How do you know when a Leo is interested in you?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Aqua_Boy on Sunday, January 6, 2008 and has 36 replies.
Just wondering....supposedly my Leo friend is interested in me.
Do they sometimes stop tallking to you, just to see if you contact them first? And little games like that?
yeah leos can stop talking to you to see if you make the next move, they need to know your interested,but if im really interested in someone i chase them then i stop see what happens then
* 4.Leo's defence of protecting his/her heart is becoming weak need to recharge.
Can you explain this further proverbs? Thanks.
Wow proverbs. I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. In my case, I can easily believe the truth of that.
I wonder if Leos ever get overthemselves and do right by the unintention victims of their vunerability. smile
thanks proverbs. I need to think on this.
"It's not that complicated at all. Much time is wasted in NO and Maybe answer. What Leo wants Leo gets." then i guess i should consider myself taken LOL!!!!!!! Tongue
I am a Leo girl and If I want a man then I will chase him and let him know that I want him, once I have him I will love him and be very loyal.
Leos are very loving and warm people and would find it hard to disguise if you really cared and wanted someone... sometimes we are scared of getting hurt so may watch from a distance for a while but sooner or later our feelings will come out...
I myself think it's weird but I tend to ignore a person if I like him..
I myself think it's weird but I tend to ignore a person if I like him..
This could help to explain a lot. I'm a Gemini woman who is interested in a Leo man. Just when I think that he likes me, then he seems to start ignoring me. He's very shy and it has been difficult to strike up a conversation with him. So I was amazed the other day that we actually had a conversation that HE initiated. (we are co-workers) The whole time he was talking to me he was smiling. Maybe there is hope after all Winking
omg so wat about if they call or make contact at least once a day even if its to be idiotic and mean does that mean they like u?! sometimes he'll txt and when i txt back he wont answer this is all so entertaining
My understanding is that,
when a Leo loves you,
he will tell you well as,
if his interest in someone else
he will tell you that too.
I love that.
i never knew a leo that could hold back the love they feel. it's so obvious! we radiate it. even moreso when we can't verbalize it.
Yes we certainly do....there should be no guessing games as far as Leo goes. And loyalty? thats a curse isnt it?? LOL
Sometimes Leos are confusing because they fall in and out of love quickly. One minute they could like you the next they could like someone else. Leos always have at least 3-4 other friends that they are fully aware of the fact that these friends are interested in them. At times If things do not work out with the current flame, the Leo will break up with them and try to initiate something with one of those friends instead. Preferably the one that is "highest on the list". Another confusing aspect is that you MUST never show too much or not enough attention to a Leo. The tricky part about this is how much attention/affection is "just right". Leos are very responsive. If you show too much attention and they don't like it, you will know. They will not respond to your calls and if they get really annoyed they will treat you badly. If you are not showing enough attention they will do the same thing. The good thing is Leos will probably almost never break up with you unless they are in fear of you breaking up with them first. They are very loyal and willing to work through anything.
i forgot to mention that i will sometimes stop talking to them just so they can keep coming back for more. it's a give and take with me. i chase u, u chase me back. that is how i know there's any real interest.
I hate how leos don't like having TOO much attention Sad.
1) You *know* a Leo likes you if they try to IMPRESS you. The psychology is, "I need to be above the rest, prettier, and flashier than everyone else to be noticed". Trying to impress is our #1 strategy. Leos are dreamers with big dreams. We think on a grand scale. We HATE feeling like we're just another Joe in the crowd.
2) Tieing into #1, the more he/she dresses up, the more they like you. Leos don't just look good by accident.
3) Also, see if they will do the same thing for others. Yeah Leos can get a bad rap for playing the field. But if they are TRULY falling for a love interest, they will home in with laser-guided precision, leaving all other interests and flings aside to focus on them.

If you seriously do have feelings for a Leo, one of the best things you can do for them is make them feel special. They will return it ten-fold. REASSURE them that they are your #1 and they can take pride in that choice. LET THE KNOW THAT THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE SUPER-IMPRESSIVE ALL THE TIME - YOU WILL LOVE THEM ANYWAY!! Leos can be complex, but when it comes to matters of the heart, they are simple, loving creatures.
I find Leo's very forward ...not hard to tell when they are into you, especially when they are fist targeting you. It is nice because it is almost like no one else is in the room. I find this sign the most easy to read when it comes to attraction.
Ok I have a question, how can you tell if they just want sex vs genuinely likeing you?
Posted by Babykaykesiam
Ok I have a question, how can you tell if they just want sex vs genuinely likeing you?

Hmmm.. now that's a little more complicated. Leo's like to have sex and they are very good at being friends with benefits. Most Leo's that I know, myself inclusive, can have sex without the emotional attachment, however that is not to say that we don't love deeply and that we are incapable of connecting deeply on a sexual level.
So, do the two of you have good conversation and connect or spend a lot of time together? Or is your interaction mainly on a sexually flirtatious level? I would probably need a little more insight into your interaction with one another before I could say for sure.
Oh, one more thing. Usually if they genuinely like you they will be very warm and affectionate toward you. If they are only interested in sex, they will tend to be a bit more stand-offish but flirtatious in a fun and humorous manner. A Leo won't be publicly affectionate toward you in a loving way if they are not genuinely impressed by you and you don't live up to their "standards".
Hi Leo Lady this is a very new dating situation with me and Leo. Only a few dates. He is flirtatious and humoroous but always asks me to come to his place. He keeps saying he wants to kiss me.
Now is there a way to lead this away from friends with benefits or bootycall with a Leo. If I say no, he sulks. I asked him if he could give me advance notice,,, and he is now agreeing. But he wants to hang out at his place.
If he is indeed interested in sex, I have no problem, but I want to him to get to know me too.
He is always complementing me and telling e he finds me beautiful and admires my job etc..
I just want to steer this the right direction because I like him.
Any advice/ thanks
it is delicate
he has been the one chasng me... he says he is waiting for me.. he also keeps saying he wants to cook me dinner too. How do I encourage a balance between staying in vs going out. He always asks me to come over, so I am worried he just may want sex vs genuinely liking me?
He also has Venus in cancer so i guess thats where homebody comes in I guess?
If its a Leo woman you're chasing, from my observations regarding them...

The short of it: Don't be a pussy.
The long of it: From my experience, Leo women do like to see if their potential companion is strong. In your example, it may be a test to see if you're strong enough to come after her or to see if you cower from the task. Almost all the Leo women I've come to know completely realize and wear it as a badge of pride that they are a quite the handful, fiery, and a pain in the ass. This translates into them needing a partner that is strong enough to handle that and still be with them no matter the circumstance, even on the bad days, and do it with energy and a smile.
For me personally, the whole "handful" and "pain in the ass" part of them is extremely attractive. Perhaps that's why I find chemistry with them smile

Posted by Babykaykesiam
Hi Leo Lady this is a very new dating situation with me and Leo. Only a few dates. He is flirtatious and humoroous but always asks me to come to his place. He keeps saying he wants to kiss me.
Now is there a way to lead this away from friends with benefits or bootycall with a Leo. If I say no, he sulks. I asked him if he could give me advance notice,,, and he is now agreeing. But he wants to hang out at his place.
If he is indeed interested in sex, I have no problem, but I want to him to get to know me too.
He is always complementing me and telling e he finds me beautiful and admires my job etc..
I just want to steer this the right direction because I like him.
Any advice/ thanks
it is delicate
he has been the one chasng me... he says he is waiting for me.. he also keeps saying he wants to cook me dinner too. How do I encourage a balance between staying in vs going out. He always asks me to come over, so I am worried he just may want sex vs genuinely liking me?
He also has Venus in cancer so i guess thats where homebody comes in I guess?

Okay, thanks for the additional info. Leo's love the chase as long as we feel you are genuinely interested. If we sense you are only trying to toy with us, we will become bored of the game and find new prey. Short and simple.
My advice would be to continue to say NO to sex until you feel ready, but let him know that you are interested by showing him attention and complimenting him. Be honest with him about how you feel. If he really does like you he will respond and respect your wishes. Don't be afraid to let him sulk, he will get it over it. You should wait until you are ready. If you want to go to his place then go, just don't let things get out of hand if you are not ready. Any feelings of rejection he may experience, can be easily soothed by stroking the Lion's ego, meaning if you tell him NO and he sulks, reassure him that you genuinely want to get to know him as a person before you go there. He will respect you.
As for Venus in Cancer, I would think this may work to your advantage as Cancer is generally a very emotional sign and once they have sex they are normally hooked and easily hurt. His Leo sun may balance that out a bit though so as not to be over the top. The joke on the boards is once a Cancer has sex with you they will want to marry you! LOL!!
Posted by VirgoHero
If its a Leo woman you're chasing, from my observations regarding them...

The short of it: Don't be a pussy.
The long of it: From my experience, Leo women do like to see if their potential companion is strong. In your example, it may be a test to see if you're strong enough to come after her or to see if you cower from the task. Almost all the Leo women I've come to know completely realize and wear it as a badge of pride that they are a quite the handful, fiery, and a pain in the ass. This translates into them needing a partner that is strong enough to handle that and still be with them no matter the circumstance, even on the bad days, and do it with energy and a smile.
For me personally, the whole "handful" and "pain in the ass" part of them is extremely attractive. Perhaps that's why I find chemistry with them smile

VH knows his Leo Gals!!! LOL!!
BTW.... love the new profile pic!
GREAT ADVICE thanks! I will post it on my refrugerator!
You are the best Lasy Leo! MUAH!!!
"As for Venus in Cancer, I would think this may work to your advantage as Cancer is generally a very emotional sign and once they have sex they are normally hooked and easily hurt. His Leo sun may balance that out a bit though so as not to be over the top. The joke on the boards is once a Cancer has sex with you they will want to marry you! LOL!!"
Lady Leo That is very interesting and funny!
I love you girl for your cool insight!
Posted by LeoLadyLovesToBeLoved
Posted by Babykaykesiam
Hi Leo Lady this is a very new dating situation with me and Leo. Only a few dates. He is flirtatious and humoroous but always asks me to come to his place. He keeps saying he wants to kiss me.
Now is there a way to lead this away from friends with benefits or bootycall with a Leo. If I say no, he sulks. I asked him if he could give me advance notice,,, and he is now agreeing. But he wants to hang out at his place.
If he is indeed interested in sex, I have no problem, but I want to him to get to know me too.
He is always complementing me and telling e he finds me beautiful and admires my job etc..
I just want to steer this the right direction because I like him.
Any advice/ thanks
it is delicate
he has been the one chasng me... he says he is waiting for me.. he also keeps saying he wants to cook me dinner too. How do I encourage a balance between staying in vs going out. He always asks me to come over, so I am worried he just may want sex vs genuinely liking me?
He also has Venus in cancer so i guess thats where homebody comes in I guess?

Okay, thanks for the additional info. Leo's love the chase as long as we feel you are genuinely interested. If we sense you are only trying to toy with us, we will become bored of the game and find new prey. Short and simple.
My advice would be to continue to say NO to sex until you feel ready, but let him know that you are interested by showing him attention and complimenting him. Be honest with him about how you feel. If he really does like you he will respond and respect your wishes. Don't be afraid to let him sulk, he will get it over it. You should wait until you are ready. If you want to go to his place then go, just don't let things get out of hand if you are not ready. Any feelings of rejection he may experience, can be easily soothed by stroking the Lion's ego, meaning if you tell him NO and he sulks, reassure him that you genuinely want to get to know him as a person before you go there. He will respect you.
As for Venus in Cancer, I would think this may work to your advantage as Cancer is generally a very emotional sign and once they have sex they are normally hooked and easily hurt. His Leo sun may balance that out a bit though so as not to be over the top. The joke on the
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LadyLeo - You rock, hard! Muah! :::Kisses from me & Baby:::
Hi guys me and leo went on our date and it was amazing. We watched a movie he rented for me and made out. I took your advice lady leo and i told him I liked him but wanted to take it slow. I told him i want to know him more before we do more intimate stuff. I said that a lot od guys may get t early and then leave. He said "well I am the type of guy that once i start, i want it even more haha"//
Anyway he said lets see a movie 2 days later, but i cancelled that day bc I was sick with monthly cramps (i get it really bad first day). He checked up on me the next day. The next day later there were so many flirty messages from girls on his myspace. One hot friend of mine emailed him a complement, and he private messaged her tht "i am going to cook dinner for my friend babykaykesiam" !!!
He doesnt know we are close friends, she is just on my list.
So why did he write her that and why did he say I was his "friend"... does he not want more with me?
Posted by LibrasRule36!
LadyLeo - You rock, hard! Muah! :::Kisses from me & Baby:::

Aw!!! Im blushing!!!! I love you guys!!! Kisses right back at you!
Posted by Babykaykesiam
Hi guys me and leo went on our date and it was amazing. We watched a movie he rented for me and made out. I took your advice lady leo and i told him I liked him but wanted to take it slow. I told him i want to know him more before we do more intimate stuff. I said that a lot od guys may get t early and then leave. He said "well I am the type of guy that once i start, i want it even more haha"//
Anyway he said lets see a movie 2 days later, but i cancelled that day bc I was sick with monthly cramps (i get it really bad first day). He checked up on me the next day. The next day later there were so many flirty messages from girls on his myspace. One hot friend of mine emailed him a complement, and he private messaged her tht "i am going to cook dinner for my friend babykaykesiam" !!!
He doesnt know we are close friends, she is just on my list.
So why did he write her that and why did he say I was his "friend"... does he not want more with me?

Yay!! Im so glad to hear you had a great date! Im glad my advice was well received as well. I think by you telling him you wanted to take it slow was the right thing to do. He is probably now seeing you as a bit more of a challenge (which is good for a Leo) and he will most likely have more respect for you as well. He's not lying about starting and wanting more. The Leo libido is quite insatiable!
I think its a good sign that he checked up on you, especially after you cancelled on the next date. He very well could've taken it that you werent interested, so that's positive. Also, regarding the message and your question about "friends" he is not going to call you any more than that at this stage. For one, a Leo isnt gonna stake a claim on you or call you a companion if they aren't sure where the two of you stand. You've only gone out on one date so its too early to determine yet. Him telling her that he was cooking for you is a good thing. I would see that as very positive. He is obviously not hiding it. As for the all the flirty messages from the girls... he is a Leo honey.... get used to it! They flirt and love attention, but it doesnt mean anything more than that most times. We are attention whr0se! Cant help it! But, once in a committed relationship we are very loyal!
Keep us posted and good luck!!!
Yay Leo lady and I love you!
Thank you thank you!
Leos are KOOL!
I will definitely keep you posted. I am so glad you are her smile
I am so glad you are HERE smile
Posted by Babykaykesiam
I am so glad you are HERE smile

Thanks!! *blushing* smile