What are something you do not do , and things you should do when dating/married/in relationship with a Leo man
lol, well i am always worried that i dont look amazing because i am always worried about my hair, make up etc and he tells me stop it . when talking bout my past such as sex storied i always make it seem like i never did anything wild etc..HMMM NOW PUTING UP WITH SUSPICIONS AND BULLSHIT>WHY? I DO get jealous alot baout small stuff.... ...
If you are upset with him make sure you're careful what you say. I read they are extremely sensitive but read it too late. Apparently I said something months ago that upset the Leo I was involved with but he won't even tell me what it is. So just a warning to watch for that.
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Dec 23, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4385 · Topics: 226
This a good thread. How to avoid getting clawed and eaten hehe
Gotta keep that lion purring
Lol , thank you our relationship is weird we would hang out all day everyday and then when we get away from eachother its weird we dont talk , much he dont text me or nothing and makes me feel like he dont think of me ... But has never ignored my calls, EVER so WHEN we are together he is amazing sometimes to annoying .... I have learned that i told my leo to stop this stop that and to the point where he just afraid to do anything because i told him stop so much
I lost my LEO she still talks because I am the only one there..
I am soo hurt and broken.. she is selfish..and full of lust
Have passion and an independent energy. Have your shit together and be strong in who you are and don't be afraid to let him know. Leo's get jealous when they're with someone who seems secretive. We need an 'all out' lover. Someone who is honest, tells it like it is with us and gets our motor going. We want fun, loyalty and passion from our mates and it all needs to be displayed in plain view. We may test to see where you stand and you better talk to us openly about any issues or we will never fully trust. We're always looking for that special someone who can be open with us no matter how difficult. Then, we know we can trust them.
yeah..they are so lusty. alteast mine is, so controlling and dominating. i cant tell what all he did to me, its a torture..mentally and physicaly. but he is caring and soft sometimes. but he is not at all cheap..whatever he does even negative stuff, all in a royal way. but he has severe mood swings.
Do not fall.. Know that a different creatures. Like Aquas they are not of the world of honesty..
Crush his ego.. the minute he hurts you with his excuses.. All the mush mush will ruin your heart and emotions..
They a lust animals.. so be prepared for a crack lust addict on your hands.. If you like his drug then remember it can make you ill..