Do Lions Like to Eat Goats?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by TheVirginMarquisdeSade on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 4 replies.
I think they do.
I've read a bunch of those astrology matchmaking snippets, and they always basically tell us Caps "Put down the pipe and back away from the Leo. Slowly, slowly! They will chase you if you try to run..."
I'm a Cap female (Cap-Aqu sun if you want to get technical) and the guy I'm acting like a horny little schoolboy over is a Leo. We drive each other batsh!t crazy. We're like Fritos and chocolate pudding, Nutella and cottage cheese: Revolting in concept, but once together, surprisingly good.
Any Leos with Caps here? And vice versa, of course. Tongue
What's the worst thing about your relationship? What's the best?
Worst: Our egos constantly butt heads. And we're both too proud sometimes.
Best: The sexual chemistry is *bites fist*...He loves to overwhelm, I love to be overwhelmed...He loves to entertain, I love to observe...We both get turned on during arguments...Passion, intellectual stimulation, lots of laughter, and best of all, we hit every one of each other's sore spots so we're aware of what needs taking care of.
Did I mention he's hot-haaaaaaaaaaawt? He's hot-haaaaaaaaaaaawt! *clears throat* With a beautiful soul, of course.
There is one couple.
Leo male and Cap female.
He bites and eats piece of her every day.
"Lol i don,t know about biting goats but yes cap females are very sexy."
On behalf of female Caps everywhere, thank you. smile I hate reading those astrology personality blurbs that always sum up Cap women as some sort of sexless June Cleaver. We sound so boring, but we're not. We just don't let our little inner freak play with every kid on the block. Quality over quantity, I say. Apparently, that's a Leo thing too.
Because I don't trust easily, it took about a year of chasing to get us together. He says he went without sex the entire time. This is a man who would marry sex if he could, so of course I called BS. But even people who have no reason to lie for him backed up his claim. Are Leo men typically that loyal and picky? Able to hold out that long for what they want? Or is mine just a freak? Tongue

"There is one couple.
Leo male and Cap female.
He bites and eats piece of her every day."
And she likes this, right? Tongue Do tell more. I agree with chocolate, very yummilicious. That's my word for the day. Gonna see how many times I can drop it.
"Do lions eat goats?"
No...they play 'patty-cake' & '4 square' w/ them.