Know it Alls

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Nala13 on Monday, September 17, 2012 and has 18 replies.
Hey Peeps,
I am back from my training seminar. Most of you know I'm a corporate trainer so this was a "Train the Trainer" session. After the weeks events we received feedback from the presenter. He said, I come across as rather authoritative and a bit of a know it all. His suggestion was to smile when I am presenting. He said this makes me seem less intimidating. Notice the smiley faces I am now inserting in all my posts. smile
Anyway, are you a know it all? Do you care how others perceive you? Lastly, do you smile all the time? I am convinced having braces for 5 years contributed to me not smiling but I digress.
I don't handle constructive criticism very well. Okay I will be honest, I absolutely HATE it. However, I am a proponent of growth and I realize it is a necessary evil.
I was giving him this look when he was talking to me. I just know I was but I couldn't stop myself. Y'all know the look. Big Grin
Posted by Nala13
Hey Peeps,
I am back from my training seminar. Most of you know I'm a corporate trainer so this was a "Train the Trainer" session. After the weeks events we received feedback from the presenter. He said, I come across as rather authoritative and a bit of a know it all. His suggestion was to smile when I am presenting. He said this makes me seem less intimidating. Notice the smiley faces I am now inserting in all my posts. smile
Anyway, are you a know it all? Do you care how others perceive you? Lastly, do you smile all the time? I am convinced having braces for 5 years contributed to me not smiling but I digress.
I don't handle constructive criticism very well. Okay I will be honest, I absolutely HATE it. However, I am a proponent of growth and I realize it is a necessary evil.
I was giving him this look when he was talking to me. I just know I was but I couldn't stop myself. Y'all know the look. Big Grin

Lol, love the new Avi - is that to prove that you don't smile enough smile
I'm a trainer too! Have moved from corporate a few years ago into public, long term unemployed, those with special needs etc. Upskilling and life skills. I've been told I smile too much and look after my students too well? When I was corporate training, nah I didn't smile so much, it makes me happy to help those who really need it rather than the twats who arrived in my class from the professional world with their office politics in tow.
Thanks Ladies. Aww shucks Elle you thought of me. I thought of you too. I was watching a cartoon and the cat thingy had the biggest eyes in the world. I was like Elle!!! He/She was adorable.
I ate by myself mostly in the hotel room but I did meet one person and we went to dinner together one night. It was cool one of the guys was a trainer for the Army.
I guess maybe we do come off as know it alls. When people ask for advice in the Leo forum, I notice the majority of us speak as thought we are subject matter experts and our advice MUST be taken. I am guilty of it as well.
WL I need you at my house every morning to tell me nice things to get me out of bed. I hit snooze 8 times every morning. Tongue
Posted by celticlioness
Posted by Nala13
Big Grin

Lol, love the new Avi - is that to prove that you don't smile enough smile
I'm a trainer too! Have moved from corporate a few years ago into public, long term unemployed, those with special needs etc. Upskilling and life skills. I've been told I smile too much and look after my students too well? When I was corporate training, nah I didn't smile so much, it makes me happy to help those who really need it rather than the twats who arrived in my class from the professional world with their office politics in tow.
click to expand

Hey C Baby. Where you been? That is my it's Monday how am I going to make it 4 more days Avi. Winking
I am actually considering going to graduate school for a Masters in Education. Yea , I get the "why do I have to be here" or the "I already know this". The corporate world is rough and it's a lot of work.... research, design, deliver, feedback, survey.
I figure at least the kids know they have to be there. It's just figuring out a subject that is recession proof. It's either that or Public Relations. I love the idea of having a purse full of contacts. You know people in high places.
SMH I have such a Disneyesque view of the world.
Seraph, I always have to read what you wrote 3 times. I'm on number 1. I have to read a sentence then change it to words I know. Then read another sentence and change it words I know. Rinse and repeat...
When I "get it" I feel so smart. I also imagine a Canadian voice although I am not sure I know what one sounds like.
Yes, I smile all the time, and I'm a know it all.
But that's why I'm given the promotions and pay raises, along with more duties and responsibilities while remaining upwardly mobile in the company LOL

No, but seriously.. I know a lot of things about a lot of things, and have an opinion or perspective on damn near everything else. I don't go around sticking my nose in uninvited, nor offering unsolicited advice.. but trust that if you ask me, I will fearlessly state my views.. which you may or may not agree with, or you may or may not even LIKE. *shrug* Take my advice, or don't. Listen to my opinion and consider another angle, or don't. Change and evolve, incorporate.. or don't. I really don't care one way or another... and I'll never take it personally if you don't listen to me. That's the beauty of free will.
I'm called intimidating on a daily basis.. all 5 feet of me. -shrug- I've been told that I seem cold.. even been labeled as an 'ice queen'.
But that's when I'm not even speaking. When I am, people automatically start feeling the warmth from my energy.
And I take criticism very well (I've actually been told that before, multiple times) but sometimes get too anxious to fix everything/everyone around me. That Virgo comes out Winking
LOL at the guy's comments!!!! you know it's a typical man thing to like a woman to smile a lot? it's not about being less intimidating at all, it's more about coming across as more amenable, particularly to a male audience.
you know how you can walk past a building site on a monday morning and have a bit of a grim look on your face and one of the builders will invariably say.....'give us a smile darlin''....cos then they get their signal that you've fallen for their 'charm', lol. i read about it somewhere.
why smile anyway!!! grrrrrrrrr...i hate that. it's like newsreaders. if they're reporting a serious issue, they are supposed to have serious expressions. they are aloud to smile and relax if it's a fluffy news item. their expressions help set the tone for what they're reporting on.
so in a seminar context, you are there to pass on your expertise to people who are actively seeking that knowledge. it's a serious business and you don't want to be grinning like a cheshire cat throughout your spiel! there's time at the end to inject more of your personality and crack the occasional 'smile'.
just shows you how men are intimidated by professional women nala!!
personally, i would not like to be at a seminar where the speaker DIDN'T know it all, LOL!! that's the whole point isn't it? to learn something? if they show any lack of confidence in what they're doing, i start heckling, mostly cos i know how much you people earn!!!!!
I don't take well to being criticised either, unless it's delivered properly in a nicely worded way so my ego doesn't notice smile
I have spent the last 15 years working in media, working my way up to a very senior role within an agency. However, I am leaving soon to complete a degree in Psychology, working towards charted status. I won't be applying my qualifications to my current industry though, I am off to work with criminals (quals permitting). This means I am going straight to the bottom of the pile in my new career...I better get ready to handle not knowing everything....eeekkk!! I'm a Leo..this is terrible! smile
Seraph, I once visited Toronto. I was lost and I went up to a guy and asked for directions. He said Parlez-vous francais? I said no and walked away. The next guy I saw I said parlez-vous anglais and he said ..what? smile. There were so many black people I could not believe it. I was at the Caribana. It was awesome.
Rig, if we ever have an astrology swap, I am claiming you. You are more Leo than the Leos. I love it.

Sad, I am about to switch careers also. I am not cut out for cubicle life. I don't have the dog eat dog mentality that is needed and admired to succeed in Corp America although it might appear otherwise.
Hey SL,
You me and Huntress are going to start a sisterhood of the traveling something... I didn't go anywhere. I tend to re read my posts and I think girl you need to chill out. I become ashamed of some of the things I type so I chill out for awhile.
I tend to give advice when it's not solicited and I absolutely hate when it's done to me. So I just read for a few days then I will post. I like to think I am aware of my faults but self perception is often distorted so I try to see myself through the eyes of another.
As for the smiling, who walks around smiling all the time... Well I do know one person but she is on a ton of Prozac..clearly over medicated. smile
I was reading Seraph's post some point I obviously fell asleep in English class because I can't comprehend this. But that's our King around these parts gotta love him. He makes us look good. We have brains too not just tons of shoes.
Posted by seraph
Posted by Nala13
You are more Leo than the Leos. I love it.

So how does it feel to be more Leo than Leos, R1g? Winking
click to expand

it feels kinda fabulous actually.
nala: if we're gonna do an astrology swap, can i swap ages too? you don't mind being 10 years older do ya?? Tongue
i see no ships!!!!!
Sisterhood of the Traveling Jimmy Choos, perhaps? Winking
but leos know their own value and demand stroking nevertheless!!
i am way to selfless to be a leo Tongue
-nods- Tongue