How do you know leo likes you??

This topic was created in the Leo forum by MoonshineLeo on Saturday, July 14, 2018 and has 22 replies.
I knowwww i should know this one but again my male lions, how do you show you’re interested? Are you aloof or all into her?
Pretty aloof to be honest 🤷🏻‍♂️

Doesn’t work that well 😂
Posted by Azlann

Pretty aloof to be honest 🤷🏻‍♂️

Doesn’t work that well 😂

Anddd then what? Lol

I’ve been hanging out with my ex leo, i think he likes me again but I’m not sure 🙈🙈🙈 driving me bananas
Well I would say he does like you again

Based on almost no information 😅

I still liked my Leo ex after we broke up

But she cheated on me so I couldn’t go back 😔
Posted by Azlann

Well I would say he does like you again

Based on almost no information 😅

I still liked my Leo ex after we broke up

But she cheated on me so I couldn’t go back 😔

Haha becaus leos never fully let go huh? I know i don’t...

That sucks I’m sorry. If he had cheated on me or vice versa we would never talk again but we are two very loyal people

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
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Now what?? Hahaha

I’m trying not to be my clingy self but i want to be clingy so bad someone stop me lmao
Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
User Submitted Image

Now what?? Hahaha

I’m trying not to be my clingy self but i want to be clingy so bad someone stop me lmao

Just be clingy anyway. Lol. Don't fight it.
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Okieee lol

A little back story, we were high school sweethearts, broke up out of the blue but never let eachother fully go. The past year i was with a Capricorn so i told my leo i couldn’t talk to him anymore and he completely understood. In January of this year he was in a horrible car accident and when i got to the hospital he had a new gf. I was still with cap but still we had a connection. Things fell apart with my cap and his gf and we are both single again and been hanging out ahhhh idk what’s going on but he’s making me so happy
Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
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So would he just randomly kiss you just to kiss? Of course he likes you. Just to what degree? That’s the question!
Posted by Gemitati

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
So would he just randomly kiss you just to kiss? Of course he likes you. Just to what degree? That’s the question!
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You’re right and hats a veryyyy important question to me ahah
Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
User Submitted Image

Now what?? Hahaha

I’m trying not to be my clingy self but i want to be clingy so bad someone stop me lmao

Just be clingy anyway. Lol. Don't fight it.

Okieee lol

A little back story, we were high school sweethearts, broke up out of the blue but never let eachother fully go. The past year i was with a Capricorn so i told my leo i couldn’t talk to him anymore and he completely understood. In January of this year he was in a horrible car accident and when i got to the hospital he had a new gf. I was still with cap but still we had a connection. Things fell apart with my cap and his gf and we are both single again and been hanging out ahhhh idk what’s going on but he’s making me so happy
Awww. That's cute. Maybe you needed the break to be your own people because you met young but are meant to be together. Just needed to experience life separately for a bit. I really hope it works put for you. Sounds like the perfect love story 💘
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We shall see we shall see. He wa to hang out this weekend 🙈 ugh kill me now 😻😻😻
Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by Lioness888

He likes you if he's still around. Probably just needs to be sure you still like him too. Kiss and then you're all good 👍

We did kiss 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
User Submitted Image

Now what?? Hahaha

I’m trying not to be my clingy self but i want to be clingy so bad someone stop me lmao

Just be clingy anyway. Lol. Don't fight it.

Okieee lol

A little back story, we were high school sweethearts, broke up out of the blue but never let eachother fully go. The past year i was with a Capricorn so i told my leo i couldn’t talk to him anymore and he completely understood. In January of this year he was in a horrible car accident and when i got to the hospital he had a new gf. I was still with cap but still we had a connection. Things fell apart with my cap and his gf and we are both single again and been hanging out ahhhh idk what’s going on but he’s making me so happy
Awww. That's cute. Maybe you needed the break to be your own people because you met young but are meant to be together. Just needed to experience life separately for a bit. I really hope it works put for you. Sounds like the perfect love story 💘

We shall see we shall see. He wa to hang out this weekend 🙈 ugh kill me now 😻😻😻
Lol. You're cute. Just go with it and see where it leads. It sounds promising if he's made plans with you.
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I think so I’m gonna try to stay positive 😊
The cap just has me sooo fucking up mentally lol
Posted by RooSagicorn

Man Leo’s!!! Lol I swear they never give up. And yes it always seems to be when you’re not with someone, what about that one that got away? yeah of course he likes you or wouldn’t be around you & kiss you. Just let it evolvesmile

My ex Cap fucked me up too. I realize things I should understand i question due to how he treated me Sad good thing about Leo’s, they keep coming at you when they like you lol you know the Leo told me once, when a guy cares he will be willing to be your friend if that is all he is allowed until your ready for more 😳 ummmm yep that’s how he behaves. Right now friend 😉

Yea Leo’s never give up hahahah not when they like you atleast. I think it’s just hard for us to find someone we really connect with so when we do it’s like we hold on so tightly to it almost never letting it go.

The cap? He’s the one that got away? We had a falling out and just never talked again it’s been 4 months. I saw him at a restaurant two weeks ago and he made sure to sit right behind me where he could see me but i couldn’t see him. Typical. He still haven’t talked and I’m done waiting for him, i stuck around for over a year. They’re messed up in the head.

Dont be so cryptic. Give us the full story.

Dont be so cryptic. Give us the full story.
Posted by Parkourler

Dont be so cryptic. Give us the full story.

I will i will just getting ready for work right now
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by RooSagicorn

Man Leo’s!!! Lol I swear they never give up. And yes it always seems to be when you’re not with someone, what about that one that got away? yeah of course he likes you or wouldn’t be around you & kiss you. Just let it evolvesmile

My ex Cap fucked me up too. I realize things I should understand i question due to how he treated me Sad good thing about Leo’s, they keep coming at you when they like you lol you know the Leo told me once, when a guy cares he will be willing to be your friend if that is all he is allowed until your ready for more 😳 ummmm yep that’s how he behaves. Right now friend 😉

Yea Leo’s never give up hahahah not when they like you atleast. I think it’s just hard for us to find someone we really connect with so when we do it’s like we hold on so tightly to it almost never letting it go.

The cap? He’s the one that got away? We had a falling out and just never talked again it’s been 4 months. I saw him at a restaurant two weeks ago and he made sure to sit right behind me where he could see me but i couldn’t see him. Typical. He still haven’t talked and I’m done waiting for him, i stuck around for over a year. They’re messed up in the head.
The one that got away - I meant from a Leo’s perspective. Maybe your Leo thinks that about you? I know mine thinks that.. he calls me asking how I am - if I’m still with the boy toy 😂😂😂 and then says you sound so happy!!! I mean really? It’s been 3 years since I walked away but he still has hope. I don’t understand at all.

Caps suck!!! Lol like why can’t they communicate? Omg that would drive me insane. You can’t wait for them I think. They have to come for you when they’re ready. Even at that mine did twice and he still wasn’t really ready 🙄 I’m glad I haven’t seen my ex around town. Oh unless I was with the Libra, that would be okay lol.
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Oh no i don’t think of “the one who got away” lol for the most part my ex stays an ex and i don’t second guess it except for this leo but only because we’ve been through soooo much over the years.

I’m done with the cap, not going back, made up my mind. That’s like going back to hell lol and plus my leo is sweet, we both have Venus in cancer 😻
Posted by Parkourler

Dont be so cryptic. Give us the full story.

What else do you wanna know other than my back story?

He was dating a Pisces. He said she never went home lol it bothered him a lot and he wasn’t the same after his accident so they broke up.

Before all of this we were seeing eachother but then i started seeing a Capricorn a year ago and told the leo about it and he respected my wishes. Then on New Years of this year he got in a car accident and i decided to go see him. I didn’t think of it at the time but this incident caused a lot of drama with my capricorn. He did not want me to go see him or have any contact and so for the sake of my capricorn i stayed away from the leo. Now 8 months later things didn’t work out with my cap or his Pisces gf and we have been seeing eachother.

I guess that’s more of what happened.
If you don't know. Then he doesn't like you. It doesn't get more obvious than that. 🙄
Posted by neves

If you don't know. Then he doesn't like you. It doesn't get more obvious than that. 🙄

Oh okay lol
We'll hang around and be easy to access. If we are comfortable we will invite you out to do something together (or dropping hints if we're not sure about you). We will physically be open to having our space invaded by you (or we will invade your space a bit to show our intentions). We'll also keep talking to you, constantly.

Just remember if a Leo isn't interested at all, we won't stick around. We're either interested or we're not. Also remember that flirting doesn't mean that the Leo is in love or even taking everything seriously. Could all just be in good fun as well.