King of the jungle

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Riki on Friday, June 1, 2018 and has 11 replies.
He’s a Leo (rat I think)

I’m scorpio dragon

Can he ever understand I know everything at all times?

Scorpio understanding everything eh? We've got a lot of those here.LaughingLaughingLaughing
He knows he’s king of the jungle but he dosnt realise I’m queen of the underworld, it’s only been 3 months but he sees me as “sheltered” if only he knew.....
Ok I don’t know everything, but I have him 99.9% worked out.
Posted by Riki
Ok I don’t know everything, but I have him 99.9% worked out.
Yeah I wouldn't be too quick to think that if I were you. You probably have his sunny side down, not the other side.
Nah she's right.. she prolly does have him 99,8% figured out unless he has a shady moon. Leos are pretty basic imo & experience.
Posted by enfant_terrible
Nah she's right.. she prolly does have him 99,8% figured out unless he has a shady moon. Leos are pretty basic imo & experience.
I agree we're not complicated. I'd say we're definitely straight forward and easy to understand. I also think that our simplicity throws other people off, so we wind up not being basic to them.
LOL Scorpios THINK they know but what they failed to realize is that Leo’s are always 10 steps ahead
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns
What colour socks am I wearing, OP?

Posted by solidsnake
Keep dreaming
The only thing Scorpio is queen of is misinterpretation.
