
This topic was created in the Leo forum by wheelhomies on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 and has 31 replies.
i doubt if anyone remembers, let alone cares...but i just have to express my amazement. the leo is...back?
:: scratches head ::

::picks teeth::
haha, stop scratching your head p, it's not good for the scalp!
Such a gemini in disguise u!
who, me? whatever do you mean?
hi shaka. watchya talkin' bout?
notso!!!! long time no see. how goes it??
ooooooohhhhh, THAT leo!

details, please. smile
and what what? damn, this thread is confusing the hell outta me.
hahahahah! yeah, that one. hold on, details in a sec
wait, what the hell?

who are you supposed to be? stop playin'.
who am i supposed to be? le huh?
you said "long time, no see". i just saw you, like, the other day. threw me for a loop, for a sec. stop messin' wit ma head. you 'sposed to be ma co-wifey.

details. make it happen.
sorry if i seem a bit more wierd than usual. i've been so incredibly exhausted lately.
why so exhausted, btb?
there were some tears, it was a very bittersweet feeling because i definitely still have feelings for this dude, but idk if it can ever be the same as it was. things were ended badly between us...we just stopped talking. and i pushed it aside cause i'm retarded. he's a really good person...i asked him, if i decided not to see him xmas because of leaving the country soon after, if that meant i would lose him again and he wouldn't talk to me anymore...and he said, "no. you're a good person and i don't want to lose you either." what guy would say that? come on. but it SUCKS because how can i seriously put my future plans on hold? i can't.
sry! you don't have to answer those questions (other than the one about why you're exhausted). i'm just spewing here.
what are you doing! put that back!?
the last thing i remember was coming into this thread...then something-something...something else....then my face hitting a pillow.

and this thread isn't about me, it's about you. give it back.
it's because i'm getting up before 6 every morning, and i don't get in until around 10, usually, sometimes 11. i just need to adjust to my new schedule, is all.

ANYWAY, back to you, my pumpkin. were you just saying that to him? or are you really going abroad during the holidays?
do you *want* to see him? i think you do. if you do meet up, what do you expect the outcome to be?
6-10?! you're fking insane, woman!
i'm not really going abroad for the holidays, but there is a possibility that i could be soon thereafter. like, in january or february or something. nothing set in stone yet, but i was seriously considering it, and i feel like i shouldn't really push that aside just because this really great guy that i totally screwed over is willing to give me a second chance.
do i want to see him, yes and no. i want to see him because i miss him and he's a really good kisser. (hahah) BUT...then again i don't because what's the point if i'm gonna be like, ok thanks for the kiss, let's try long distance, round 2 of failing miserably DING DING DING! know what i'm sayin'?
as for the outcome, no idea. i mean honestly, i could see myself growing w/this guy. i liked him so much, and i still do...idk, i'm just not sure what to do. i suppose i could always just give it a chance and just wait to travel. i just worry too much. that's my problem.
""do i want to see him, yes and no.""
- you mean, yes and yes. it's one or the other, lol.
the solution is to see him. that is your final answer. if you don't, you'll regret it. you never know what may come of it. and it sounds like it could be sum'n good. smile
le sigh
Are you in love homie? awwww now aint that cute..our little kitty all grown up and loving people..LOL..
Who's the lucky fella?
ohhhh gosh. the l-word. i think i did love him. i still care about him. idk if that means i still love him though. for who he is. he's a very attractive freshly 27-year-old dude who has his own interior design business that is currently doing very well. he's very talented.
used to know his whole chart but can't remember it anymore. the only things i'm sure of are his libra rising, leo sun, virgo moon, and venus in virgo. i'm pretty sure he has mars in cancer, not positive tho.
metal rooster...:X sweet...well don't let the bastard messs you
what is idk?
it's how lazy people say "i don't know" Tongue