HEALING this heart + boredom

This topic was created in the Leo forum by LeoLady822 on Friday, June 2, 2017 and has 5 replies.
I don't feel the pain in my chest anymore, but I do still think about Cappy everyday. I'll be glad when the thoughts are gone. What has helped me is becoming friends with my Pisces ex, and sort of testing the dating scene again. Pisces messaged me on FB back in February and we've been in contact since, had a few lunch dates, and what not. I usually don't do the backward thing...in this case I know he'd jump at the chance to be back with me (maybe lol), but he just doesn't pull my heart strings. Crazy thing is I reflect on our relationship (about 10 years ago it ended), and I know now that I really never loved him. I had feelings for him and I loved how he took care of me (financially) but he was also a cheater. Side note: why do my exes try to make their way back, or stay in contact somehow? I'm trying to figure that out....Anyway, now I'm just passing time....ran into a Sag the other day that I know from around the way. He's been wanting to take me out for like 4 years, but I just wasn't feeling him all like that, but fuck it I'll gone head and give it a shot. Damn, does that sound harsh?
Get your fire back... you'll be Okay.

Give the Sag a chance, it'll be a Good Time.
Posted by Freetobe007
If healing your heart is the goal then it's probably not a good idea to spend your time in situations that could hurt your heart. The dating scene could hurt your heart even more. It's not a reliable remedy. Also, I don't think it's fair to give a guy a chance now that you've ran out of other options. There is more to life than just dating and experiencing the intimate side of men.

Maybe you need to learn how to be satisfied being single and use this time to create a certain type of life. Consider what you enjoy outside of dating along with your duties and priorities then plan your daily schedules. Be strict and firm with yourself until you stop feeling the need to explore men as a healing mechanism. Physical fitness is always a great time filler because you can have fun and it's good for your body! Biking, hiking, sprinting, swimming, boxing, dancing, rock climbing, pole dancing classes, ect. Cross-training in aerial silk dancing/relying only on my body's strength, stamina, and endurance during an art form was therapeutic for me. Instead of inwardly holding in my pain, I was outwardly releasing it and it also involved a lot of color therapy and soul gripping music which is a remedy.
Man you're so right. I have a gym membership that I don't use now because I barely ever had time, but now that the semester has ended I'm gonna get back into it. I do like to be active, sports, biking, what have you. I actually need to go bike shopping. I do need to be more strict and plan out a daily regimen. It can be hard with a 2 year old, but I'll figure it out. I just kind of felt like maybe getting back out there to test the waters for a new friend (no sexual benefits) would help...like you said it's not the best outlet, and I certainly don't want to be hurting again. I do want to entertain the Sag, not necessarily because he's a last option, but because I never gave him a chance before. He seems alright enough but I definitely won't be diving in head first.
Posted by arose32
Get your fire back... you'll be Okay.

Give the Sag a chance, it'll be a Good Time.
Yessss! I'm just trying to get that fire back! Like Freetobe007 said, though, dating isn't necessarily the best way to go about mending a broken heart. I'll just be sure to NOT dive into anything. I think it's perfectly acceptable to have friends, though. NO BENEFITS!!! Lol
Take your time...