Hi everyone, I'm an aquarius and I really need some help with this leo guy:
I met this guy a few weeks ago who I know is a leo but I don't know his exact birthday, I just heard him mention it. We work for the same organization, just in different buildings and I occasionally go to his location. One day, I was sitting working and he came over to me and we chatted a bit about what I was doing. He was smiling the whole time, like he was nervous or something but he ended up asking for my number, very discreetly. That same night, he texted me becuase I left without saying goodbye and we kind of flirted, so I told him he was cute. He said he thought I was too, that's why he wanted my number.
Now, he doesn't seem too interested, I have to always initiate conversation. Sometimes he won't reply for like 2 hours, and if I text again, he responds in a minute or so; it's like he's sitting around waiting. He even suggested we go out sometime and when I tried to see when he was available or wanted to go out that night, no response, a few hours later he says he was just at home with no plans.
I told him, after not speaking to him for a few days except about work, that we should spend some time together to talk and everything and that he better not to play hard to get, he said he "wasn't hard to get" but he "may be too open minded for me". After explaining what he meant (he's really liberal and likes to be adventurous, etc.), I laughed it off because he seems really cool and someone I'd like.
Now, if he was interested, why would he say something so silly, like an excuse I wouldn't like him? I wanted to talk some more but in the past, he doesn't respond like he's busy or something and I don't want to keep bugging him (even though he said I'm not). I try to wait a few days and then I text him and ask how his day is going and he responds but he never asks me first or tries to talk to me. What should I do? Leave him alone and see what happens or keep pressing him? Any advice would be useful, I really don't have any interest in playing games with someone who already knows I want to get to know him better. Is he rejecting me or what? I do not take lightly to being ignored or jerked around and in a way, I feel like he is trying to give me hints that he's not that interested.
Huntress, thank you for your response, but...really? "cat and mouse"? I don't want to play games with a grown man. He asked me for my number first, I would think he would use it sometime. I did read the article you linked to, it's very interesting, but I fear that if I don't speak to him, he won't speak to me. Maybe you're right though. I'm thinking don't text or email him for at least a week. If I have to go to his building for work, should I ignore him? And by ignore I mean, don't say hello, wave, smile, or even speak if he speaks to me. I'm irritated that I should have to wait around for him to notice me.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3039 · Topics: 111
if you see him at your workplace, don't ignore him. say 'hi' and give him a beaming smile and walk right on like he's like anyone else and nothing special. get HIM confused and then do nothing.
i keep bumping into a certain leo nemesis of mine. last sunday, it was at the local english supermarket. i saw him first but he didn't see me so i put my head down and walked back up my aisle away from him. he popped up at the other end and said hi and we did the 2 kiss greet awkwardly and then i walked on. that continued for about 15 minutes with him aisle lurking and trying to instigate a chat and me giving one word answers and walking on. then we got to the checkout and he was bloody well behind me!!! ffs i was TRYING to be cool and aloof???
so i was trapped and had to engage in conversation. i limited eye contact to intense bursts. thank god he didn't mention that i only had 2 items after all that time being engrossed in the store - he totally made me forget what i went in for. i paid and then he leaned in for a two cheek kiss but this time it was slow and sexaaaay and he smelt soooo good i wanted to faint.
but instead i just said 'see you around' like nothing special had happened LOL.
it does seem silly to play cat and mouse games but tbh it's self-preservation when it comes to a leo man cos you really don't want to give it all over....EVER. they think they need someone to stroke their egos the whole time but they also find that boring. they need to be challenged and they need a strong, confident woman. if you openly fall at their feet they'll walk all over you.....any man would...so it's best to always retain your little inner sanctum of independence.
Huntress that is a great article....