Do leos tend to Lie alot?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by cassy on Thursday, January 17, 2008 and has 16 replies.
I'm noticing a pattern of lying from a Leo guy I've been seeing now since early Dec. I hate to think the worst b/c I really like this guy, but I've caught him in several lies already and it's only been a month. My last boyfriend was Leo and I know he lied a lot. I'm thinking I may need to cut my losses and get out before I get hurt.
I'm cap w/scorp rising.
Not usually..Were pretty straight forward...
thanks. I guess he's got me confused b/c he can turn on the charm and act as if he really likes me and then not. Maybe you're right, he's just not that into me. Lucky for me, I have other prospects :-)
Hi there,
Thanks for all the insight...........I appreciate it. I know Leos are good peeps generally, I have a lot of fun w/them actually which is why I put up w/some of their BS at times. It's that magnetism that drives us all crazy :-)
You know, Antibling, sometimes I get the feeling that you don't like Leos.
antibling, don't try to pretend you wouldn't ebay your granny. come on now.
i know two other leos on a fairly intimate level (used to know more) and have found them to be quite honest.
also, contrary to antibling's h8ing, which he so kindly injected into this post about whether leos lie a lot, i have not found these other leos, nor myself, to do anything dramatic to seek attention.
and the exaggerating in strories - that was when i was 8 years old.
I've noticed with Leo's ( i know), is that when he tells stories...they dont lie, BUT they make it out to be the most dramatic thing in the world lol...i like it actually. Maybe they just want you to be "touched" or something.
Im sure they fabricate it once in awhile too, but i think alot of people do that Tongue
mm, and what is this virgo doing now? tisk, tisk.
I knew one Leo liar, at least I think he was a Leo. But he was also pretty immature, much like the lower type who are also "skirt chasers" or man whores, whatever you wanna call it, lol, and big whiners.
But most of the Leos I know are pretty up-front honest and loyal, and good-natured people. There's good and bad in every sign.
A mature leo tries hard to be honest and not lie, we hate liars and our nature makes us bad at it half the time. I think cappywrench mentioned a guilty guarded look, lolll!
I met a Leo last August he lied about everything. I was talking to him for 3 weeks while I was separated from my cap. Leo turned out to be married, with a kid and he lived with her. He told me that he didnt have kids and he lived with his Aunt and uncle. What a basterd.
After me and my cap broke up for good in december. I met another Leo and he seems to be all about telling the truth we had that convo very early. So I think its all in the person. And who doesn't like to make a story more interesting then it really is. Everyone does that... Not just Leos....
If a leo is being respected and treated right, he/she will not lie! If so, he/she is ready to get away from you quick.
No, we don't tend to lie, plus we hate lies and liars (at least me).
Leos don't lie but they mislead you with "their" truth. They only tell you what they want you to hear, and their actions are completely opposite of their words.. They feel as if they have to do anything in order to keep someone there for them because of their insecurities...Be careful!!
Also, they will often times disappear or act uninterested because they want you to chase them, but will tell people that you are "bugging them" or "on their jock" when it's really not like that, at all..!!