I don't feel the pain in my chest anymore, but I do still think about Cappy everyday. I'll be glad when the thoughts are gone. What has helped me is becoming friends with my Pisces ex, and sort of testing the dating scene again. Pisces messaged me on FB back in February and we've been in contact since, had a few lunch dates, and what not. I usually don't do the backward thing...in this case I know he'd jump at the chance to be back with me (maybe lol), but he just doesn't pull my heart strings. Crazy thing is I reflect on our relationship (about 10 years ago it ended), and I know now that I really never loved him. I had feelings for him and I loved how he took care of me (financially) but he was also a cheater. Side note: why do my exes try to make their way back, or stay in contact somehow? I'm trying to figure that out....Anyway, now I'm just passing time....ran into a Sag the other day that I know from around the way. He's been wanting to take me out for like 4 years, but I just wasn't feeling him all like that, but fuck it I'll gone head and give it a shot. Damn, does that sound harsh?
Get your fire back... you'll be Okay.
Give the Sag a chance, it'll be a Good Time.