I need help plz for a Leo guy plz help me

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Jenniferlibra on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 14 replies.
Hello, the problem is I meet this Leo man in a online dating site which is a doctor. This guy is always busy in his work since 1 day he always reply 1 or 2 hours later after I send him a text . We were going to meet in person today at 7:30pm at a Starbucks. I get out of my work at 6:00pm I get home at 6:30pm at I'm a libra which I love to get very pretty when I go out I send him a text at 7:25pm that I was going to be there at 7:45pm he replied back at then at 7:50pm I call him that I was going to be there in 10 minutes his was like ok but I have to go somewhere else when I go the at 8:08pm I called it when straight to the voice him block my phone then I send him at text in whatsapp saying "I'm here" his saw my text then his block my number from the whatsapp I text him in my mom cell " I know I did a mistake by being late but i call him telling him I was going to be late that I learned my lesson and please let meet each today or another day a give another opportunity to meet and him don't want to talk to me I will respect him decisions and wish him the best. What can I do wait for his to calm and call him another day in another number ?
So to sum up you agreed to meet at 7:30pm. Then sent a text message 5 minutes before you were supposed to meet (at 7:25pm) that you were going to be 15 minutes late (and arrive at 7:45pm). When you didn't arrive at that time, the Leo responded to your text at 7:50pm that he had to go somewhere else. So you told him that you'd see him in 10 minutes (at 8:00pm), but instead you arrived 18 minutes later (at 8:08pm). So you arrived 38 minutes later than the original 7:30pm time.

Most guys would have been annoyed by this, especially since you've never met each other in person. For all the guy knows you were playing games with him. People get catfished and stood up all of the time, so it makes sense that he didn't want to wait around. Also he's a doctor, so he's a busy guy. He's probably upset that his time was wasted and may be looking for a woman who can be punctual.

It unfortunate, but doesn't seem like there's much you can do about this misunderstanding. You're going to need to let this one go. If a Leo blocks you, that means we are DONE. Calling him on another unrecognized number will only make you look clingy and stalkerish, which is a turn off for us. Maybe he'll calm down and reach back out, but don't count on it.
Lateness is inexcusable, yes, but blocking you without at least meeting you for the first time seems a bit drastic.

My gut instinct tells me he's an arrogant asshole with a stick up his ass.

But it seems as if you're more impressed with his 'job title' rather than his personality. Reaching out to him through other phones wasn't worth it.

If it's 'fuck me'....then 'it's fuck you!'
You were not worth it and he didn't bond with you online. He's a busy guy. If you were going to be late, do it ahead of time. Being late on the first day is a turn off. Okay you got it now? I know it hurts to hear, but most of the libras I've been friends with need to face the reality. Please don't call him from a different number, you're only proving it to him that he was right about you. Just move on. I hope you'll find the lucky one that would love to be with you.
Thank you guys for helping me I really appreciate it. I learn my lesson next time be on time and date on weekend for I can take my time getting dress up and pretty like very women love to get herself doll up I ready calm down it feel bad that you try you best to be your best and you get there at the place rushing traffic drive like crazy and that person block your number and you sent a whatsapp text I'm here and he block you again. I know recognize my mistakes but that says a lot about him too that his very strict person and arrogant imagine that how his act the first time imagine later on a serious relationship and I know his impression of me is that I'm a inresponsable woman. ***taurus bull - you're right I was impressed with his job title rather than his personality and yes your instinct is right he an arrogant. *** chuckercem thank you for understanding telling the true you are very right.****. ***ELfoflorien thanks for opening me my eyes and helping smile you guys calm down and put your self in my situation

Although you were late, honestly, I still felt that you showed good faith.

You kept him posted, and communication lines open.

This was never a no-call, no-show.

If you ask me, it's his loss....not yours.

Good Luck to you Winking
If you dating online it's a good idea to use punctuation. Reading your continuous run on sentence is painful.
Posted by TaurusBull1977

Although you were late, honestly, I still felt that you showed good faith.

You kept him posted, and communication lines open.

This was never a no-call, no-show.

If you ask me, it's his loss....not yours.

Good Luck to you Winking
I agree. It's unfortunate because this guy may be a bit arrogant OR he may have been burned in the past. His reaction did seem drastic.
I hate when people are late for no good reason. I wouldn't have blocked you, OP, but it may have doomed the relationship before it started for me.

Great if you want to get all made up, but start early enough so you'll have time to do it and get to where you're going when you said you would.

Honestly, although I appreciate when a woman tries to make herself up for a date, it's not a big deal to me and I would worry that a woman who spends too much time doing that may be sort of vain. I've heard it's a Libra thing. Maybe I'd try to take that into consideration, but it drives me crazy when people are late.

By the way, it's been my experience that doctors are prone to be arrogant. Maybe it's because they feel like they know so much more than other people or because they feel like gods, but I'd say most that I've encountered have been pricks. Others seemed decent. I used to work with a guy who went on to become a doctor. Awesome, humble guy. They should all stay as grounded.
All State! You are in good hands! ?

well I guess you all got it solved. I just saw doctor on the first sentence and I thought...this should be good.....

Posted by LadyNeptune
If you dating online it's a good idea to use punctuation. Reading your continuous run on sentence is painful.
I couldn't even make it past the 2nd sentence. My eyes blurred after the time schedules too. and my mind blocked out the rest...as if it can't compute.
Posted by Bricks195
I hate when people are late for no good reason. I wouldn't have blocked you, OP, but it may have doomed the relationship before it started for me.

Great if you want to get all made up, but start early enough so you'll have time to do it and get to where you're going when you said you would.

Honestly, although I appreciate when a woman tries to make herself up for a date, it's not a big deal to me and I would worry that a woman who spends too much time doing that may be sort of vain. I've heard it's a Libra thing. Maybe I'd try to take that into consideration, but it drives me crazy when people are late.

By the way, it's been my experience that doctors are prone to be arrogant. Maybe it's because they feel like they know so much more than other people or because they feel like gods, but I'd say most that I've encountered have been pricks. Others seemed decent. I used to work with a guy who went on to become a doctor. Awesome, humble guy. They should all stay as grounded.

omgosh you too? I have that experience as well. Gross. I have even known and met some NURSES, male nurses who act really arrogant and think they are the shit cause they is working in a hospital.

they look down on others who are making minimum wage in a grocery store or in a mechanic shop or something...

the arrogance i'm talking about is...they think they are better than you. I've known an ex who even honestly tells me out loud that he thinks he is better....aries mercury. true story. I thought omg... my cap mercury doesn't compute cause Capricorn always feels like shit like they don't ever feel good enough, so they fight daily to ward off the depression...and downward spiral.....and then you couple that with aries mercury...oh deearrr looorrrd.

(edit --- this reminded me of the topic of earth is not good with fire, cause fire will psychologically destroy earth) but in that relationship it wasn't so bad because he had dominant earth, virgo, and I have my singuliarity air sun, with a little fire. but I can see how terrible it would be if I were a double earth with all earth...it would be terrible.

these male nurses I just know from family members and family who have best friends and boyfriends who are nurses too, and they tell me stories.

He's a doctor, he doesn't have a lot of free time and sitting alone at Starbucks for over 30 minutes is boring and then for others to see u finally show up is just embarrassing. Put yourself in his shoes.
First impressions mean everything