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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 131 · Topics: 13
Hey Choc,
Yeah, he seemed shy. I thought it was alittle strange too. He is the same guy who likes to challenge people and then all of a sudden he seemed nervous and fidgety. I mean, we had three hours of laughs and at the end he wanted to know where I stood. Why? What does the shyness mean? What should I watch out for?
Hi ScorpioSweetie. Personally I only get shy like that in 2 situations: 1) If I am starting to have serious feelings for a girl but her attitude is unclear for some reason (to me at least) so I instinctively hide my usual self trying not to show my high interest level in her so that if something goes wrong my pride stays intact (or is able to heal faster if bruised);
2) If I am uncertain of my own feelings and/or intentions with the girl and I am afraid that my natural actions and words may lead her into wrong conclusions and even hurt her if something goes wrong.
By what you described however I would say it's option n.?1 in your case because he seemed to be very interested to know were you stood. The natural weirdness / shyness you both seem to demonstrate in these circumstances may difficult things a little bit (I am very close to a Scorpio girl so I know what I am talking about) but I am sure things will work out eventually. But Chocolate's advice is good, watch him close, his shyness and weirdness are probably "normal" because of the reasons I wrote before but, just in case, you should be aware of any sign of uninterest or indifference.
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 274 · Topics: 20
"And that is why the Libra is taking me to a movie and cooking me dinner this weekend"
sounds like a sexy time...that's cute!
I have not visited this forum since I posted my last message but I must say that if she followed Chocolate's insights (which I know see I misinterpreted the first time) she probably lost the Leo forever by now (or the Leo lost her, whatever...). Leos can act very different from one another and Leo girls do not necessarily entirely understand and comprehend Leo boys and vice versa. Saying that Leos are not shy is completely untrue, I myself can become extremely shy when I am alone with a girl I seriously like and I am not sure if she feels the same. All the shyness tend to go away when those doubts are disipated but that is a whole different story. This guy was very obviously full of doubts about her interest in him (with some degree of reason for what it seems), those things she thought were games of power like asking her for a date on a day that she already told him she had plans (he knows it could be just an excuse to refuse a date with him so he asked her again for that same day to check her response; he wanted to see if she would confirm that she was busy but especially if she would make a counteroffer to make plans with him soon, if she did this than she was saying the truth and he could ask her out again without the fear of being rejected), were in fact tests to figure out her interest in him. This guy has probably been hurt in the past, Leo's don't like being hurt (OK, no one does but we really, deeply hate it) especially in Love because we give everything of ourselves to the one we love so he was not trying to control the situation or her, he was just trying to protect his own heart from another beating. I fail to see as shyness in a Leo can be interpreted as a game plan to throw a girl off track. I could understand this line of thinking if his shyness was inconsistent during the date (for instance, one minute he is shy but the other minute is has his hands all over her) but that did not seem to be the case; shyness is a sign of weakness and we do not show weakness unless it is out of our control; he even put a straw in his pocket that leaked on his shirt (I have done even weirder things in the past). If you think this was rehearsed than what about when she dropped bbq sauce on "her girls"? Teasing? The problem is this Leo's behavior was analyzed like if he was a girl and not a guy and that just complicate things probably to the point of no return. Different genders have different reasons for similar behaviors.
Oh and you can bet that if this Leo was sure about her he would not only cook dinner like the Libra but he would also hunt it and skin it before. Some people think Leos are lazy but they fail to see that they don't like to take a single step or move a straw for something or someone who does not deserve it but prove us wrong and they will move the world for you.