Do leo men punish you for a bad behaviour?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Alex1234 on Friday, April 19, 2013 and has 84 replies.
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Heard this any times...
Women to teach them a lesson for example.
Mine didn't.
yes they do. They or notoriuous for tit-for-tat. You get what you dish out
Does punishing mean not talking for a while and being silent?
Posted by Alex1234

Do leo men punish you for a bad behaviour?
Women to teach them a lesson for example.

Absolutely. Winking
But it isn't confined to men punishing women-- I think we are equal opportunity punishers.

Posted by Alex1234
Does punishing mean not talking for a while and being silent?
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It certainly can be that-- or they can dump a bucket of cold water on you while you sleep (he got dumped soon after).
Depends on the person.

Do they come back after cooling down?
Does a leo man in love comes back?
Posted by Alex1234
Does a leo man in love comes back?

As a Leo, depends on what you did. For me, if you do something totally against my morals or values, in very bad character, or make me lose all respect for you, that sunshine of warmth will go ice cold and I will cut you out of my life. This doesn't happen to me often because I am already very choosy who I allow in my life. But my Leo "ex"husband is learning the wrath of a Leo who feels you have fallen from grace. I love him, always will, but I am not going back.
Posted by tiziani
Silence is a rather lenient punishment from a Leo, so I wouldn't panic.

Not all the time. Actually, from me, if you get the silent treatment from me, I am very disgusted with you and I am really contemplating the situation, myself, and your status. If I get angry, I usually cool off pretty quickly. But if I am quite and not talking to you, it is very serious.
I did something bad but he does checking my linkedin profile. I just looked at his again and immediately he looked back at mine. Good sign?
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by tiziani
Silence is a rather lenient punishment from a Leo, so I wouldn't panic.

Not all the time. Actually, from me, if you get the silent treatment from me, I am very disgusted with you and I am really contemplating the situation, myself, and your status. If I get angry, I usually cool off pretty quickly. But if I am quite and not talking to you, it is very serious.
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AGreed smile Silence means you have done some damage, and now you are making me think - action stops I'm in contemplation mode and contemplation mode means I am evaluating and weighing up the pros vs cons of this relationshiop, and though I may continue with you so does the damage. Forgiveness for that slight is very forthcoming, forgetting is never done, the damage lasts and you must work harder now to prevent it from showing its cracks again. Its much more preferable to get the rawr, that means your action was not damaging.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by tiziani
Silence is a rather lenient punishment from a Leo, so I wouldn't panic.

Not all the time. Actually, from me, if you get the silent treatment from me, I am very disgusted with you and I am really contemplating the situation, myself, and your status. If I get angry, I usually cool off pretty quickly. But if I am quite and not talking to you, it is very serious.

I suppose it depends on whether someone believes that is really a punishment.
Contemplation in a relationship is always a good thing to me but then again I am an Air sign so you have me pegged to rights on that one.

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Contemplation from any other element may not be a bad thing, contemplation from a fire sign is just not a natural state of being, if you have us contemplating it's not good. Feck the fire Winking
I've been really unpleasant the last months and he said he needs space. Now three weeks of no contact. Does that mean its the end?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by tiziani
Silence is a rather lenient punishment from a Leo, so I wouldn't panic.

Not all the time. Actually, from me, if you get the silent treatment from me, I am very disgusted with you and I am really contemplating the situation, myself, and your status. If I get angry, I usually cool off pretty quickly. But if I am quite and not talking to you, it is very serious.

I suppose it depends on whether someone believes that is really a punishment.
Contemplation in a relationship is always a good thing to me but then again I am an Air sign so you have me pegged to rights on that one.

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For me, I don't hold grudges and like to face things head on and fix what the problem is and move on. I don't like to leave things hanging, it causes to much anxiety for me. So if I go silent, it is not a good sign.
At Tiziani, he said he needs space but still no news.
Plus do men come back when you don't expect it?
Posted by tiziani
I can respect that, however with Fire Signs I have found some problems are not always meant to be fixed - merely let go of - and it's never been that bad to let a Fire Sign get out of their own element. We both achieve a lot of growth in that way.
Nevertheless, I respect how you feel and this is the Leo forum anyway so it's your guys home court advantage here. I am just being hosted.
Seems like Alex and the Leo are having a serious Cold War.

I agree with you on that as well, and there are many times I get angry at first and once I have my brief cool off, it really wasn't that important and petty.
It does seem like Alex and Leo are having a Col War, all that has been mentioned is being "unpleasant". that is hard to diagnose. Unpleasant how. If she attacked his ego even in subtle way, this could be a perm. silent treatment.
Mostly as a Leo I just want some peace and quiet. If you wronged me bad then possibly revenge is in order. Silence isn't revenge, it's peace and quiet. Totally different concepts as a Leo.
After silence, do you guys reappear?
Very true but last question. No matter what happened doe a leo in love come back after some time?
Posted by Alex1234
Very true but last question. No matter what happened doe a leo in love come back after some time?

"No Matter what happened" that is very broad and I think everyone has their limits regardless of their sign.
Ok so lets say something bad but not awful. Does a leo man in love will come back if the feelings were very strong at the beginning ?
I can't imagine what's "bad but not awful"... I'm unlikely to forgive someone for infidelity or betrayl of trust and these things can change my feelings about them. It really depends on what happened.
Never cheated but insulted and was mean. Told him I moved on and had someone else to make him miserable. Then told him the truth.
Posted by Alex1234
Ok so lets say something bad but not awful. Does a leo man in love will come back if the feelings were very strong at the beginning ?

We can't answer you this, you have to understand - what you think is merely "bad" could be "awful" to him as a Leo with that whole ego thing going on, it really does depend on what it is you've done or think you've done.
I guess chances are slim. I just hope he'd miss me after a while considering the strong bond we two have.
and BTW, I personally don't think Leo's punish (even if the "punishee" imagines that what is happening), so if he's being silent its because he is hurt/betrayed/disgusted etc,. and not because he's thinking "this will teach her". I don't think we think that way, I don't anyway but then cancer moon and all that shiz... As a Leo I cannot knowingly hurt anyone, it makes me feel way to guilty, so staying away doesn't enter the equation, unless you have done one of the intolerable things that are intolerable to leo's. I do hope you didn't shame him in public, forever silence is warranted in that case, love is cancelled.
Also as I have said before to you - men don't walk away from the woman they love, they stay and work it out, as do women, if the disagreement was a run of the mill, everyday couple type argument.
Posted by Alex1234
Never cheated but insulted and was mean. Told him I moved on and had someone else to make him miserable. Then told him the truth.

Oh oh, not good, not good at all. You insulted him (I hope not publically) and delibertly hurt him by telling him you had someone else. This would shatter me, the part that is most shattering would be that you claimed love but then delibertly chose to hurt the person you loved - end game - trust gone.
Thank you very much for all your answers.
Time will tell but he did say that despite he needs space he still loves me.. Now after three weeks maybe things have changed...if he forgot me that easily he did not love main the first instance right?
Posted by tiziani
There are generally two types of transgressions you can make in a relationship, in a man's eyes.

One comes under the category of "it happens". And even in this category, even if the woman was wrong we may just be the ones to chase her up and make amends anyway for the simple life.

The second is deliberately stepping on male ego. And when this happens, chances are slim. Weather report forecasts cloudy skies etc.

Yup, one of the great thing about men, they put up with our shyte with the "(sh)it happens" stance regardless, very sexy smile
So why not saying where we are done instead of I need space?
I'm a Leo male. If you disrespect me publicly, I am most likely gone no matter how I feel about you. To me, it's something that if I tolerate it once I'll have to tolerate it throughout the relationship because it's your weapon. Not sure what you did, but if it was disrespectful behavior and it was in front of other people, you can probably kiss that Leo goodbye.
I have a thread in the Virgo forum you can read. You can see what she did and know that I will never speak to this woman again.
Posted by Alex1234
So why not saying where we are done instead of I need space?

I'm guessing it's because he has trouble closing the door for good and he is hoping you can figure out some way to convince him he should forgive you.
Was this the guy who "forgot" to update his passport to come visit you, and you didn't want to call him because you might lose face?

Posted by Alex1234
Never cheated but insulted and was mean. Told him I moved on and had someone else to make him miserable. Then told him the truth.

To each their own. There are some transgressions I can forgive once I take the whole circumstance into the big picture and there are some things that are inexcusable. Depends on him.
1. Leo's have big egos and you insulted him and was mean. I concur with everyone, if it was in public, big no no. But you also said this happened over a couple of months. So it appears you picked at his ego consistently and brought up his insecurities.
2. You lied to him and about being with someone else. Depends on where he holds this type of transgression in his hierarchic how he will react to this. It could be a deal breaker for him.
I am sorry if I sound mean, but you seem to be very manipulative, controlling, and clingy. Leave him alone and I hope he stays away.
Posted by leoliza
LOL Someone dumped a cold bucket of water on you?

And it was not done in jest-- he was seriously paying me back for waking him up, I think.
He was a strange one-- Leo, yes-- but also a middle child with a martyr complex.
Posted by leoliza
Don't they know they can't put this fire out!!!?
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lol-- He knows now.

He cried when I left.
They were probably crocodile tears for dramatic effect, but still-- Big Grin
my leo didn't come back. i went to get him. i apologized profusely because i hurt him and didn't know it...and, boy, was he hurt. i am glad i didn't wait longer than three days to contact him, though. conventional advice didn't work with him. our relationship is much too honest for game playing.
Posted by msX
my leo didn't come back. i went to get him. i apologized profusely because i hurt him and didn't know it...and, boy, was he hurt. i am glad i didn't wait longer than three days to contact him, though. conventional advice didn't work with him. our relationship is much too honest for game playing.

The difference is you hurt him and didn't know it - that is so forgiveable it's goes into the "also forgotten" category, she deliberately hurt him and on top of that insulted him, unforgiveable. In your case the best thing you did was go get him.
Posted by Grey
It depends on what you did and how my mood is. If you embrass me in public then i am simply going to never ever talk to you. I will just act as if i have never know you and that you do not exist. I would mostly "punish" but never speaking to you again. I can get a bit cruel with words so i always will try to restrain myself and just ignore you.

You're back smile
Posted by celticlioness
Posted by msX
my leo didn't come back. i went to get him. i apologized profusely because i hurt him and didn't know it...and, boy, was he hurt. i am glad i didn't wait longer than three days to contact him, though. conventional advice didn't work with him. our relationship is much too honest for game playing.

The difference is you hurt him and didn't know it - that is so forgiveable it's goes into the "also forgotten" category, she deliberately hurt him and on top of that insulted him, unforgiveable. In your case the best thing you did was go get him.
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I decided to let it go. Time will tell.
See you in a few days Alex Winking. You seem to let go in like 72 hour increments.
Your Leo is like a watched pot, and you are standing there saying boil, boil, boil, for weeks. I picture him free as a bird from whatever strife you have caused him. Probably not revenge, but poetic justice I'm sure.
He unblocked from Facebook and looked at my linkedin. Don't know why...
gosh...the whole social meda/online aspect -you know, the blocking and spying and the like- i couldn't take!
that would just take me and my psyche to a whole new brand of crazy!
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by celticlioness
Posted by msX
my leo didn't come back. i went to get him. i apologized profusely because i hurt him and didn't know it...and, boy, was he hurt. i am glad i didn't wait longer than three days to contact him, though. conventional advice didn't work with him. our relationship is much too honest for game playing.

The difference is you hurt him and didn't know it - that is so forgiveable it's goes into the "also forgotten" category, she deliberately hurt him and on top of that insulted him, unforgiveable. In your case the best thing you did was go get him.

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got it. Winking
So my leo unblocked me from FB and did not contact him.
Now he wanted to added me on Skype and I did accept but he does not talk to me.
Why does he do that??
If I wait he will contact me or let it to go??
Alex, Leo's hate to be ignored, so if he contacts you wait a week or two and just pretend you were busy and didn't notice he calling.
This is crap, I was feeling neglected by my Leo Man and txt him several times to get his attention, however this only infuriated him because apparently his brain can't work out txt msgs and misinterprets the meaning. Few days later still no call or txt and he wasn't here tonight when I got home from work, so I called it's midnight and he is polite and answered my call, and once again pleaded his forgiveness. So he lied that he didn't plan to come over tonight, the other day he did, then he changed his story, he fell asleep on the lounge,
I only see him 4hrs on weekends, though we talk 5 mins during the week.
I know Gems can be demanding and I am trying to contain that but I just want to know am I too greedy

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