Leo Appreciation Thread

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Erica1 on Monday, January 20, 2014 and has 12 replies.
Okay I'll start. I will describe one of the best Leos I know. He's a my friend's husband and he has some of the typical "to-be-expected" good Leo traits of being very friendly, personable, and funny.
He also has some "pleasantly surprising" good traits that you wouldn't necessarily expect of a Leo. Those are: quiet, mild-mannered ,and very helpful to his wife around the house (including baking cookies)!
Anyone else have a Leo that you know who exhibits Leo-like and "not-so-Leo-like" traits (both good)? Do share!
Or, just continue this thread with general Leo appreciation. : )
What is his wife sign??? Just curious...
Posted by Easha23000us
What is his wife sign??? Just curious...

Pisces. smile
Leo Men, I tip my hat to you.
Liviu Librescu (18 August 1930 - 16 April 2006)
At age 76,[10] Librescu was among the 32 people who were murdered in the Virginia Tech massacre. On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho entered Norris Hall Engineering Building and opened fire on classrooms. Librescu, who taught a solid mechanics class in Room 204 in the Norris Hall during April 2007,[13] held the door of his classroom shut while Cho attempted to enter it. Although he was shot through the door, Librescu managed to prevent the gunman from entering the classroom until most of his students had escaped through the windows.[14][15][16] He was struck by five bullets,[17] with a shot to the head proving to be fatal.[18] Of the 23 registered students in his class, only one, Minal Panchal, died.[19]
A number of Librescu's students have called him a hero because of his actions. Caroline Merrey, a senior, said she and about 20 other students scrambled through the windows as Librescu shouted for them to hurry.[17] Merrey said, "I don??t think I would be here if it wasn't for [Librescu]."[20] Librescu's son Joe said he had received e-mails from several students who said he had saved their lives and regarded him as a hero.[10]
Posted by Jynja
So, someone like Librescu has probably reached that perfection and earned his place among the stars on the sun.

That's a really nice way to put it. I don't know how many men would've given their lives to ensure more people escaped.
Posted by Damnata
Leo Men, I tip my hat to you.
Liviu Librescu (18 August 1930 - 16 April 2006)
At age 76,[10] Librescu was among the 32 people who were murdered in the Virginia Tech massacre. On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho entered Norris Hall Engineering Building and opened fire on classrooms. Librescu, who taught a solid mechanics class in Room 204 in the Norris Hall during April 2007,[13] held the door of his classroom shut while Cho attempted to enter it. Although he was shot through the door, Librescu managed to prevent the gunman from entering the classroom until most of his students had escaped through the windows.[14][15][16] He was struck by five bullets,[17] with a shot to the head proving to be fatal.[18] Of the 23 registered students in his class, only one, Minal Panchal, died.[19]
A number of Librescu's students have called him a hero because of his actions. Caroline Merrey, a senior, said she and about 20 other students scrambled through the windows as Librescu shouted for them to hurry.[17] Merrey said, "I don??t think I would be here if it wasn't for [Librescu]."[20] Librescu's son Joe said he had received e-mails from several students who said he had saved their lives and regarded him as a hero.[10]

And he was 76 years old-- Sad that makes me teary.

Leo men are hot
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Leo men are hot

You should see the women.
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Leo men are hot

You should see the women.
click to expand

I bet !! All that fire and passion ! Roarrrr!!!!!! smile
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Leo men are hot

You should see the women.
click to expand

I don't think there has ever been a leo woman I didn't like... They are pretty awesome smile
Posted by xtina
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Leo men are hot

You should see the women.

I don't think there has ever been a leo woman I didn't like... They are pretty awesome smile
click to expand

Many of the women are knockouts !
Posted by GandalftheGrey
Thank you!

Pets beard.... lol smile