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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
Oops, I mean "MY" bright and sunny disposition. A lot of my co-workers are Cancers and a lot of my girl friends are Cancer. Don't think I could handle a relationship with someone of this sign.
i love my cancer boy. yes he is moody and it does bring me down sometimes, but i love that he has a serious side. he is sexy and sweet and very boyish and just drives me crazy!!!
I am a cancer woman currently dating a leo man. Until now I had never dated a Leo before but it has been a unique and never dull experience for me. I love this combination because we have so much in common and we both can identify with each others needs. He is a great man, very forgiving and he is extremely passionate. A tad bit on the jealous/possesive side, but that's ok.
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
I dated a cancer once. For some time. My biggest issue was his constant need to be joined at the hip. He was a little too possessive and would have a fit if I even said hello to another man. Even jealous of my females friends. And I'm not really a social person as it is, so this is already bad. This is not a blow at other crabs, just THIS one. I couldn't breath.
Cancer guy and commitment! does he keep up his promise ?