Do Leos like surprises?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by candlz on Saturday, May 27, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Like in showing up without them knowing? Or would they prefer to know ahead of time of your plans?
I have done both. Letting him know of my plans was so neat because he seemed both concerned about me driving alone and the fact that he was waiting for me one the other end.
Showing up without him knowing is cool, because of the look on his face. It's like he can't believe I'm really there. He usually does a double take and then I get the same question 'What are you doing here'?(he's a I go see him when he's doing a gig). But is it upsetting for them...because I know for me, it would throw me.
I would assume it would throw him off a don;t want ot look like a stalker or something and look "hangy". Make him wonder...
Leos like surprises but at the end of the day, he is still a guy so don't freak him out. Winking Leo men love to throw out the "psycho" word a lot, so watch out. Either way, it never hurts to act coldly towards a Leo in the beginning (and by beginning, I mean during the first 6 months you meet and every other month shortly thereafter). A Leo is prone to abuse the overkill of attention.
...are you a water sign or a Libra?? What IS your sign??
I am a Sag...but I was born on the cusp of Scorpio/Sag. 11/23
But I have 7 different signs in my chart so yes, there's some Libra and water in there!!!
I like most surprises! The only kind that I don't like is when I really need to know the details of a situation are. Hmmm, lemme try to explain.
It irks me when someone doesn't inform me of plans. The reasons are because I work a lot and I don't always have my car (I like to use public transportation when I can). One of my jobs is in an out-of-the-way part of the city and it's mostly residential. Only one bus goes through there and I have to transfer a couple of times in the process. This makes for a long ride and I work until 6. I feel the need to be informed if I am to go out anywhere right after work so I can pack clothes accordingly and take the right buses to get there.
However, everyone close to me is aware of this. Other than that I love surprises! I like the feeling of anticipation. People can even throw me a surprise party as long as they are aware of the info in the 2nd paragraph. Or better yet, they'll probably avoid the part of the week when I work that job. Tongue