Posted by kreol
I pray he doesn't find out about this thread
Posted by FyzaGems
Lol!!! What's with his smile? Is there something wrong with his teeth or wut?
Posted by kreol
I think you've subconsciously friendzoned this dude occupying your time. True test of your relationship will be how you react when a real looker gives you attention
Posted by kreol
I think you said it yourself, you enjoy the attention more than the person. Maybe
Posted by kreolPosted by FyzaGemsPosted by kreol
I pray he doesn't find out about this thread
Lol! Shut up.
I'm really laughing reading this! Hahaaaa
"hey bae you're amazing and all but you ugly, like U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi you FUGLY. I really appreciate everything you do for me but you have a face only a mother could love, i could never breed with you. sry"
Women can be so cruel I swear
If my lady said this to me I'd spend my remaining days trolling DXPclick to expand
Posted by FyzaGemsPosted by kreolPosted by FyzaGemsPosted by kreol
I pray he doesn't find out about this thread
Lol! Shut up.
I'm really laughing reading this! Hahaaaa
"hey bae you're amazing and all but you ugly, like U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi you FUGLY. I really appreciate everything you do for me but you have a face only a mother could love, i could never breed with you. sry"
Women can be so cruel I swear
If my lady said this to me I'd spend my remaining days trolling DXP
Hey come on, atleast we are being honest about it.
It's better than having someone who keeps on complimenting u for something that u knew all along wasn't true. It's like living in delusion.
I will go with to expand
Posted by PV&JellayPosted by MishmorecookiePosted by kreol
I think you said it yourself, you enjoy the attention more than the person. Maybe
Again I think you're right but I hope you're wrong. Here's a good man who's good for me and here I am wishing he was Liam Hemsworth. I'm no Miley Cyrus myself.
Physical attraction shallow or not, is a factor. If you're not physically attracted, and that's honestly an issue for you, don't waste your time or his. He will end up really invested in the relationship with you, while you are continuously wondering whether you can "do better". Just be friends, so you don't end up hurting a nice guy.
click to expand
Posted by truecap
If he has a big d*ck.....would that make a difference?
Posted by babygurl
well post the photo then..
Posted by Arielle83
I bet he's a giver.
Posted by Arielle83
I bet he's a giver.
Posted by enfant_terrible
I bet he'll take you to see La boheme
Posted by truecap
Some thoughts to ponder:
If it's his teeth, he can get that fixed.
If he has money, well, money can make an ugly man attractive? Yeah, you see it all the time.....Trump gets beautiful women.![]()
If it's his lack of hair, tell him he looks good in a hat.
If it's his body, he can go to the gym and eat healthier.
Ugly men don't have women throwing themselves at them, so you don't have to worry about skanky ho's.
Ugly men are more appreciative and treat you better.
Ugly people tend to be more faithful.
Remember, looks fade with age and we're left with personality and character which is soooooo important for the long term.
But if the idea of sex with him has you wanting to put a bag over his head....well, there ya go. I reckon it'd definitely be a no go.
Posted by Arielle83
I remember I met this nerd at the gym back in the day. He was shy and awkward and insecure. Cute but not overly what I would be into. His nervousness around me turned me on.
One of the best cuninglingus experiences I've had. It was like he was shocked when I came onto him.
You might be surprised. I mean one of the things that turns me on is when they are turned in by me. That's what I felt back then.
Maybe you can think in terms of that way, but you're already attracted to his mind, so to me that would be the main thing and the rest will fall into place.
Posted by Arielle83Posted by lisabethur8Posted by Arielle83
I remember I met this nerd at the gym back in the day. He was shy and awkward and insecure. Cute but not overly what I would be into. His nervousness around me turned me on.
One of the best cuninglingus experiences I've had. It was like he was shocked when I came onto him.
You might be surprised. I mean one of the things that turns me on is when they are turned in by me. That's what I felt back then.
Maybe you can think in terms of that way, but you're already attracted to his mind, so to me that would be the main thing and the rest will fall into place.
sounds like he was turned on by your aggressive/assertiveness and you turned on by his shyness,nervousness.
I am turned on by shyness, but I'm shy too until I meet someone shyer and then I'm dropping to expand
Posted by Arielle83Posted by lisabethur8Posted by Arielle83
I remember I met this nerd at the gym back in the day. He was shy and awkward and insecure. Cute but not overly what I would be into. His nervousness around me turned me on.
One of the best cuninglingus experiences I've had. It was like he was shocked when I came onto him.
You might be surprised. I mean one of the things that turns me on is when they are turned in by me. That's what I felt back then.
Maybe you can think in terms of that way, but you're already attracted to his mind, so to me that would be the main thing and the rest will fall into place.
sounds like he was turned on by your aggressive/assertiveness and you turned on by his shyness,nervousness.
I am turned on by shyness, but I'm shy too until I meet someone shyer and then I'm dropping to expand
Posted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.
Posted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.
OP, what is so very wrong with his looks that you find him repulsive to gaze upon?click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8Posted by truecap
Some thoughts to ponder:
If it's his teeth, he can get that fixed.
If he has money, well, money can make an ugly man attractive? Yeah, you see it all the time.....Trump gets beautiful women.![]()
If it's his lack of hair, tell him he looks good in a hat.
If it's his body, he can go to the gym and eat healthier.
Ugly men don't have women throwing themselves at them, so you don't have to worry about skanky ho's.
Ugly men are more appreciative and treat you better.
Ugly people tend to be more faithful.
Remember, looks fade with age and we're left with personality and character which is soooooo important for the long term.
But if the idea of sex with him has you wanting to put a bag over his head....well, there ya go. I reckon it'd definitely be a no go.
i can see and agree with you on all points,
however i've seen films and heard /read that even ugly people can be unfaithful. ( i remember the real life news story of the President of France, Francois Hollande, who is ugly, but he still cheated on his wife)
but i get your assessment. If they are ugly they are very very appreciative of the person they have, or who wants them.
also ugly men can also be unappreitive of you and treat you like shit as well.
also, there are some hick backwoods guys who are gross and treat women like shit too.
there's really no formula. everythng depends.
click to expand
Posted by MishmorecookiePosted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.
OP, what is so very wrong with his looks that you find him repulsive to gaze upon?
He doesn't have straight teeth, kinda balding, slightly pudgy. Umm yeah that's itclick to expand
Posted by truecapPosted by MishmorecookiePosted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.
OP, what is so very wrong with his looks that you find him repulsive to gaze upon?
He doesn't have straight teeth, kinda balding, slightly pudgy. Umm yeah that's it
Sounds like almost every man in my age to expand
Posted by TachibanaSan
is there something you can do?
make him over or something...
subtle, small changes make
a lot of difference.
if you dont like his smile,
you can tell to him that
he looks sexy when he
if hair is bad, get haircut.
eyebrows, let me arch for
you. ugly can be changed.
Posted by truecap
Leo's and their trophies! lol!!!
-just poking fun...
Posted by truecap
Do you think people will look down upon you if you're with an unattractive man?
If you're not attracted to him physically, then it's not going to work out in the long term. However, if you're okay with his looks and think he's not good enough from other people's perception, then that's putting too much emphasis on what other people think. I'm just asking if it's you that finds him that unattractive or if you're worried that other people will look down upon you for being with an unattractive man. Like, if you want an attractive man for yourself or if you want it so other people will think more of you.
Just suggesting you look into yourself to see what your motivations are. That might help.
Most Leo's I know what other people "to eat their heart out" because they nailed the best looking mate.
In reality, the character and personality carries way more weight than looks in the long run - but, ehhhh, I'm a cappy and I'm more about character than looks.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
That's just sad and pathetic yet you'll sit there like the arrogant bitch you are and let him feed that fragile broken ego that a "handsome"man wouldn't waste more than 3 months with. Why don't u just tell him you're not feeling him because of how he looks? Glad you're proud of being vain and shallow, you'll find someone equally shallow let's see how that holds up in your golden years.
Females like you, we used to rag on in the locker room. Once we've found out you've had sex with 3 dudes that year, we divide and conquer. Just another cum guzzling fluzzy in need of attention til her 20th boyfriend comes around.
This is why men throw bitch, hoe, slut, skeezer around so easily cuz some women won't even be into a man but will lead him on and even seek his attention til her snatch has been filled by her white knight.
This thread is why I don't save hoes
Posted by LuckyLibra979
No, I'm not shallow. To like beautiful things is one thing, to make beauty a prerequisite is totally different. I don't know the whole story and don't want to this was in response to what I read as the opening comment.
You find beauty in what the eyes can see, I find beauty in what the heart feels don't ever compare em again
Posted by KinglyCrab
I wish to say what if you were in his shoes would you appreciate if he did the same thing to you? You are not entitled to keep this guy around just because you feel the need for attention, if physical chemistry look like it's not going to happen in the future, stop wasting this poor guys time. Problems with physical chemistry create problems in other areas, though understand this is not the best version of him he has about 15 years until maintaining any sort of attractiveness becomes hard for him. He'll have wrinkles all over and probably dentures and such. Still understand how important is sex for you if it isn't that much try it for another 2 weeks but afterwards don't make him stay with you as you clearly can't give him the love he deserves. Don't do it women. This stuff just makes me not wanna date ever, it's completely discouraging. But then I remember that for women like you there are the opposite of you. Don't be an entitled princess the world doesn't owe you or me anything.(i.e.- the world is not gonna give you this
Just because you want him. Or for example, the world doesn't owe me this
Just because I exist.)
Posted by juliette
imo you are not shallow. anything can be a deal breaker. from physical appearance to character traits. if you ask me it's all the same. and what people do, either they stop seeing that person or try to get to know them better. to see if they can past through certain things or not. that's not leading someone on.
and lol at the men whining at the smallest sign of maybe objectifying men.
Posted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.
Posted by MishmorecookiePosted by truecap
Do you think people will look down upon you if you're with an unattractive man?
If you're not attracted to him physically, then it's not going to work out in the long term. However, if you're okay with his looks and think he's not good enough from other people's perception, then that's putting too much emphasis on what other people think. I'm just asking if it's you that finds him that unattractive or if you're worried that other people will look down upon you for being with an unattractive man. Like, if you want an attractive man for yourself or if you want it so other people will think more of you.
Just suggesting you look into yourself to see what your motivations are. That might help.
Most Leo's I know what other people "to eat their heart out" because they nailed the best looking mate.
In reality, the character and personality carries way more weight than looks in the long run - but, ehhhh, I'm a cappy and I'm more about character than looks.
Haha you've nailed it. That's exactly it. One of my girlfriends' saw his photo and was like "Oh okay he's not good looking" And that was it. I'm cursed for being a to expand
Posted by Vixen2
Do you have chemistry???
"You can't change people but people can change themselves...."
The exact opposite happened in my case. Totally fell in love with someone who wasnt what I typically would find attractive (however, he was most def. not unattractive). I was already in love him because of his personality before I saw him in person. And when I did see him in person....the way he loved me and treated me and the chemistry made his appearance all the more attractive to me. I have cherished that encounter and know that a soul is dressed in flesh....and you dont get to pick out the clothes the soul has to wear in life. Some get the first dibs...the others get whats left at what seems the bottom of the bin. If this man will love you, cherish you, put your happiness before all others, makes you laugh, accepts you for who you are...then you hit the jackpot. But will do what you will. But you may regret it someday...
I always feel the moon sign is the true representation as to what is often described as textbook sun sign description.
I am a Leo moon...and
Yes, appearances are important to me, I like to look my best and put my best foot forward...but who doesnt?
Posted by Mishmorecookie
So I met an amazing Aries man who makes me laugh. The chemistry is insane and we can talk about anything and everything. He likes me a lot, treats me like a queen, gives me his time and energy, makes a lot of effort, and of course, I absolutely love the attention.
Now here's the thing. He's not a looker. Yes, I am a shallow biatch and if you want to, go ahead and judge me haha. Can't help who you are, hey?
I like him a lot but get so turned off every time he sends a photo of himself. Or when we hang out and he smiles, I immediately feel like we have no future. I'd like to know if any other Leo has gone through this before and if there's a way for me to move past this silly phase and allow myself to fall for him.