Feel like dying

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Tharealher on Thursday, June 30, 2016 and has 99 replies.
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I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.
< ---- Future Business woman. Live life have fun

I meant to point to your description lol
I know how u feel but @ladyneptune is right and ull change ur mind if u end up in an unchangeable situation & not die the way u expected...I've tried it's a waste and u end up damaging your body and then mentally later when things fall in place u also hurt mentally bcuz u will be depressed that u did it and regret it & I totally felt like that yesterday so now I just feel like I'm in limbo bcuz I can't do anything about it
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Don't worry, life gets tough to make you stronger
I mean don't you want to stick around to piss the haters off?
@sensitiveblues u boring ppl that have no life looking for an opportunity to troll ppl like u get on my nerves if u don't have anything good to say don't say it at all & keep it movin insensitive dick! Ur words carry no weight wit ur miserable azzzzzz (misery luvs company) & ppl need to vent so @therealher vent away
if you harm yourself, you're not actually getting rid of the pain in you.

you're simply passing it to everyone who cares about you, and trust me there are people who care whether you realize it or not.

play with some puppies instead. sing a song. eat some delicious new food. talk to someone.
This thread has also helped me so thanks to everyone who had some positive input & this can also help someone who may google and stumble upon this....helping ppl through your own hurts,pains,experiences through life's many lessons is a gift too
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
Hon, a couple of years ago, I made a thread similar to this. Contrary to what some assholes might say, it has nothing to do with attention-seeking, it has to do with a cry for help.

Personally, I felt so badly that medication was the only solution for me. I went to a shrink and did what I needed to do to feel bettr. If you feel like you're at the bottom of the abyss, please get help.

Feel free to PM me if I can be of any help.

keep your chin up buttercup!
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
why? for a guy?

Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
why? for a guy?

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Friend died. She lost her job. Communication difficulties with her mom.

It's not simply over a guy. She feels like her world is collapsing around her.

Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
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Calling her a "horrible person" is not helpful when she's falling in an abyss.

Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
Calling her a "horrible person" is not helpful when she's falling in an abyss.

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im just tired of seeing her on here
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
Calling her a "horrible person" is not helpful when she's falling in an abyss.

im just tired of seeing her on here
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Then don't read her posts. It's as simple as that.

Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
why? for a guy?

Friend died. She lost her job. Communication difficulties with her mom.

It's not simply over a guy. She feels like her world is collapsing around her.

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there are worse things in life but ok... hi, btw smile
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
Calling her a "horrible person" is not helpful when she's falling in an abyss.

im just tired of seeing her on here
Then don't read her posts. It's as simple as that.

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people post and people comment -- based on what they know... it's a forum
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by SensitiveBlues
goodbye. you attention seekers are annoying
you are a horrible person and i feel bad for your kids, sisters, brothers, mom, dad, grandpaz, granma, uncle, aunt, cousin, long lost sister, long lost brother, long lost classmates
Calling her a "horrible person" is not helpful when she's falling in an abyss.

im just tired of seeing her on here
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I have never seen her... lol
Posted by LadyNeptune
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.

Keep your head up chick.

Breathe. It will pass.

Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
*hugs* You're important. You're life has value. Whatever you're going through will pass. ❤️
The lack of basic empathy in these types of threads is sicking.

Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
why? for a guy?

Friend died. She lost her job. Communication difficulties with her mom.

It's not simply over a guy. She feels like her world is collapsing around her.

there are worse things in life but ok... hi, btw smile
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Worse things? Sure, she could be in Syria or Iraq...

but the reality is that when everything bombards a person at the same time...

it's hard to handle.

smile Hello friend!

Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.
I hope to God you never complain about anything. If you do, you're the worst hypocrite of them all.
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There's a big difference between complaining and contemplating suicide dear.

Posted by Amilliooh
Posted by Skitty
The lack of basic empathy in these types of threads is sicking.

These are the girls out in the real world demanding respect though. . Right
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Of course not.

Willl be sure to read all about it in the next "so i was in a fwb with a Cap" thread.

Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by LadyNeptune
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.
No. Just no.
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I'm offering the op perspective. What's your purpose here?

Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.
I hope to God you never complain about anything. If you do, you're the worst hypocrite of them all.
There's a big difference between complaining and contemplating suicide dear.

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What a clever response! You sure showed me

Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
why? for a guy?

Friend died. She lost her job. Communication difficulties with her mom.

It's not simply over a guy. She feels like her world is collapsing around her.

there are worse things in life but ok... hi, btw smile
Worse things? Sure, she could be in Syria or Iraq...

but the reality is that when everything bombards a person at the same time...

it's hard to handle.

smile Hello friend!

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I understand... but I only read what she posted in this topic and I know absolutely nothing about this person besides what you are adding. For some people it could be a small thing that sets them off or it could be a multitude of things, we are all wired differently. It's all relative.

I know nothing about the OP and only hope this is a passing phase. Life is too precious.


Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
Hon, a couple of years ago, I made a thread similar to this. Contrary to what some assholes might say, it has nothing to do with attention-seeking, it has to do with a cry for help.

Personally, I felt so badly that medication was the only solution for me. I went to a shrink and did what I needed to do to feel bettr. If you feel like you're at the bottom of the abyss, please get help.

Feel free to PM me if I can be of any help.

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you are a good soul
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by Tharealher
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
Hon, a couple of years ago, I made a thread similar to this. Contrary to what some assholes might say, it has nothing to do with attention-seeking, it has to do with a cry for help.

Personally, I felt so badly that medication was the only solution for me. I went to a shrink and did what I needed to do to feel bettr. If you feel like you're at the bottom of the abyss, please get help.

Feel free to PM me if I can be of any help.

you are a good soul
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Kiss Kiss Kiss

I have been to hell and back so many times, I am now renting out my spot.
But death is too final, and there's no going back once you've crossed the line. There could be heave, hell, or nothing at all. Or a place where the most horrifying and grusome spirits rip apart the weak as the world you once knew is shrouded in darkness.

Posted by starwars
you just need a cuddle
yea cuddle with me. my sweaty rolls provide ample amount of insulation against the elements
Sorry everyone not attention seeker but i always hide everything inside i just need to clear my mind. I'm a depressed person its hard fo deal with post traumatic stress disorder with a low balance of horomonal issue that makes me bipolar. Too all the people that doesn't care thank you too cause it shows you care enough to post on me trying to get someone to vent with. I don't pass judgement on no one but thank you to the ones that had kind words to say i really appreciate it. God bless you. I got two job interviews now getting my life back on track.
May I channel my inner Seraph.... totally need to send that dude an email pronto.

Anyway, here goes:

Part 1

Wishing you were not here is counter-productive. You know why? Because you are here, and no matter what is happening in your life, you have not died yet. So, instead of wishing for something you can't have, you could focus on what you currently have - which is - life, a future, and even dxp where you can come vent your spleen for varying opinions that may help you make solid decisions about your life

Part 2

If you can focus on the good things, then you might just be able to trudge out of the muddy mess you find yourself in now.So, instead of wishing for something you can't have, you can focus on the here and now, and let life reshape slowly.

Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune
There are children fighting wars. Women trapped in sexual slavery. But yeah, your problems are super important too...

If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and good health your better off than many. Count your blessings.
I hope to God you never complain about anything. If you do, you're the worst hypocrite of them all.
There's a big difference between complaining and contemplating suicide dear.

User Submitted Image
What a clever response! You sure showed me

Well, you back peddled on your position and refused to grasp the concept. Why on earth would I want to develop an intellectual response to you. No matter what is said, it won't be a discussion but rather a battle of wit.

Again, please don't ever complain about anything in your life. When a family member, or someone very close on you that you loved dearly dies, I hope someone comes to you and smacks you in the face and tell you how your issues are nonsense because starving Irish children are suffering.

What a clown.
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So in your mind 'count your blessings' equates smacking someone in the face. Interesting.

Even more telling, how your attacking and spewing hate on this thread...

And no i wouldnt kill myself over a dude. Thanks to the ignorance. You pass judgement on others dont know what you talking bout. My mom always taught me if you don't have nothing nice to say say nothing at all.
Yes i do have low self esteem if you don't know whats going on please dont speak on something you dont know. I have more issues than dudes and no i dont open my legs to anyone i have more respect for myself than that. I just got alot of trust issues. I know people has been thru Hell and back but my issues have to do with my father. So thanks.

I literally said 'count your blessing' in my op. Also told the OP that her problems are important.

Go back and re-read it dude.

Your seriously unhinged.
There's always someone suffering worse than someone else in the world. I could tell someone who just broke their legs fresh on site, "Well someone in the world is watching their family be brutally murdered right now, so this is a piece of cake."… There's no way to empathize with that when they're in pain, and they do have to deal with the pain they are experiencing still.

..So why do we need to bring up someone else having it worse? Did we do that to those other people when they dealt with their situation? Because I guarantee someone had it worse than them somewhere on this planet. I just don't understand it..
Posted by Tharealher
I got two job interviews now getting my life back on track.
Onward and upward
I'm not in any of this. It was a diff post. But I do see it happen frequently on platforms similar to this one. I just never understood it Confused
Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by LadyNeptune

I literally said 'count your blessing' in my op. Also told the OP that her problems are important.

Go back and re-read it dude.

Your seriously unhinged.
Exactly after you disregarded her issues as being unimportant.

Let me tell you everything I hate about you and conclude that "I love you". Let's just call you everything under the son and see how that pans out.
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Disregard how? I said, and I quote, "your problems are also super important", meaning exactly that. Is English your second language?

Not sure about that second part. You've lost me there...

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Plagued
Haha I LOVE when someone calls another stupid and they themselves can't spell.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I love it when a user talks like ghetto trash and swears and offends; yet, claims it's because they are PASSIONATE.

No, that's called reactionary.

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Tomato tomatoe.

I'm sorry everyone has the right to have opinions that not everyone is going to agree on. I just been depressed about alot that i don't want to go in details but its sure not over a dude. I got financial issues trying to figure out how I'm going to eat get personal items. I was dying inside if i Didnt let my cry. Sorry to scare anyone i know what its liks to be known as a weirdo with issues. But everyone has a past and handles things differently but all you can do is respect that.
Posted by Domimoooo
Posted by AriesLove
She's a Leo and they do this. I know many that go through this a couple days of week. My ex went through a phase like this before I met him. And I have a friend that does this on Monday and Tuesdays. Sometimes it is for attention but if things arent going like they want they become sulky.

Not all can express themselves well, and regardless if their expression is legit or not, they're expressing pain that is beyond their tolerance. Weak minded or not, the person is hurt. With maturity, and a bit of help, they could more than likely express their pain better.

I find it disturbing how many people's first reaction is that it's merely for attention. Even people that pop pills will be greeted by "oh, they're just looking for attention."

Fucking joke...I swear. Makes me angry.
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If you saw her obsessive chain of threads prior to this, you'd understand why some jumped to this conclusion.
