what does this mean????????
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
Your sun and moon are polar opp. which means that at times there is bound to be a conflict. Do you find this to be true?
like waht tho u have to give me an example..
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
ill, I have Leo sun and Aqua moon too. I think there are a couple of Leos with this combo. I do not see it as being conflicting. I think having Aquarius in our chart provides exactly what Leo would be lacking. BUT, there are interpretations that would disagree with me. I guess it's all about perspective lol Anyhow, I found this on astro.com....
Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius
You were born with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius. This immediately shows a basic conflict between your individuality and your personality. Outwardly you are attracted to the uncommon and unorthodox. Internally you resent this irrational inclination for the unconventional because you are rather dignified and proud. The Sun in Leo gives you a commanding, powerful, and generous disposition, which is not in agreement with your personality. Your personality comes under the rulership of the Moon in Aquarius. You are seen by others as a freedom-loving, independent, radical person. However, your personality is limited, in that you often stress your own ideas to the exclusion of everything else. Your demands for absolute freedom and privacy are very insistent. Your life goals will be completely out of the ordinary. You will conduct studies of an unusual nature, very frequently going to the very old or the very new. The key to a better integration of your being lies in harmonizing the strong passionate nature of Leo with your thirst for the unusual, lent by Aquarius. In this harmony lies the secret of total spiritual evolution.
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
the conflict I am talking about is:
for example if a leo were to resolve an issue of difference of opinions she would do it by standing her ground and not budging on the issue. Basically this fire sign is up front and direct
an aquarius is into playing more mind games because it is an air sign. It will manipulate the situation till it gets what it wants
that is the difference
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
sun, yes differences in techniques. Both stubborn. The conflict, lies in the stubborness between fixed polarity. You mentioned this.
It could be beneficial as well. If being upfront and direct doesn't work, there is always manipulation. lol
We get the best of both. : )
Leo is generally described as self-centered and has the ability to learn to love the self. Leo is a strong force that draws others in magnetically. Aquarius is more humanitarian and has the ability to attend to a group of people as a whole. I think having an Aqua moon is good for leo because it helps pull leo out of herself every now and again and it reminds her there is a world outside of her that needs attention as well. To make myself clear, I'm not saying Leos can't love outside of themselves because we all know that isn't true for the more mature Leos. This is all based on general description. Aquarius reminds Leo that there is a world bigger than the one they are living in. Having an Aqua moon helps Leo detach and see this.