Twice a year I go to Washington DC to visit a friend. The first day there i met an incredibly sexy Aries. He was irresistible we went out several nights while i was there. On my last night there after a lot of touching, flirting, and teasing i did the unthinkable i had a one night stand with that sexy Aries! I had never done anything like that before. it was so worth it! it was the most incredible night in my life! we had the most outrageous sexual chemistry that any two people could have. see now i'm back home thinking how i'd love to have another one of those nights with him. so, my question is more directed to you aries men out there. What would the typical aries guy think if he received a text from a girl he had a ONS with several months back asking him if he'd be up for something again?
oh i failed to mention he was an italian aries and i'm a leo.