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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1005 · Topics: 131
Do you guys have the tendencies to make up story about yourself just to impress someone?
Like when somebody asking what was your major then you told them that you're a Phd of some major that you think cool or such, but in reality you're not.
Or something simple just like when somebody who likes dogs asking you if you have any dogs then you told them yes you do, and you told them what breed it is and so on. Yet in fact you actually don't have any pets at all?
If so, why?
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
And even if it's a LEO with messed up moral
compass... the truth will always come out, and
I can't imagine that they would set
themselves up for that kind of humiliation.
Heck no... I just tell my stories with dramatics sometimes ... It still be true....