Horoscopes and predictions

This topic was created in the Leo forum by celticlioness on Monday, May 20, 2013 and has 4 replies.
Having myself a quiet morning this morning I decided to browse through monthly horoscopes to pass the time rather than wash the dog (who badly needs it), I came across a few which spoke of career changes etc and seemed on point but in particular Susan Millers. Very interesting to say the least - I may become a horoscope believer smile
Earlier this month I was approached by a business, that I had all of 5 seconds dealings with 15 years ago, who appeared to be offering me a job, so I pushed them to see what it is they wanted and indeed they were offering me a role - a dream role that I have always wanted to achieve, money is fantastic and the prospects even better! Here's what Susan Miller had to say about leo's month ahead in relation to career - coincidence or prophecy??? Your thoughts fellow Lions and how are your months going?
This path will lead you to a fantastic career development. Not only will the Sun and new moon eclipse be in you tenth house of fame, but Venus (popularity), Mercury (news), and Mars (energy) will be there, too. That's a lot of planets crowded in your sector of career status and reputation! I am so happy to report that Mars will be conjunct the Sun, giving you courage, determination, and drive. People will notice you with Mars in your "house of dignity"(as the ancients called that part of the chart), and they will pay attention to what you have to say. Venus in that house will make you a leader others will want to follow, and Mercury will give you the gift of articulate communication. This means May will be your biggest month of 2013 for career progress.
I feel you should pull out all the stops and go for the gold. Your resume seems impeccable, and the evidence of that is the position of Pluto, now in your sixth house of work projects, in ideal angle to Mars. That's huge! It seems the experience you've had in the past will now put you front and center for an exciting new title or for praise, applause, and lots of positive publicity in the days that follow May 9.
What happens now will affect you for a year or more, and will become a jewel in your crown. Keep in mind, I can tell you when to act (after May 9), and in which part of your life (in this case, your career), but without your involvement very little will happen. You must bring your energy to the table and make things happen! While it may be possible to assume you may get the offer of your dreams through a random phone call or email, it is less likely to happen that way. You'd be wise to cast a wide net to generate an array of offers when you have such stunning, sparkling stars for career progress. After you do that, you can choose among the best.
Watch what happens on May 17 when Mars will reach 20 degrees Taurus, the degree of the eclipse. That may be a big career day for you.
so of course now I must turn my attention to this part of the horoscope:
Remarkably, we have one more eclipse, May 25, a full moon lunar eclipse, in Sagittarius at 4 degrees. This eclipse will fall in your true love sector and may bring any number of different, often opposite, results. A lot will depend on what your recent experiences in love have been. On one hand, you may meet your one true love under this eclipse, or if you have already met that person but feel you have not been treated well by this person, you may leave. Lunar eclipses usually bring a sense of urgency to make a decision, so if you are dating, you will see your relationship change and move forward suddenly. If you are in love, you may be talking about a commitment in the future.
Taurman and I have been having "discussions" lately, his "I do" "I have" "I I I" outlook towards love and relationships and my "We do" "We have" "WE WE WE" mindset smile