Do all Leo???s Clam up?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by shorty1978 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 and has 7 replies.
Everyone here knows my situation pretty much??_ my leo is a wonderful man however very shy with emotions??_ (my nice way of saying commitment issues lol)
If ever we talk about those issues for a while after he becomes so affectionate and sweet, text message during the day wishing me the best day telling me he is proud of me yada yada all that great stuff??_ I respond to this behavior by being full of smiles, tender kisses all that good stuff??_.. after a while he clams up.. could be weeks could be months??_. In my opinion he pulls back cause it gets to close for him
Is this all leo behavior or the behavior of a leo still recovering from a broken heart? I know its been 5 years since he was hurt badly in his last relationship??_. He may never recover and that??s ok by me im really just curious if this is a leo trait or a hurt leo trait.
My best friend who is a Leo??_ I have noticed she is the same way in relationships??_
Sounds like a Hurt Leo to me....
How is he when he is physically with you?
Do you guys cuddle when watching tv, does he hold your hand, does he come up and squeeze you, just start kissing you out of the blue?
Happy Birthday!!
ARoarLikeThunder.... with me is with me we do not cuddle he doesnt like to at all.. he will sometimes because he knows its what i like but he will not just reach out to me will not wrap his arms around me or kiss me out of the blue... the very rare occation like im talking once ever few months or so if we are cooking together he will walk past n rub my back.. one day last week when we past each other in the hall he did lean to give me a kiss on the forehead that was odd lol. he doesnt hold my hand maybe once or twice in the past 3 years lol He just isn??t the affectionate type said he never has been. HOWEVER when we are intimate he is very attentive, tender, caring.
We can be pretty hot and cold with our emotions. We tend to think with our hearts instead of our heads, and sometimes that can get us into trouble. And personally, what I tend to do is distance myself or shut down my feelings, because I'm afraid of getting hurt. Of course it varies on the Leo, but it's pretty common.