Alrite so to make a long story short, i met this Leo guy not too long ago through a friend, and pretty much instantly he started to "like" me. He would do stuff that showed that he cared for me and would always invite me over to his house, and say im always welcome there. He would always text/call me whenever he got the chance, and it wasnt very long that we knew eachother he started calling me "babe". So to me it was pretty clear that he wanted to start a relationship with me. I also kno this cuz he said it himself. But one day he lost his job (around christmas time) and i texted him just to say Merry Christmas. He didnt text back until the next day and he said he wasnt avoiding me, and that hes going through a very rough time cause he lost his job, so i understood that he might not want to talk for awhile. But now its been quite awhile and he still hasnt contacted me. I texted him about a week back just to let him know that i'm there for him and i hope everything gets better and he replied back "It will get better with time hun, and i appreciate you being there for me". And since then he hasnt contacted me once. I dont wanna keep texting/calling him cause i dont wanna seem annoying, but im just wondering....if he liked me as much as he acted/said he does, wouldnt he have called me by now atleast? I know losing your job is tough, but i just dont understand why he would go from talking to me everyday, and telling me he missed me everytime we weren't hanging out, to not talking to me at all for this long. I sorta think he's just trying to sort out his problems right now and thats why he hasnt talked to me, but you'd think he would right? Can any Leo's help me out with this situation? Im just confused thats all.
Signed Up:
Dec 31, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 26
He's like a lion with a big thorn stuck in his paw...Taking cover in his cave...I have done this numerous times, once again it comes down to pride and feeling good about ourselves...We are very independent and like to keep and solve our problems ourselves.
Like to show our friends and mates the best side of us, not the weak side...
When the thorn comes out, he will be back, good as new...
Signed Up:
May 09, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 10
he just needs to be alone in his cave to sort out his problems on his own ,just get on with your life and i sure hell be back
Signed Up:
May 09, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 10
oop,s sorry didnt put a comma in he,ll
I'm the opposite. I say i'm fine, i'm ok, it will sort itself out and i can handle it because i'm a leo and i'm strong... and i don't really need to talk about it because everyone elses advice is stupid anyway and i know what to do, but i secretly want some cuddles and affection
I agree with all above, he has a lot to deal with at the moment (and to me this is a good sign you have a good man here) Focus on a friendship and within time he will trust you enough to open up about what he is going through.
As mentioned by another poster focus on you and text/call from time to time letting him know that you are supportive.
Good Luck.