Whether casually or seriously? I'm a Leo girl, and I always find myself dating two people at once without there knowledge of course. I know it's not right, but I can't help flirting and the constant need for attention. I just find myself bored with people after awhile. Sometimes, I feel like no one lives up to my standards, I'm very picky when it comes to anything long-term.
Any other Leos feel this way?
I'm the same as leokitten I focus on one person at a time.
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May 09, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 10
yes plenty of times,but if i fall for someone i stay faithfull to him
LeoKitten actually it was there derogatory remarks about race and religion that made them lose me, and not to mention there lack of mental stimulation to keep my interest. I'm very openminded, and I find that Cancer males are quite the opposite unfortunately.
Define Dating??
Having casual....Dinner or Drinks? Is that dating or just meeting with a friend?
Having casual....S** while out? Is that dating or just meeting with a friend?
If the above is not dating. Then, nope never dated more than one person.
Seriously! I find it very difficult to be with more than one person. If someone else has gotten my attention to that magnitude, then it's time to move on from the present.
Lioness loving a Lion
Are Leo men truly faithful to their women. Can they be loyal and express their love verbally and intimatilly to one female and remain friends with another? Even if the females have big time hotts for him? Can they survive without sex if necessary or will they run for the most available just because they are offering? Why do our lion's emotions change like the wind? it's so hard to follow, hard to figure out? how do i show my lion i love him without showing total focus which is boring, or calling all day? how do i show love without being clingly which i'm not, but without letting another take my place when i'm gone?