Happy Mother's Day to my fellow Lionesses!

This topic was created in the Leo forum by TheLioness79 on Sunday, May 12, 2013 and has 2 replies.
Us Lionesses are amazing mothers!! Our young are the most precious things in our lives. It is important to us that we raise our young to be well rounded, healthy, productive, and successful adults when they leave us. We are protective, we are supportive, we guide, and most of all we love our young with fierce loyalty and devotion.
To my fellow Lionesses and all the other non Leo mothers out there: Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Happy to you all too!
My baby cub is performing a gig for a Mothers day luncheon. It's make me happy to know he is making other mommy's happy with his music.
I'm a lucky and grateful Mama Leo!!
smile smile smile