Leo female and Cancer male

This topic was created in the Leo forum by undergrad on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 and has 4 replies.
What should a leo female do to attract a cancer male? What works for him? ANd also is it a good match?
Hi undergrad! When are you going to post that pic? lol!
I was seeing a crab for quite some time and we got along great for the first couple of years. What did I do to attract HIM?? I dunno, it just kind of happened....
Ok, I'm thinking...
I am very quiet in general so when I met him he saw me as someone he could talk to who would listen. This is just my own experience.
Strong Cancer influence may feel this is important. Especially to one who shuts off easily. If you have one of these, pay extra attention to any signals he gives you. He may be hitting on you and you will never know it smile
Have you already started dating undergrad or are you just interested?
Hi purrfect,
thanks for the advice. I met this guy and that is why I am interested. He is very caring and has good manners and everything but i feel like sth missing. not sure though what it is exactly. We haven;t exactly started dating yet. I am testing the waters so to speak. I am getting the sense though that he doesn't like people reading him, he kinda feels threatened or sth. is that how crabs are? And also he told me that when he likes a girl he will start the relationship very dynamically, be with her all the time etc etc, but he then suddenly feels that the relationship is suffocating him, he wants his space and breaks it off. Is that typical cancer behaviour?
nope not really , we like to be smothered at times,and everyone needs there space once a while, to go out with friends etc. BUt if u do not respond in kind then we will start to back away. we test waters too, but if you playing games and you not serious with us, bye bye.