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May 31, 2016Comments: 1 · Posts: 190 · Topics: 22
Is it hard for you to show emotions when someone is being romantic with you that you be emotionally detached ? I think its weird me as a leo woman when someone is being sweet i don't have a reaction towards it but when someone is being an ass i can do whatever in my power to get someone to see ky true colors of me.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1875 · Posts: 16918 · Topics: 108
Yep. I was really awkward with me and my Leo ex. Cat lady's will say Leo Leo relationships are explosive, passinate, and romantic. It's sometimes hit or miss when it comes to us leos imo. We either show all our heart to someone, or it takes awile.
For me I like a person not afraid to make moves and speak their mind. I'm more attracted to a challenge then a dead fish.