I have very strong feelings for this leo girl. We know each other from almost 5 years but have met only once back in my home country. Now we live in different continents. We used to talk almost everyday for hours and things were going good until I told her about my feelings. She said that she has feelings for me but since we live in different continents she wanna try and be just friends.she mentioned that its complicated and she's confused. And then she starts ignoring me. The daily talk for hours changed to once a month talk and even longer now. I really love her and now I miss her everyday.i a
Kinda obsessed with her in a good way. I feel like she is drifting away from me. Recently I text her in detail about how I feel and asked her directly if she wanna be more than friends, to which she replied that we can only be friends and nothing more. Why would she say that when she said earlier that she had feelings for me? It's just so frustrating. I put so much time and energy into this and she just seems to ignore me without even giving it a chance ? I have ignoring her since then and I think I will cut her off permanently. I just wanna know of this is typical leo behaviour ? Do their feelings change or are just confused about relationship? There is part of me which wants her back but another part which wants revenge by completely ignoring her. I am a scorpio sun with scorpio rising
, it that helps at all.
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
I can not speak for her, but she probably does care for you. It is hard being on two different continents. One thing about us Leo's when we feel an emotion, typically we feel this emotion strong. And when we care for someone, we want to give ourselves to them and want the best for them. Dimplez has a good point, she probably wants you to live your life and not be caught on something that is unattainable because of distance. I could see her pulling away if she does care for you because she is aware of what reality is and this is as much hard on her as it is you.
Why can't I accept her answer? It's because it makes me feel like an idiot . She added me on Facebook and started chatting and gradually it became a everyday thing. Do friends talk everyday for hours specially when they live in different continents and they have met only once? I changed my work hours and messed up my sleep only to talk to her and she was always aware of that. It was obviously mutual but now she is saying stuff as if I started all this and she don't feel the same way at all. When things got serious she just backed off and that's the reason I don't respect her answer. I Neva had a relationship in my life coz I don't like casual relationships. With her it was almost perfect. She agreed earlier that she is kinda addicted to me and she sees me as perfect partner. I Neva forced things on her. I told her about my feelings after 4 yrs of knowing her. I was always honest with her. I Neva asked her to get into a long distance relationship coz I am not confident about it either. I asked her if she want to date in future if we somehow get geographically get closer. She replied to it saying that how can she date a person whom she met only once. I just don't get it. Is this typical leo idiosyncrasy? This thing is draining me out emotionally. She is just stuck in my head. And I don't wanna take revenge on her it's just that thoughts of revenge pop in my head. I am ignoring her coz I want to make her realise how it feels to be ignored. You can call it revenge if u want.
I dunno about her place of birth or time. Her date of birth is 7/08/1992.
My details : 27/10/1989. 7:22. AM
She admits to having feelings for you but she also knows that it won't work with you two being on different continents, so she just wants to remain friends to prevent any heartbreak for both of you. She doesn't want to "promise" that she will date you if you are geographically closer because no one knows if that will happen, and she wants you to be able to live your life and move on. My guess is she has already told you several times that this will not progress any further but you refuse to accept it, so she decided to ignore you or distant herself from you. She does this because she wants you to move on, live your life, and be open to meeting someone who can actually be with you because she can't offer you that.
Yeah I reckon I will let it go. I don't think I can be friends with her anymore. I dunno how I got do much into her. I will have to cut her off completely. How would she respond to being ignored ? Will it piss her off or she be happy about it ?
Yeah you are right mate. Inevitably am a slave to my synapses lol. Am trying hard this time to let it go and I will.
As a Leo female, I don't think she's lying to you when she said that she has feelings for you too. However, long distance relationships rarely work and I think even more so with a Leo. Leo woman love a man to take charge, but we also love compliments and admiration and to be adored and loved. And while you may feel that way towards her and want to give all that to her, you guys are on different continents. Leos need it to be THERE to feel fulfilled and satisfied in the love. So ... basically, I don't think she's lying to you about her feelings, but she may already know from past experience that long distance doesn't work with her and she is just sparing the both of you any prolonged hurt or drama down the road.
If you two were in the same state or city, then she would probably give it a go, but you're not so ...
Also ... Leo woman do not like to be ignored by the men they love or like. However, since it seems like she has distanced herself from this already, ignoring her may not make as large of an impact as you think. I don't think Leo women mind an occasional, 'hey just thinking of you, beautiful', but if you lay it on too strong, from a distance and after she has already been distancing herself, it'll just become annoying to her.
Yes, also a tip for conversing with a leo is to do it message by message, never send consecutive messages unless its an emergency - it gets us thinking you're too much hard work.
I won't call it indecisive, 'cause I knew I liked them, but as far as I realized how much patience I was gonna have to spend on getting along with them as a couple, I decided I'd rather just be friend with them. And at that point, the harder they try to, the more annoyed I got...