I think its time.

This topic was created in the Leo forum by shorty1978 on Friday, January 10, 2014 and has 23 replies.
well all of you have heard my leo saga. I love this man but yet again im getting the silent treatment. again i dont know why because he the only words i get out of his mouth is i dont want to talk about it right now. we live together and he wont speak to me. he seem so cold. i said if your not going to speak to me then i will talk and you can listen. i said i care for you deeply however this silent treatment you give me feels like a punishment. if your going to be angry with me thats ok be angry but please share with me why you are angry? he would not told me i was crazy cause i just talk and talk and he says nothing back to me. then he laughed at me. i was hurt told him i was hurt that he would call me crazy and laugh at my pain he rolled his eyes. i left it alone last thing i said was are you coming to bed or sleeping here? he said he didnt know i expressed to him that i would like it if he came to bed he said i know you would. he did end up coming into bed. in the morning he seemed ok was a little chatty about the day.... then nothing! no text like usually no response to my afternoon have a good day text nothing. as a sag im heart broken that he seems so cold. i wonder how we ended up here and where did his feelings go?? to get upset over silly things like i forgot to do the dishes before i went to bed or forgot to send the kids to school with something.... there are so many other stressfull things in life it seems to me like these things are just an excuse to be mad at me?? Im afraid that it might be time for me to move on. im just worried that when i do move on that is why he will finally let the wall down and show a bit of emotion toward me. anyway thanks for listen to my rant... if anyone has anything to offer thanks i appriciate it. I love this man with all my heart however my heart is now breaking.
Posted by shorty1978
Im afraid that it might be time for me to move on.

It's been time.
Posted by shorty1978
im just worried that when i do move on that is why he will finally let the wall down and show a bit of emotion toward me.
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It should not take you moving on to make this happen.
There is a bigger issue. I will let one of the wise people here share it with you. I have probably said enough.
It seems to me that he may not be that in to you anymore...Or, he may have taking a liking to someone else...When a man is in love, you would know.What is mind boggling to me is the simple fact that you have humbled yourself, to him, and poured your heart out, and he is still treating you as if your feelings do not matter...That is not a good sign of a loving mate.As a Sag myself, I would do one of two things, one ignore him, and start spending time with family and friends, until he can be more mature, and discuss things; or move on...I know it is hard, because Leos do something to us Sagittarius, They make us fall hard, and then leave us for greener pastures...But you need to flip the script. Show him that two can play that game. Get yourself dolled up, and do not tell him anything, just go out and have a good time. Do this especially when he is being cold to you.If he really loves you, he would notice the change, and start to open up again, if not, that means that he has lost feelings for you,and your best bet is to move on with out him...Do not let him cause your self esteem to dwindle.
oh i dont always leave dishes in the sink im very in tune to his need for a clean home and i make sure i do it.. that is why a one off shouldnt be grounds for im not speaking to you for 2 days... i would also never send the kids to school with out a lunch!! it was snowpants and we were both home getting the kids out there door i guess its just me that takes the blame for it!. My guess is he isnt into me anymore its just a real shame.
Venus in retrograde exposes relationships, for what they truly are...If this is what is being revealed about her relationship, then maybe it is time to cut her losses.
Shorty, How long have the two of you been together? and what are your ages? Have you ever had the feeling that he was seeing someone else, or has he cheated before?
oh Guess its been time for a while. im a fool in love. i hoped and prayed for to long now that he was going to be my "great love". as much as i cherish this man and as much as it kills me inside. its time. i want and deserve someone that loves me in good times and bad not one that really likes me in good times and wants nothing to do with me in bad.
he is 40 im 35 he never cheated on me but he did cheat on his ex wife. the story is he was very unhappy for 15 years meet someone who became his best friend emotional affair until one night it turned physical he ended his marraige the next day moved out and carried on a 2 year relationship with this woman who in turn ended up cheating on him. he was broken by it.. 2 years later we met. we have been together 2 years living together for 7 months now. he is a great man but when he gets mad he closes up... he has never been very open with me he fears commitment but said with me he wanted to let that go that is when he purchased a home for us to live in together. I sometimes think maybe he is seeing someone else but i think that is because i was cheated on in the past and i know he cheated int he past on his wife. he is always home with me.. never goes out with friends nothing. he works then we are home with the kids.. none together we have a blended family. he sometimes text's a lot and is all smirky when he is doing it but it usually turns out to be his bro or a buddy i know this cause he parks his butt next to me while texting. i feel funny cause i did notice he deleting the internet history last week but to answer you question no not really i dont think he is cheating but i do get paranoid but like i said could be cause of my past and its my biggest fear. he gets all closed up for a couple days then when he decides he isnt made anymore he is happy and joky and im just supose to go with it i guess.....
why do Leos stay if they are not into a person anymore?? I guess that baffles my mind cause as a Sag when im bored or done im done!! out!! gone!!.. no matter what you say do beg or plead im just gone.
Posted by shorty1978
i want and deserve someone that loves me in good times and bad

Easy to say it...another thing to believe it....

Learn to believe it
Posted by Jynja
Venus is in retrograde. Not the best idea to give up in a relationship - then again, this is a time of testing for Scorpio heavy people so it might well be the best idea too.
However, let me offer you a point of view from my Virgo Mercury perspective. I hate disorder with a capital T. Nothing you do will compensate for leaving dishes in the sink over night. My kitchen is like a sacred place to me, so I will not take anyone coming in and leaving crap on my marble top. NO.
Especially if that person doesn't make an effort to understand that this is a serious peeve of mine and keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink or sending my kids to school without LUNCH!
It's the little things that make the relationship viable, Shorty.
Just my 02.

I dont know what is more disappointing; wondering if you are joking or being serious. The girl is here to try and get some advice for gods sake. Who are you to suggest she is sending her children to school without lunch?!? And this is more than leaving dishes out this is serious family sh1t here with children and their future to consider!
Shorty, forget star signs get this situation sorted for you and your children's sake. Get your real friends to give you support on this; relationships should be equal and you deserve to be treated with respect you are not the maid here!!!
Thanks so much Aries girl.. i didnt take offense to this comment... well maybe a little but meh not to much. i know who i am as a person i know im a good woman good mom good at my job i work hard and enjoy life and love my partner and kids. My girl friends give me poor advice lol i love em but they only see one side of things.. thats my side. they are also all going through a break up and would love for me to be single with them. I want to make this work so much for my kids i just have a hard time with the leo mans mood swings.... he is my heart and soul. dont get me wrong im no maid either he is awesome with doing things around the house he isnt a lazy man by no means he does more then his share. the dishes thing only happned once he was pissed we didnt talk for 2 days then he finally told me why he was upset and never again did i leave dishes not that im controled by him lol its only because that is how i am. i want to make my man happy when he is making me happy. however the past month or so he hasnt been doing to many nice things for me anymore we have become domestic roomates with sexual benefits.... no emotion just robots moving through are day. but our sex life has not changed its still great.
Posted by shorty1978
Thanks so much Aries girl.. i didnt take offense to this comment... well maybe a little but meh not to much. i know who i am as a person i know im a good woman good mom good at my job i work hard and enjoy life and love my partner and kids. My girl friends give me poor advice lol i love em but they only see one side of things.. thats my side. they are also all going through a break up and would love for me to be single with them. I want to make this work so much for my kids i just have a hard time with the leo mans mood swings.... he is my heart and soul. dont get me wrong im no maid either he is awesome with doing things around the house he isnt a lazy man by no means he does more then his share. the dishes thing only happned once he was pissed we didnt talk for 2 days then he finally told me why he was upset and never again did i leave dishes not that im controled by him lol its only because that is how i am. i want to make my man happy when he is making me happy. however the past month or so he hasnt been doing to many nice things for me anymore we have become domestic roomates with sexual benefits.... no emotion just robots moving through are day. but our sex life has not changed its still great.

Lol sex with leos is great!! Winking
Don't give up on the relationship, and read back through your other threads; both Montgomery and JustaLeo particularly have given you some sound advice; Step back, don't be too needy with him; be unpredictable. Show him the strong woman you are and don't take the mood swings too personally. I feel for you, it must be very hard living under the same roof like this. Is there any chance of you two going out without the children? A date night maybe?
Jynja I really didn't think u were being offensive. U have always been a sweetheart to me. Everyone has given me some great advice I appreciate it all. The best thing about this form is advice from people that have no vested interest is always clear and honest. I took the comment with very little thought and just specified that it was not food to confirm how small the issue with my leo really was. I brush small things off I guess he doesn't.
Posted by shorty1978
i guess its just me that takes the blame for it!.

Just venturing a guess, but I don't think that was a shot at you.
But LEO Merc (and possibly Venus in Virgo?) agrees w/ Jynja.

Do you already know that this is what's bothering him?

I look at it like this

I dated a guy when I was very young who, when driving my car, would shift it from low gear to high for fun-- it was a frickin automatic. Straight Face
Every time he did it, I told him to stop DOING that-- he said it wouldn't hurt the car, and it wasn't a big deal.
I said no-- it *is* a big deal-- because it's MY car, you know I hate it, and you do it ANYWAY.
Total lack of respect.

Posted by shorty1978
as a sag
to get upset over silly things like i forgot to do the dishes before i went to bed or
forgot to send the kids to school with something....
there are so many other stressfull things in life it seems to me like these things are just an excuse to be mad at me??
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Two things:
Those aren't silly things.
If you agreed to do the dishes, and take care of the kids' needs for school, then that is flat out disrespect in LEO territory.
It isn't the dirty dishes; it's the principle of the thing.
It's like saying idgaf about what is important to you-- in fact, I think it's all pretty silly.
A simple, "Babe, I'll get the dishes in the morning-- I'm exhausted" would suffice (for me).
Acknowledge it, and then keep your word.

However, there is no excuse for his behavior-- unless this is an old hat and he's tired of having the same argument.
Because you think it's silly.

Not trying to be ugly, here. Winking
I don't not do what I say I'm going to do. As I said before I do my part around the house it was a one off not doing the dishes. As for the kids its not my responsibility alone to get then off to school its a team project we are both home in the morning we both work full time jobs mine a 9 to 5 his well he works from home. This is why I see it as silly to bring made at me its a team effort. We are both to blame
Posted by shorty1978
I don't not do what I say I'm going to do. As I said before I do my part around the house it was a one off not doing the dishes. As for the kids its not my responsibility alone to get then off to school its a team project we are both home in the morning we both work full time jobs mine a 9 to 5 his well he works from home. This is why I see it as silly to bring made at me its a team effort. We are both to blame

Just trying to give you some clarity, but-- w/e.
Here is where you are misguided, leos make decisions if your leo wanted to leave he would have already.
Leos can put up with things that most people will break up for " if we want to" if you keep doing the same things over and over it will be a different story.

To be clear a leo can stay in a relationship but wont deal with certain thing against our wishes just because we are in a relationship , this is why you are feeling that your leo is not into you, we just wont deal with certain things despite being in the relationship and if you understand that you will have a long relationship.
I can love you but I am not going to put up with your crap because of it.
Just give the Leo some cat nip
Or bash'em upside the head and act innocent, JK JK
Posted by TaurusNikki
Just give the Leo some cat nip
Or bash'em upside the head and act innocent, JK JK

I hate to admit it but it's kinda trueLaughing Now if only there was a similar solution for the staunch Taurus and I would've been one happy cat months ago lol
Posted by UntamedLeo
Posted by TaurusNikki
Just give the Leo some cat nip
Or bash'em upside the head and act innocent, JK JK

I hate to admit it but it's kinda trueLaughing Now if only there was a similar solution for the staunch Taurus and I would've been one happy cat months ago lol
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I love and hate Tauruses Tongue You guys are my kryptonite, hands down. No one can get under my skin like that.
And that evil laugh as response was perfectLaughing