Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Ok, so i've had this massive argument with the Leo and it was my fault really. I apoloogised enough..left him to it...then 3 days later I thought he may be ok again. Phoned him, he didn't answer, texted him a sincere apologetic message and he didn't respond. Later on in evening saw him on msn..(he talks to his sister who lives in vancouver on there) and sent him a message but he was very stand offish although he did I left it on a good note. Thought i'd be the bigger person. Here we are Sunday..We had this argument on Tuesday last week. I thought he would've sulked and gotten over it by now...It really wasn't anything major in my opinion..but obviously not. So thats me done now, no more apologising from my end..think I've done enough and I haven't killed anyone or had an affair, I am only human and made a mistake which I took full responsibility for.
So am thinking is this dude for real? can anyone hold a grudge for that long? Is leaving him to it a good idea? is he making me grovel now? This is the guy who wanted to marry me 2 weeks ago..I must've ruined his perfect little image he had of me in his head..I do respect him and I do think he is a lovely guy..
Sun: Leo
Moon: Cancer
Venus: Leo
rising: Cancer
Any thoughts please.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thanks LK..I swear, if he IS still sulking he is such a baby...He can come back whenever he wants but imagine being married to that..if thats the way he's gonna carry on after a minor dispute I should seriously question is relationship skills..I mean gawd sakes get over it already!
I do believe if its over he will tell me..he is extremely forthright..and to be honest, if we didn't have this argument on Tuesday I would've never known what he was really I am glad he told me and it bought it to my attention..but i've apologised, can't do anymore..Sorry is hard enough for me to say in the first place but I am an extremely fair person, if I am in the wrong, i will be the first to put up my hands!
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hi MM 
I'm assuming that the arguement is private and you want to keep it that way. So from what I've read, I think you have apologised enough now its time for the two of you to get together and talk things over face to face. If this guy was going to marry you two weeks ago, its important for the both of you to understand what the other is getting themselves into. After marriage, you will have disagreements, and if the outcome is anything like the this one, then problems will occur all over the place and you don't want that.
Its difficult because I don't know what the arguement was about, to see why this guy is so distraught. Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well ok..a while back he bought me a dvd and I hadn't a chance to meet him so last Sunday we agreed to meet for him to give me this Sunday we were both really excited and met, were having a good time..Now I had to keep checking my mobile phone cos my sister asked me to meet her in town afterwards, she didn't have her phone and said she'll call me from a phonebox when she was done shopping..(she doesn't live in London). I had to constantly check my phone..then I received a stupid text message from someone saying they knew somebody who fancies me and for me to get in touch..I showed it to him innocently..told him I don't recognise the number..didn't think anything of it and deleted it in front of him..
So had to cut the date short when my sister called and went off. 2 days passed and he hadn't called so I phoned him and he was really stand offish..when i eventually got through to him, he told me somebody tried to break into his house and he was shook up..I was annoyed he didn't call for 2 days and also the fact that he could've come to me for support..anyway he wasn't chatty so i left him to it...Then I texted him to say if he wanted this to go anywhere then he has to be bothered and i am sorry he was feeling scared as a result of this attempted break in but he should've called me to share that and I would've been supportive..blah blah
He phoned and flipped..said I was inconsiderate and rude and how would have I felt if he was on a date with me and he constantly checked his phone and to top it off show me a txt from someone who fancies me..and how can he trust me...So I accepted and apologised profusely and explained why i had to keep checking it..Then he said I don't think this will work out, I was going to talk to my mum about us etc but now I don't know, I feel I don't know you enough, you don't appreciate me or understand me. He told me to go and take some time out and learn to appreciate people blah blah..So we left it at that..
I admit I was at fault and I also explained the reason why. I apologised enough. I would never be so rude as to keep texting or phoning on a date, as I know how that feels..and there was no malicious intent in showing him the text..another stupid thing I did..I was just being honest. Anyway that was last tuesday..I phoned him on Friday, no reply..texted him a final sincere apologetic text, no response...instant messaged him on friday and he did talk but very stand offish..
Any reasonable person would've forgi
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Any reasonable person would've forgiven and moved on..but not him..he's obviously still sulking or just doesn't want to know which case be a man and tell me. Let me add that this guy is extremely logical, everything to him is a certainty (he's a mathematician) and I thought he was fair..I admitted my fault and I am not going to do anymore..
~Apologies for the length
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh dear...well only time can tell. I did really like him..and if he has broken it off then it would'v been nice to have been told rather than just disappear.
It was rude of me and I have never done it before. It would be a damn shame if he has..he was a good one.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah I would be exactly the same in the situation but I don't hear the phone go off cos the stupid ringtone is so quiet. Also my sis doesn't know London well and I didn't want her to get lost. Gawd..had I known it would cause this much aggro I would'v never have gone..Ah well..things happen for a reason...I could kick myself right now. Wonder if I should phone him to see how he is.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah you are right chocco..he did contact his best friend first..and he even told me..he said i contacted him cos he could actually physically be here with me and do something about it..
Gawd why was I so stupid...I really like this one
but yep think I should just leave him to it..if he does break up with me..then I will be sad but hey ho..thats life..I just don't want him to think I am ignoring him blah blah..he should know that I have tried now. I am sure he is not that horrible that he'd disappear altogether..I am sure he will tell me..he has said previously if any decision that involves me or him, he will simply keep me informed. Whether he uses his mother as a get out clause now is beyond me..but I dunno..I feel sad 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
No his mother gets here on the 30th..she's not here yet..I hope he does tell me if its over, without sounding completely heartless I need to know so I can close the chapter and move on.
The last time we talked was last Tuesday when we had the argument, he didn't leave it as if we were never going to speak again, he asked me to go and think about things and learn to appreciate him etc..then I tried to phone him on Friday, no answer, texted him, no answer..Saw him on MSN later that evening..So he was ignoring my attempts at contact on purpose. I got him on msn, he did speak but was very stand offish and still pissed by the sounds of things.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah I guess he's trying to hurt me back...said he's sick to death of always trying to please people and getting nothig back..I wasn't walking all over about dramatic..hope he does look bck at this incident and see how silly he is being..I do get his anger..but at the same time I am a human being, prone to making mistakes and learning from them..
To err is human, to forgive divine.
Anyways, he has a lot of stresses in his I will just let him get on with it..Nothing else I can do except wait and be...ahem...PATIENT!..always impatience that gets me into trouble..when will I ever learn that!
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well we shall see...I do think he's being slightly unfair with the prolonged silence treatment but at the same time I think he's thinking things through..If he's heading for marriage its a big commitment so I guess he wants to be sure as do I. If we do speak again, I will mention to him that its unacceptable behaviour and if he wants to continue then he has to grow up and confront problems..not sulk away for a year!!
But Cappy you are right, I am currently standing in the naughty corner..(sounds quite kinky actually)...and he will make me stew..
Thank you for your input..would be nice to hear from Proverb..I like his perspective.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Choc: "He will forgive but never forget." Yep I hear you on that one..I won't forget either..I remember my Leo mistake and he never let me live it down...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL @ outcast..What can I do...Wish it wasn't the case but its life..or just my choice of men! But one must keep ploughing on.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Cappy: "I think the break in is just an excuse"...well to be honest, thats what I thought initially as well..thats why I didn't really pay any attention to it..thought it was too far fetched..who knows..I am 50/50 on that one..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thanks Outcast...just pray that I settle down with someone real quick please..Sick to death of these dating rituals...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Glad someone doesSigned Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
He has said sorry previously when he was coming on too strong and I told him to calm the fuck down...I am scorpio but I wasn't anyway near as intense as he was in the beginning. I have my head screwed on..anything that starts fast, ends just as I don't believe bullshit and hype..I am a person of was he..but his lack of it at the moment is speaking volumes..Whatever, let him sulk..i've done my bit..
If he doesn't come back soon, then he's tarnished it..It won't be the same again..and no point doing something half heartedly..
Kris..Scorpio/leo make a great are just having a bad day..your choice of star sign favouritism flips more than I have hot dinners!
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2007Comments: 71 · Posts: 2672 · Topics: 56
"They come over with flowers and charm and nice words to make you come back. Not apologies but charm........SO a man has never apologized to you about nothing? i have received apologies from men when they know that they are wrong and they didn't have flowers in their hand. I rather the apology i can buy my own flowers."
oh very right on that one. it's much harder for a person to come forward and not only acknowledge and take blame, but to also apologize for a wrongdoing without blaming others or circumstances. lots of people just can't do it.
mm: your man's leo side will recognize this once he has had time to think about it.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hi CW, Tamara and Choc
MM, I have copied and pasted your situation. I will respond to it tomorrow but now I now the problem.
In the meantime, I hope you feel better
I know what its like. I just VERY recently decided to leave a guy alone that I thought was into me. I wish he was a full Leo, the fact that he has virgo in him makes things screwy. Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Actually MM,
I think we are alot alike in the relationship department
We should talk more 
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
just pray that I settle down with someone real quick please..Sick to death of these dating rituals...
I'm so tired of, you can't say this, don't do that, it will turn him off if you act like this and that. Holy crap, I'm just a person not a robot. Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Co-signing on this. I'm so tired to placating to the "fragile" egos of men. This is gonna sound like a Popeye quote, but I am what I am! I'm a low key, easygoing person who likes to have fun and roll with life. I don't like to play games; I tell the truth and I don't like s*#t to be sugar-coated. And, sometimes, I'm kinda' sexy (even though I'm too tall
). Why can't people just BE without all these blasted rules???!!!!
Sorry, just going on a mini tangent 
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
That's okay, I totally agree with you. I think both women and men are to blame for all this stupid stuff.
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Yep, you're right CS. Anytime I step up to the plate and play these stupid games, I'm just as guilty. Don't sleep though, I abhor playing games, BUT I am good at it (most of the time). LOL. Le sigh....maybe one day we'll all learn from this, but I'm not holding my breath!
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Hey Chocolate
yeh, I've read some of your posts, and I can tell that you do NOT mess around! That's a good thing, because nobody can ever say they didn't know where you were coming from or that you didn't tell em' exactly how it is or was! Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2007Comments: 71 · Posts: 2672 · Topics: 56
lol choco! it has been ages! how are you doing girl?
and hey sweetie! *waves back* nice to see you again 
?I cannot recall an incident where that's happened. I guess I'm not easily offended and I've been told I'm laid back so maybe I'm sending out the wrong messages.....I guess I need to get tougher to make men behave themselves?
cappy, maybe you already have them trained and they aren't misbehaving around you 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I was sorry for my outburst..but not anymore...his behaviour is bordering on unless he turns into the gorgeous prince of Denmark with absolutely everything going for him, he can go and kiss my royal ass!
Its going to be difficult coming back from this. Its almost as if my sorry was thrown back in my face...Absolutely no concern for my feelings parents did not raise me up as a fool and certainly not to marry some neanderthal..moron..He clearly has issues...Any reasonable man would either have ended it by now or simply accepted the apology. He is just a control freak and that shit don't work on me.
Over and out..plenty more where he came from.
Signed Up:
Jun 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 327 · Topics: 40
My aqua ex was like that, do something wrong and he wouldnt come off it for 2-3 days.
I just didnt deal with it.
If he ever tries to talk to you in the future, just ignore I'd say.
And yes, many other leos where he came from hehe.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh he'll be back..I am sure of it..but I will reeeeeeeally lay it all out there for him to pick up and digest...he has a lot of work to do...and I don't know if I can be bothered anymore...he's tarnished it...made a mountain out of a molehill..weirdo...I don't like damaged goods.
You said 2-3 days..this has been a week!...He's probably ended it but is too much of a wimp to tell me...
Signed Up:
Jun 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 327 · Topics: 40
That, or having cancer in his chart made him do that to have the upperhand.
And yep, he is a wimp, its a very easy way out.
He rather not talk to you to probably make it easier from himself.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
More than likely....don't give a rats arse anymore..I won't rest till I've given him a piece of my mind and made him feel like a piece of shit underneath my shoe that i've accidentally trod on...
There is just no need for such behaviour..And to think he's a grown man..I had the utmost respect for him at the beginning..was so straight forward, logical, reasonable and fair guy...Ha...No respect, he may as well disappear...Upperhand or not..If you want the upperhand, you work for it...disappearing doesn't do that..
Cancers and Scorpios compatible..haha..that has got to be the joke of the century..don't think I have ever gotten on with a Cancer guy.
Signed Up:
Jun 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 327 · Topics: 40
Hm, I dont know about that compatibility hah.
And I would feel the same, its not over till I say something haha.
I hope everything works out missmorals, but honestly, dont stress it too much.
One thing I've learned is that there is no use stressing something that isnt giving you results.
It can be easily replaced, especially when your dealing with a big baby.

Go out and have fun! Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh don't worry..I stopped stressing this morning..made a decision last night not to bother with him. I have neither the patience or the time to play games...He isn't worth it.

Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL @ anger issues...I was born with anger don't chase anyone..I have already gone waaaaay beyond what I usually do for any guy...He has his work really cut out for him...
His past relationships..he only had one..5 years ago that lasted 7 months..apparantly she was clingy and needed his time too much...Yeah always is the womans fault isn't know, its funny how its always the same excuse with the guy..she was too needy and clingy..well no mate, I only have your side of the story..she isn't here to defend herself..He has next to no relaionship experience..and it shows..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah..whatever you say Outcast..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I did think about phoning him and giving him abuse but what is the point. He's a born loser and I will not stoop to that level as to give him the satisfaction. He clearly has major issues that he needs to deal with...I haven't got the time or the energy to deal with rubbish...If he's not adding to my otherwise happy existence, he is of no use to me...
And Kris you are right, no Leo man behaves like this. Its defo the cancer in him...The rising sign is the chart he's defo more cancer..coward, selfish, manipulative and a fuckin wuss..
I was with a leo for 7 years remember..and i know if they have an issue they don't hide behind any stupid facade, they come out with it...whether its in the form of a tantrum, physical or verbal fight, you'll know about it..this one is a complete fuckin loser and if I should come across him again, I shall stick his non existant balls in a grinder, make mincemeat out of them and feed it to him...fuckin tosser...I am not done with him yet...he will pay for this...but in my own good time...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
He came online last night..msn..and can you believe didn't say a word...i was on there for an hour and half....I ignored him too....the guy has SERIOUS issues...fuck knows what his problem I've blocked him...He will be back...and i cannot wait to unleash the shit on him when he does..but until then he's not worth the trouble...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
And I have to add..Cancers are the most manipulative, controlling, coward, shit for brains sulkers in the entire zodiac...whoever said they are the perfect match for Scorpio needs their head tested...Fuckin wimps...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL..Don't worry peeps, you know me..don't stay in this frame of mind for long...It's all good..I am not the one with the problem...If he wants to play the silent game, I will double it for him...I just don't want anything to do with him anymore...I have been brought up to treat others with respect..
I am just saddened by the fact that the world is polluted with morons of that kind..who lack the basic qualities in mankind...
BS - his chinese zodiac is me...2 idea..he aint no fuckin dragon..dragons are extremely firey but also forthright and downright honest...He's got the negative qualities of all signs that he possesses...
I know a leo when I see bro is a leo and my sis is a leo..I have many friends who are leo and my ex was a leo..they wear their heart on their sleeve..and don't usually fuck around...but you get bad apples in every sign..
Choc...I just watched the Holiday...aww..good film..all my friends asked me to watch it cos they said Cameron Diaz's character in the film reminds them of me..(i.e unable to cry) just laughed my head off...that is soooooo me....
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah I am going to see Darknight as soon as I can get tickets for the imax..the 3D cinema experience...can't wait..going with my dear Aqua friend..He said he can only get tickets for the back row..I had to assure him that although he was dear to me, I wasn't prepared to sit at the back with him 
lol...he laughed...bless him..
Ok, must dash off to bed and dream about my future Leo hubby...wherever he is...I shall let the MM energy suck him in....COME TO MOMMA!!!!
Night all Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
MM it's funny that after reading this thread the only thing I felt the need to comment on was:
"i cannot wait to unleash the shit on him when he does..but until then he's not worth the trouble..."
Girl I felt your stinger, through cyberspace, and I can just imagine what you have in store for him. And I know that whatever you do he will remember it for the rest of his life.
I was walking in my bldg last night,and 2 of my male neighbors were in the hallway well I stopped to talk to the one that I knew and the other guy says to me, "You have pretty feet" so I say thank you and go upstairs to my apt. Well when my Gem man comes over last night I was about to tell him what the guy said because in my mind I just receieved a compliment and I just wanted to let him know, then I thought about you MM and I said hell no he don't need to know that and I never said anything.
So I know exactly how you feel, we look at things way different, where as we see it as being honest and up front, and casual talking with no meaning, other people see it way different. I have gotten in many of arguments just by being honest and upfront thinking that it was nothing but to the other person they look at it so different.
MM I know you are always going to continue being who you are and that's what makes you so special and unique. We are of a diffrent breed, and the one thing I use to tell men that I meet and still do sometimes that "To know me is to understand me" and to this day I still don't think they get it.
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Although I have only been dating my Gem for almost 8 months, a part of me want to say that is true, but I don't know for sure I believe when you are older the probablity is good, my gem is 48 and I am 46, we both have experienced the same things in our past lives, and we are somewhat similar, in alot of ways,
Don't advise a scropio dealing with a Gem until she is in control of her emotions, and has a lot of patients to go the distance with a Gem man.
I can say the good thing I like about my gem man is that because he is so intelligent, and I have a hard time expressing myself sometimes, I learned that I don't have to say to many words, because he can read between the lines very well and he knows what I am trying to say.
My Gem man can be very blunt with his words, at time but finally he has realized that I am very emotional and know he knows he has to watch what he says and how he says things to me. (His words)
"If you want the frank truth from the many scorpio girls i know i like them but something about them i hate . I don,t know what it is but they are always like "i am so special and you must be at my beck and call "
Those are young scropios. As far as not understanding's easy, just sit back and really listen, read between the lines and watch, and you will come to understand how we really are, because like I said before to know us is to understand us. You will never really know us no matter how many years you spend with us.
Yea I had to think twice about that, he has asked me once about another guy that lived in the building. He was like do you know him and I said yea he lives in the building, hell I have watched him come to my house some women approaced him and when he got up stairs, I was like do you know that lady, and he was like what, you was watching me. and I said yea I saw you when you pulled up and saw the women ask you something what did she say, and he told me. And we both laughed,
Maybe I'm one of the rare ones, but tell me. Are there two different types of dating sytles. If you have a boyfriend, do you expect him to focus on you and your desires, keep his late night talks with you share his intimate feelings with you? If they are shared with another female, even in "so called" friendship say allot would that torture your ego as not being #1 on the throne? doesn't that change the intimacy between the two of you if it's being shared with someone else, or do Leo men know how to split their time equally without supposedly the other feeling some sort of missing link? What if you live in separate homes, does he have the option to continue to see and speak to other females "friends" especially without your knowledge? Seemingly hiding it by keeping the ringer off 99% of the time? tell me that's not odd, whose feelings are protected, yours, mind, or ours?
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hey choco...yes I will go and see that film real soon...Can't believe Heath Ledger is in it and he died...aww..I loved him....waaaaaaaaaaaah.
Ok, update...remember that hot leo a I mentione a while back? Where the chemistr was just sooooooo intense..well he's been doing the chasing recently on facebook...oh man...he still makes me go weak at the knees...if only I could just get him to snog his face off!!!...daem!..Rarrrrrr..
Missy be puttin it down, Im the hottest round...

Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
lol...high fiiiiiiiive sexy tiiiiime (Borat's voice)
Ok, its getting late..need to go sleep big day wise sadly..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hey Proverbs
thanks for your insight..but he definitely wasn't worth me on that one...A Leo man is very sharp with his tongue when mad and so many awful things can be exchanged when arguing..but I do know that they do not hold their grudge for too long..once the heat has died down, they are willing to listen and then forget about it and things will just move on..when I say forget about it..they do remember for the rest of their lives..just like scorps but they move on from it..
This one was too canceresque...pathetic...I apologised enough and I wasn't prepared to do anymore..good riddance to bad rubbish is what I say....if he isn't man enough to accept a sincere apology, he wasn't worth my time. Too highly strung is the term that comes to mind..good luck to him. If that is truly his attitude then he will have issues finding anyone, unless he finds a complete doormat.
Anyways, that was sooooo last swear its leo season for me at the attention has been directed towards yet another leo...lets see what happens...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Although am a bit worried about his venus in not a fan of anything offence to sure there are nice erm trustworthy ::cough splutter:: geminis somewhere...
I have a liking for fixed signs..
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
hahaha, missmorals, i'm a leo with venus in gemini. and it's not all bad. 
actually, i think it's been a good thing. i like to keep things the "fresh" sense by doing new things, not in the sense of creating drama. it makes me mischievous, but in a playful way, not a manipulative way. and this may be tmi, but i happen to think it also makes a person very good at talkin' dirrty. if that's up your alley. 
the only negative thing i can attribute to the venus in gem is that i've been told it's very hard to know what i'm thinking. like how i really feel about someone. but i think that's only in the very early stages when i'm not really interested in anything more than fun. Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL!..Hhahha..wheelie you hit the nail on the head there..if probed, he is good at talkin dirty..but I don't like that kinda thing..although it did get hot and heavy one night...ever since that night he's been smitten..well over text anyway...we've both never told each other that we like each other but we know that we do...does that make sense?...
well its early days yet..he intense..disappeared..for a couple of months, then found me again and now back on the intense thing again..we've known each other off/on for about 4 months now..I gave him a bollocking (told him off, in case you were wondering it's something but he seems to like lets see where this don't trust him one bit at the moment..but at least his attention is on me for the time being..not like I am only talking to him or waiting for his phonecalls..but rarrrr..he's hotttttt!!!...god help us should we ever get together!!..
If you have venus in gemini and you are ok, then I am sure he is too! moon is offence but pisces men aren't exactly of the stable variety when it comes to emotions..jeez..i don't half pick em!
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hey Proverbs..I like you and your way of thinking. Ok, now that's out of the way..
"If you will give up on the Leo because of that first impression --- Who will teach him? Who will love him"...
It's too late for that one..the ship has sailed...I understand of the inconsistencies, I also understand about tantrums (I am a scorpio, it comes naturally) and most of all I understand arguments...HOWEVER, despite all this communication is the key to any successful relationship and if it is one sided, then someone is trying to tell you something...
Whilst I appreciate not everyone is perfect, and imperfections make one dear..I love one something to work at etc etc..however with this one..he can't come back from it. I simply do not want to know him anymore..don't care how special he decides to become..whatever his issue was, went waaaaaaaaay beyond my little mistake that I made by looking at my phone..there are underlying issues there..and I am not prepared to find out..Can't be arsed...
Looks like your girls taught you wordly lessons that I am sure you already knew, being a man of the world...