Congrats Kylie Jenner

This topic was created in the Leo forum by MoonshineLeo on Monday, February 5, 2018 and has 6 replies.
She WAS pregnant, decided to keep is hush hush so she has a stress free pregnancy, her and travis scott (taurus) seem to be doing really well too!

No matter the situation, a baby is a blessing and wish her and travis all the luck! (she prob will never see this lol)

Posted by Cancervirgo15degrees
That was the boringest video ever on earth. Dont you need any advice? Ask me in the powder room thread 😂😂
She might be on here in the powder room or something you never know lol
Travis Scott is hideous and Kylie wasn't much of a looker before her surgery so this baby should be gorgeous.

I love KYLIE ! I knew she was pregnant and I'm really happy for them!
Posted by Leoqueen21
I love KYLIE ! I knew she was pregnant and I'm really happy for them!
me too! and travis was with her the wholeee time! everyone was fooled lol
always nice to see taurus/leo combos