How to reawaken Leo women's interest?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by karki on Monday, September 10, 2012 and has 29 replies.
I am a Sagittarius in love. I met this Leo girl back in April, we kicked off immediately. We used to have a loads of fun. She was exactly the girl I wanted. So, one day I tell her I LOVE HER, she tells me SHE NEEDS TIME. She had a very bad relationship in the past and she is scared of commitment. Also I was going study Australia in a month back then. But I planned to stay 6 months more. It was supposed to be awesome times now, but the things have not been the same. When we meet, we enjoy time with each other. But past 45 days, she looks disinterested. She is completely honest with me, does not give a butter to any other guys. But we hardly meet, talk in a phone once in a blue moon and she rarely replies my text. Either she is busy at work, sleeping or she is sick. Still then she calls me her special friend. She has recently developed hatred towards MEN. I don't understand what to do? Why are the things not the same as in the past? Once she told me, even if she is in love with me, I will never know.
So, just two days back, I tired to meet her and tell her everything I feel. But the same old story, she got stuck at work. I get pissed off and send a confronting message and everything I wanted to tell her. She calls me the next day, I tell her I am busy. Now today is the 3rd day, what should I do? Call her? Wait for her to call? Fight for my love or JUST MOVE ON?
Posted by Jynja
Dearest Karki, it seems your Leo woman is not crazy about you - she's not in love with you. You were relegated to the friend zone from the very start and now that you're in love, you've "messed" things up. Don't get me wrong, she still likes you as a friend, but you're not her lover.
Avoiding you is the only way she can hope not to hurt you. Well, not too badly.
Now, what to do is entirely up to you. A Leo woman will only respond to higher authority than hers. You see how she commands respect? Yeah, her subjects bow to her, but her lover (future king) can hold his own and be a "man." She needs a firm (note: not abusive) hand and a knowledgeable partner. If you can rise to fit that need, she'll be kitten to you.
Otherwise, you could accept friendship and hope for better days. If that's too much of a difficulty, walking would likely do you both good, too.

This is absolutely spot on!
Posted by seraph
. . . to twist in the wind with your emotions, without any clear plan.
So, pull back, work on yourself, and revisit the idea of a relationship (by starting over) a few months from now. But do your best to approach it with more balance than you're thinking about the situation now.

thank u for the answers. but ignoring her, won't it make her angry? i guess leo are annoyed when ignored, isn't it? She says "I and my cousin are only her two friends". what should i do in this case if she needs a friend?
Ignoring her will make her notice you, she'll wonder why you haven't been in touch, what you are doing etc.
If she needs a friend she'll reach out, if friends is what you want then fine (she'll be off again once you've "fixed" her).....but if you want more than friends you need to stop coming across as so needy, she'll eat you alive. smile
Posted by sadlioness
Ignoring her will make her notice you, she'll wonder why you haven't been in touch, what you are doing etc.
If she needs a friend she'll reach out, if friends is what you want then fine (she'll be off again once you've "fixed" her).....but if you want more than friends you need to stop coming across as so needy, she'll eat you alive. smile

i did a great mistake expressing myself too early, for that i feel like an idiot. Before I had only two months, as I was going to Australia, so expressing myself was necessary back then. And even before that she did described her ideal man, which was exactly me. When i was going in July, she wanted me to stay for 6 more months. I did everything thing right, showered her with the gifts she likes, I used to sing her to sleep, even sketched her image, pampered her, never took her to cheap restaurants and always gave her the best time. And yes, I m a very confident, smart and good looking guy (i guess so). Never had a rejection by a girl before. But this one is different, she makes this arrogant guy very soft. And I know I have messed things up telling her I LOVED HER early and I want to fix it, but i don't know how. The reason, i have a posted in this forum. I don't want to be just a friend. Sad
Stop being so accommodating towards her then. Seriously, we need a challenge to feel like we've "won" someone, if it's all too easy we find it difficult to properly respect you as a man, and we NEED a man.
Calm your passion, play it cool and be less available and more aloof. It's the only way to alter her perception of you.
Posted by sadlioness
Stop being so accommodating towards her then. Seriously, we need a challenge to feel like we've "won" someone, if it's all too easy we find it difficult to properly respect you as a man, and we NEED a man.
Calm your passion, play it cool and be less available and more aloof. It's the only way to alter her perception of you.

absolutely spot on. She used to tell me that its not possible that i can be such a good guy. I must be faking something. There must be something wrong with me. But all this time, it was real me. We Sagittarius are quite straight forward, honest and sincere. Being a best friend to the one we love is in our nature.
Yes but you gave it to her too easily, which is strange because you sags are usually a nightmare to pin down to commitment. But you see, this is what makes you appealing, the chase and the work we do to win you. You haven't made her work for it, so she won't view you as a serious options for anything more than friends.
This sounds awful I don't mean it to offend, but she probably views you as weak and needy. You need to change that view before you can turn the situation around....and that is to make her chase you! Otherwise she'll emotionally use you without even realising, it's a not so nice trait we have sometimes.
But I will stay away from her I guess. This will make me feel better and easier to move on. If she feels for me, she won't let this friendship end that easy or If she gets annoyed and doesn't care, we cannot force someone to love right? I will have to find love somewhere else. Thank u very much guys, I will keep u updated. If there is any improvements.
Just play the game, the advice people have given you is sound.
Let us know how it goes and good luck! smile
one last question, if she does realize she is losing a friend? how much time it might take a her?
* how much time it might take her?
I'd say if you don't have her chasing you within a month to give up and move on.
this will be my last shot... no point in clinging on to things expecting a miracle... smile
I was born in December 8, 1988. Her birth date is August 20, 1990
I just went through my birth certificate. I was born in 19:27 pm. Place: Raxaul, a sub-divisional town in the East Champaran district of the Indian state of Bihar, where my father was working back then. The funny thing is I have never been there. I don't know abt Lioness. For that I need to ask her, but i guess I can't do that.
12/08/1988 12:00 Julian day 2447504.00
Adjust 0.00 ST 17.10 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00
08/20/1990 15:33 Julian day 2448124.15
Adjust 0.00 ST 13.28 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00
12/08/1988 Aspect 08/20/1990 Orb/Value
Mercury Square Mercury 1.54 -182
Venus Sextile Saturn 1.05 64
Venus Conjunction Pluto 3.19 76
Mars Trine Venus 1.08 92
Mars Square Neptune 2.45 -62
Jupiter Square Sun 1.39 -166
Jupiter Conjunction Mars 4.44 77
Jupiter Sextile Jupiter 1.29 50
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 3.01 75
Uranus Trine Sun 2.59 67
Neptune Conjunction Uranus 3.13 64
Neptune Conjunction Neptune 3.02 62
Pluto Sextile Neptune 1.44 29
Pluto Conjunction Pluto 1.20 69
725 -410 315
Posted by Jynja
Well, the chart is usually on top. While the drawing is at the end of the page. Copy and paste what's in the table at the beginning of the report.

they did not ask for birth time and place for the compatibility... but here is my natal chart for which they did ask those.
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Sagittarius 16.43 Ascendant Cancer 21.36
Moon Sagittarius 8.43 II Leo 14.49
Mercury Sagittarius 20.42 III Virgo 11.25
Venus Scorpio 18.36 IV Libra 12.39
Mars Aries 9.24 V Scorpio 17.02
Jupiter Taurus 28.59 R VI Sagittarius 20.41
Saturn Capricorn 2.51 VII Capricorn 21.36
Uranus Capricorn 0.21 VIII Aquarius 14.49
Neptune Capricorn 9.04 IX Pisces 11.25
Pluto Scorpio 13.50 Midheaven Aries 12.39
Lilith Virgo 23.11 XI Taurus 17.02
Asc node Pisces 8.35 XII Gemini 20.41

The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.

Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value
Sun Conjunction Moon 8.00 152
Sun Conjunction Mercury 3.60 303
Sun Trine Mars 7.19 20
Sun Trine Midheaven 4.04 49
Moon Trine Mars 0.41 206
Moon Trine Midheaven 3.57 46
Mercury Conjunction Uranus 9.39 11
Venus Conjunction Pluto 4.45 176
Venus Trine Ascendant 2.60 31
Mars Square Neptune 0.20 -113
Mars Conjunction Midheaven 3.16 243
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 2.30 315
Saturn Conjunction Neptune 6.13 136
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 8.43 26
Neptune Square Midheaven 3.35 -8
Pluto Trine Ascendant 7.45 0
1714 -121 1593

Asteroids & Chiron
The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart.
Chiron Cancer 6.14 R
Ceres Pisces 20.35
Pallas Aquarius 13.02
Juno Virgo 9.43
Vesta Scorpio 16.49
Fortune Aries 0.00
South node Aries 0.00
Natal Chart Report
sure smile
Posted by Jynja
This is not a bad thing at all, and it was a good call to ignore her for a while. But don't leave her on her own for a month! Make plans with your cousin to invite her to the restaurant next week. If your cousin is close to her, let him/her ask her out and then seemingly factor you in at the last moment.

awesome analysis. but she called me the next day, not after 3 days. i stayed in hostel my school and college life. so i am bad at relatives. and the funny thing is, i actually dated my cousin for a week in college, until i found the reality(not a close relative though). she had a huge crush on me because i was the most popular guy in college. and any other idea than my cousin?
sadly she is online right now... DAMN!!! why is it so hard to ignore? Sad
sadly, she is the only friend... i guess i have to invite myself... sorry, but you guys are too awesome, i am loving your every advice and suggestions.. so little excited... that's all...
You can't, when we are done we are done, main reason being it takes so long for us to get done that by that time there is no going back, I believe we will stay in relationships, that we have made a committment to, for a long time in order to exercise our loyalty, but once its worn out that's it, the time to keep your leo is when we are still prepared to work at it, not when you finally are (not personal to you OP)
Day 4 still no response, no phone call, no text... same old story... should i be worried? or is she talking this normally so far like recent past weeks? i thought i confronted her and ignored her call the next day?
ignored in a sense, told her i m busy
OK. guys. i finally made my decision... i won't call her, meet her or do anything else(Sorry Jynja)... i did a lot for her, and got nth in back... whatever i did was my decision... if she wants to call she will, if she finds me important, she will call... no point in doing and expecting things to happen... hope is a nasty bitch... everything was fine before, but not now... if she was disinterested after i expressed myself i would had admitted my mistake... she was even meeting me and having fun back then... that was my idea of giving her time... all these problems started just 45 days back.. if she wants to back out, fine... i am not somebody's user tool, so they can take benefits and ignore... now even if she calls, i have not going to do anything, unless she earns it... she should have a sensible reason why she reacted this way... had she not known i loved her, it was a different story... no more ignoring a month or a week... i should be pissed off at her for doing this to me, not be hopeful... DAMN!!! I FEEL THE POWER AGAIN...
she should accept me for who i am... why should i play games now... i already did my part, if she feels it... its her turn now..
haha.... right... i m a charm-master... i will find a better girl like i have always done... this girl is making me weak, we should emulate weakness... i could not sleep last night... i want to feel strong, sleep sound... thank you everyone... smile