I dated a Leo for around 9 months and we were very in love, we spent all our spare time together. He showered me with gifts and we always went on dates. We basically went everywhere together, we were inseparable. But we did start to bicker a lot especially when we went to parties. Anyway eventually we had a really big fight he was really jealous of boys that I had done stuff with in the past even though I was no longer in contact with them he was still really hung up on them and I ended it with him. I'm not a very confrontational person so it was very hard for me to end things with him, when I did he said 'no' and he kind of acted like we had not even broke up and we still hung out anyway finally i spoke up and made sure he knew that we weren't together. He then tried everything to get me back he would come into my work, etc so I decided to be JUST friends with him, but first we had to have no contact for a week just to sort our selves out it was hard and I don't think we lasted the entire week anyway the friends thing was really nice but then a guy started to message me and he saw and got really mad at me called me every name under the sun and then stormed out of my house, we had made plans to go to this fair the next day so I still went with my mates and he went as well but he brought a girl and I couldn't but think that was suppose to be me and him :/ anyway that day/night was horrible the girl rang us and was really rude she then stole his phone and deleted all our pictures together as well as was texting me pretending to be him (I could tell it wasn't, because he didn't text like that) anyway I ended up meeting him at night and kissing him (I was very drunk) after that I tried to get him back but he was so cold and mean and one day he would say we could work it out and then he'd change his mind and not want anything to do with me. so I gave him space anyway a few weeks later I meant this really nice boy at a party and we started talking. Me and my ex were still in contact but it was on and off so I start seeing this new boy and then one day out of the blue my ex rings me and asks me all about him it was super weird since we had hardly talked in ages and I did miss him. Me and my ex started hanging out again and we were hooking up anyway as time passed me and this new boy were getting more serious so i cut things off with my ex it's been about a year since we've seen each other (all my friends have run into him somewhere except for me) we haven't really talked to except for me reching out both times I was drunk and called him but we hardly talked. Until recently I called him but I was really drunk and he said if I'm really serious about this to ring him tomorrow when I'm sober but the next day I woke up vomoiting I was the most hung over I've ever been so I sent him a message saying could I ring him tomorrow? At first he agreed but then around 7 at night he said 'I don't think you should call me tomorrow' I ignored it and rang him the next day we didn't talk for that long before he didn't want to hear it and hung up so I sent him a nice message just saying I'd like to be friends or at least ambicable, he blocked me on everything and that was that a few days later I noticed he'd been watching my Instagram stories and he'd unblocked me on everything so I sent him a '?' And he sent one back but I never opened it and well now here I am... do you think he will ever want to be friends again with me? Or is it over?? I'm hoping it's not because we were once best fiends and it's sad to think that two people who were so in love now want nothing to do with each other. (I'm a Taurus)
Signed Up:
Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Sounds like you two are young and have a lot maturing to do. I also agree with everything that's been said thus far. Sounds like the bridge is definitely burned.
As far as I can tell this Leo was too immature for a relationship. Why would you want to be with someone who was extremely jealous for no reason at all? Even if you were bringing up your past flings unnecessarily, he should have been strong enough to tell you to stop OR leave you. Getting mad/jealous about a person's past is just stupid and dramatic.
It was good that you ended the relationship when it went too far. He didn't want to take no for an answer, so that's on him really. You should have let him go permanently though. He already proved that he was an extremely jealous and insecure person. So of course he conjured up some other woman who was just as crazy and jealous as he was. Of course he got jealous of the other guys you started to talk to as well.
You basically let him run around you like a crazy person though and didn't really put up your boundaries. I think the back and forth act annoyed him and made him lose respect for you. Leos respect strength and you did not have a clear idea of what you wanted. You kept pushing him away and then going back to him. Talking to another guy, while you were hooking up with him made you look indecisive and weak. Leos can also be judgmental and he probably decided he could do better than you. Since he blocked you, it's unlikely you'll get him back as a friend any time soon.
The unfortunate thing is, HE's the one who should have been left in the cold. Next time when someone acts crazy and you decide to leave them, stick to your guns. Don't flip flop.
Signed Up:
Feb 21, 2015Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
Once the inoccence is lost in the relationship it's hard for a Leo to stay or come back.
I'm not sure if you were trying to make him jealous at those parties or how else would he know about your past like that? But making a Leo jealous will only backfire on you. We will be hurt and our pride will go up and it's hard for us to want to be with you again. Especially if you put us through too much.
This relationship sounds toxic and going back and forth like this isn't really Leo style , we like to be in long healthy relationships. I think this one is done and there's no going back. There's too much damage why would you even want to go back? (that's what goes on in a Leo's head).
It depends on how bad you hurt your Leo honestly ... Us Leo's have a lot of pride. If you did us wrong for no reason at all and you are the one to break things off at that... ITS GOING TO BE DRAMA!! No doubt about it! One way or another. If you try to go back when it's too late & your Leo male has already moved on with someone else and genuinely likes that person your Leo male may become bitter towards you. In the long run though if you haven't done much .. Leo's usually do forgive but once you've pushed them to the point & you've hurt them on a whole different level it's over. Once they are done with you - they are done with you for good. They will take you through hell & back then still be done with you.
Oh yeah and another word of advice for you .. Leo's hate being ignored .. it will drive them crazy. Say how you feel , be open.. don't hold anything back about how you feel. get it all off your chest & if nothing changes .. then let it be . Do not contact him . Don't hang out with any of his friends or surround yourself around any of the people that you know he hangs out with...
Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 263 · Topics: 25
You have been given some really good advice here, which to be honest I would only repeat.
The only thing I would add is that with a Leo when we are hurt and our pride is wounded, we are driven by negative emotion. When that takes over we can be seen to be pushy and aggressive.
Leo Taurus pairings generally have a bad reputation and can be seen as troublesome.
I do have one question for you though, what are your reasons for wanting him back. He sounds emotionally immature, insecure and jealous. These are all negative traits.
I dated a Taurus a long time ago and when things were good they were really good, but when they got bad, things escalated very very quickly and not in a good way. So don't look at the things about him that are good when you 2 are good, look at the things about him that are bad when you 2 are bad. You will be surprised at the answers you can find.
He will be thinking like "something was happened when i'm not around, you've been with somebody else"
Never give him mixed signal anyway, if you want to leave just do it, he will forgive but also forgetting you.
Know that he will be missing you somehow, but his pride might not able to accept or let you know.
Never talk to his close friends bc it may considered as invasion to his territory and you may wake him up.
Just leave him be,
Signed Up:
Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
You should let it go for now and stop thinking about him in whatever capacity. If you want to be friends with him, it isn't going to work until you're both completely over the other. That could take weeks, months, or years. You don't want to go rushing into a friendship right now when he'll probably still act jealous and moody. You also might be tempted to get back together with him if friendship happens soon.
Whenever I ended my first relationship, I was tempted to go back too. And then I became the one who was clinging onto the idea of getting back together while he was already moving on. Looking back on it now, I'm a totally different person than I was back then. It's been about 6 years now and a friendship probably wouldn't have worked until AT LEAST two years after the break up. It may take a while so focus on other things.