgo

Me - Sun: Gemini | Moon: Virgo | Venus: Gemini | Mars: Taurus
Posted by seraph
Your behaviour is just as lousy as his. Recognize that you don't get to have an easy way out.

Best you can do is advise him to leave you be, and if he does not, then take the appropriate steps in your life, which don't need any discussion because they're obvious.

You don't need an astro chart for this.
It's an astrology board duh! Humans are humans I don't think any behaviour can be "lousy" everything happens for a reason and higher power. There's always an easy way and hard way in life. But true best to cu him off before he gets clingy!
Honestly I can't recall seeing a Gemini woman who wasn't a bitch.
Your combo is pretty awesome-sauce.

Maybe he's just really into you because he feels your not obtainable.

It's to easy to become addicted to the chase, rather than actually into the person.

Change it up- Blow his phone up, make him rice crispie treats and shit.

Do exactly what he's doing.

Watch him dip hella hard.