i met a cancer guy and we only talked for several days but it seemed as if we knew each other for at least a decade. he is a very intelligent and shy engineer - i fell in love instantly. after several weeks, we made love, and i thought he was the only person in my life i could ever imagine living forever with. last september was our 3rd year anniversary but i knew things were not the same. our constant silly arguments, i knew, piled up and i knew he was ready to say goodbye. because of my pride, i wanted to say it first. but when he agreed without a fight, i cried an ocean and asked why was it so easy for him to forget all of our 3 years of happiness, then i nagged and nagged and asked so many questions, he said nothing but sorry. then he left - no greetings for christmas and new year, until i decided to swallow my pride and greeted him a late happy new year, he sounded happy and eager to hear my voice over the phone.
i am guilty - i texted him almost everyday, called his number, office number, everything. i even started making friends with his other friends. i wanted him back, i needed him back. he went to my office after my persistence, we just had coffee. no physical contact, i didn't have the courage to hold his hand or kiss him even on this cheek. when we said goodbye, he didn't even look into my eyes. but when we talked in the coffee shop, he smiled at my jokes, he told me about how his little sister got pregnant by accident and now he's attending to it and might have to go to the province to support his family. i asked if i could join him, he said he was fine. i pushed and asked if i was invited to the wedding, he said no, that it was just a small civil wedding and that he has a cousin who will be driving. i was a little hurt, but after reading some posts in this website, i decided to not personally take his comments and just go about the conversation.
after the coffee shop meeting, i was head over heels again for him - every night i whispered his name and i cried, then pray and ask God what could i do to get him back. this has never happened to me before - i never cried for consecutive days. my officemates noticed how much i lost weight - from 76kg, now i'm just 65kg after a month. HELP... i want him back in my life, i want to marry him. how do i do it right? please help me anyone...
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 155 · Topics: 28
hugs sister. have you ever wonder why there's a change in his behavior?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
You can't get a man back passively stalking his friends, initiating contact and nagging, it just doesn't work that way. Get yourself together! Go buy some mend your break up ebooks, you can't force it, it has to be his decision alone to come back, I can almost guarantee you if you stay gone with no contact for 60 days he'll be back, nagging never made a man want to come back, if anything he'll run and stay gone, no reason to miss that kind of behavior.
Unfriend his friends, stop initiating contact, not even a hello sorry your dog died, not even if someone passed away in h is family b/c it's OVER and over means it's over, move on and yet distance makes the heart grow fonder, put enough distance in between you 2, get a new hair style , lose some weight/tone up, BE YOUR BEST YOU, smile like you have the greatest life on the planet and post them up, he'll eventually notice he hasn't seen you, he'll miss you and he'll contact you and if you keep your cool your Cancer could be back but it takes time, 8 weeks to 60 days, if you do everything right he'll be back.
Work on improving yourself FOR YOU and he'll take notice and he'll be back but no man wants to come back to what you are being now, desperate, the desperate vibe has to go NOW if you want to get him back and please leave his friends alone, you look like a damn desperate fool chasing him like that, pity isn't attractive.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Excerpt from the ebook titled "Win Him Back"
Desire and attraction matters. A lot. And he lost
his desire to be with you.
This fact is painful to accept, but it is unfortunately very true. If your
lover decided to leave you, it means that the attraction just isn't
there anymore. That doesn't necessarily mean that you were
dumped because you put on a few pounds or because you have a
few more wrinkles than you had in the beginning of your
relationship. It means that your relationship itself is not as attractive
as it used to be, and he no longer desires to be with you.
Men leave relationships for one reason, and one reason only,
somewhere, somehow, they lost their attraction to you, and the
desire to be with you stopped. Where once they felt their lives were
enhanced by you, they no longer do.
Women can become unattractive in any one of the following five
1) They become codependent
2) They lose touch with their femininity
3) They neglected their physical appearance
4) Their behavior, character, or personality was difficult,
unpleasant, or flawed
5) They become too ???familiar??
Where Did You Go Wrong?
Now you know that the main reason men leave women is because
there was a lack of attraction and desire to be with them. Men very
seldom leave a woman that they are deeply attracted to. Even if
The most common reason why people find themselves with a
broken heart is because they were codependent and acted too
clingy, needy, or emotionally overbearing. If your partner is
interested in you, he will show it. When you try to remedy any gaps
in your relationship by chasing your ex, you will not accomplish
anything but chasing him further in the opposite direction. And
when it all comes down to it, nobody likes an impromptu chase
You Lost Touch with Your Female Self
A woman who loses touch with her femininity is a huge attraction
What the problem is that once you become 'ex' material, it's very
hard - if not damned near impossible - to be viewed as 'partner'
material ever again. Let me give you this one true fact again: If a
man views you as an 'ex' or 'just friends' - and nothing more - it is
simply because they are just not that attracted to you. That's not to
say they don't think you are attractive, that is simply saying that
they are not attracted to you. More clearly stated: They are NOT
physically attracted to you.
And physical attraction is a NUMBER ONE priority to a man.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
What Do We Do Now?
The first thing you want to make sure you don't do is to enable the
continuance of his negative 'mental profile' of you. What do I mean
by that? Well, once you have become his 'ex-girlfriend' material, his
mindset is to see you as the enemy - he needs to do this in order to
be able to dump you and move on without hesitation or guilt. You
have basically become his foe.
Unlike you (who still sees him as 'boyfriend material'), he now
envisions you as 'ex' material, and not as potential 'girlfriend'
material. He has set his mind to envision a relationship with you as
a negative thing and as a threat to his peace of mind and his
So, as painful as it is to read, remember this: He sees you as
someone he does NOT want to be in a relationship with. Period.
Don't kid yourself, don't be delusional, don't cover up painful facts
with wishful thinking. The guy just doesn't want to be with you
This means the more you try to win him back, the more he will want
to get away from you! In order to stop these negative emotions he
associates with you, you need to STOP what you are doing now to
try and save your relationship.
What do all the above methods do? They make your ex-boyfriend,
by nature, resist you. The more you push yourself on him, the more
he retreats. (And the more you look like a hopeless, desperate
nutcase!) That is because humans have two reactions to any
uncomfortable situation. Fight or flight.
Once the fight is gone they take flight. When someone is in flight mode the only way to make
them stop running is to quit pursuing them! Simple? Yes!
By doing this you eliminate your ex-boyfriend's resistance to you.
He can now feel safe with you. No longer motivated to run from
you, he will stop his feelings of fear, hurt, anger, pessimism, and
grief, anxiety, and even depression. He stops his need for flight! No
longer needing to flee, he lets his defenses down. He no longer
feels the need to resist you, and he can return to you and feel safe
in doing so.
So, once again, stop what you??re doing to win him back ??? and just
let him go!
I repeat: LET HIM GO!
Yea as hard as that may seem i think she's right. That's an interesting pairing though with the female leo and male cancer im sure if you let your leo shine and forget about him he will take notice
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 155 · Topics: 28
you need to get your limelight back.
Signed Up:
Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
kindly FUCK OFF.
THANK you.