Leo & Cancer

This topic was created in the Leo forum by looneybird on Sunday, March 19, 2006 and has 7 replies.
In this combination, since Cancer desperately needs to be needed, Leo will find it easy to satisfy this need. In short, when a Leo native loves, then a Leo native cherishes. The Cancer individual's desire for sympathy, tenderness and emotional support can also be provided by the loving and warm-hearted Leo partner. However, Cancer's moodiness can present a problem in this pairing. Leo is positive and outgoing, generally an "up" personality...unless there has been a major affront to the inherent Leo pride. Thus, for this relationship to work, Leo must be given recognition, respect and appreciation. Since Cancer is not prone to be demonstrative, this could become a bone of contention between the two. That having been said, Cancer does have good intuition and will doubtless sense when things are not quite as they should be in the relationship. This will work well for Leo, since the Leo pride makes no allowances for weakness and tends to say nothing when matters are not going well.
Although this is a combination of vastly different temperaments, there is a good possibility for true caring within this mix. Both partners take life very personally...perhaps more personally than either might realize. This could be an unusually warm and loving bond. Leo is more dominant and will alsmost certainly take the lead in any relationship...which will be just fine with Cancer. When this is indeed a love match, then both partners will understand and know how to satisfy the basic emotional needs within one another. Each individual will require dedication and tender loving care, but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration. Both are fiercely loyal Signs, even to the point of possessiveness...Cancer for the sake of safety and Leo for the sake of self-confidence. However, each partner will be committed to an enduring and rewarding relationship and since the desires of both are similar, each could fill a very important void in the life of the other.
In short, this is rather favorable match, given that both are lovers of comfort and security, coupled with a mutual preference for the grand scale. In addition, both will enjoy having a lovely home and close-knit family. Leo is certain to bring flair and passion to this combination, while Cancer will undoubtedly display a sensitive and intense instinct to nurture. However, it is a "given" that the Leo partner will always be the bigger and bolder individual due to his or her vivid personality. Because both Signs here are so strong-minded, this pair must work constantly and attentively toward understanding and acceptance. Both of these individuals are inclined to take charge and many disputes may arise because of this. Nonetheless, as long as each is willing to reassure the other in practical and romantic ways of the importance of the relationship, then a happy medium can often be attained within this combination.

Haha, no thanks. Cancers are too moody for your bright and sunny disposition Winking
Oops, I mean "MY" bright and sunny disposition. A lot of my co-workers are Cancers and a lot of my girl friends are Cancer. Don't think I could handle a relationship with someone of this sign.
i love my cancer boy. yes he is moody and it does bring me down sometimes, but i love that he has a serious side. he is sexy and sweet and very boyish and just drives me crazy!!!
I am a cancer woman currently dating a leo man. Until now I had never dated a Leo before but it has been a unique and never dull experience for me. I love this combination because we have so much in common and we both can identify with each others needs. He is a great man, very forgiving and he is extremely passionate. A tad bit on the jealous/possesive side, but that's ok.
I dated a cancer once. For some time. My biggest issue was his constant need to be joined at the hip. He was a little too possessive and would have a fit if I even said hello to another man. Even jealous of my females friends. And I'm not really a social person as it is, so this is already bad. This is not a blow at other crabs, just THIS one. I couldn't breath.
Cancer guy and commitment! does he keep up his promise ?