Fellow Leo's

This topic was created in the Leo forum by alynland on Saturday, July 22, 2017 and has 5 replies.
Do y'all ever get irritated at yourself for how you treat people when you don't get your way? lol like after the fact. When it's all said and done..you're like dang I was too dramatic.

This is more true than it should be lol
But yeah lol, it actually comes down to maturity, I remember how much of a big issue this was for me when I was a teen, rn I've learned how to control myself and keep rational but yeah that trait is probably one of the most irritating traits to deal with in Leo
Blahahaha! Get irritated at myself? No way! Noppity nope!

I laugh at myself pretty frequently (not to mention, I also laugh at the other participants in my drama), but getting irritated with myself is no option!

If I'm in one of my really good moods, I pat myself on my back for all the energy and creativity I had and have for drama! Winking

If I'm in one of those low moods, I just give myself a meek smile, hug my pillow and sleep off. smile (I think I'm dramatic even when I'm innocent or doing nothing, lol!)
I grew out of my need for drama a while back, though I will handle business when it's necessary. I find it's easier to keep people around if the theatrics are turned down. Personally I feel my energy can be better utilized in a creative space.