Leo Guy loses interests

This topic was created in the Leo forum by starrynight on Sunday, January 8, 2017 and has 22 replies.
Hi Guys! Just wanna know if a Leo guy loses interests and not into you anymore, are there any chances of winning him back? if so, how to? I really like this Leo Guy.

And is it true that by ignoring a Leo guy, he might come back to you after a while?

Please Leo guys, do give me some insights how to win a Leo Guy back. Appreciate it!smile
This topic resembles mine. But apparently not, as it's a pride thing.

What actually happened?
From the start, me and this Leo guy were just friends and during this period I was dating a Pisces guy. Like I met this pisces guy once every few months. Me and this Leo guy didn't probe into each other love life hence I did not tell him that I was dating since me and that Pisces guy were on and off.

However Leo guy started to treat me all good, initiate texts, calls and all. So to be fair, I let him know that I'm actually dating a guy. But ever since that day, Leo guy starts to slowly turn from warmth to cold. He was quite ruthless on the way he responds to me.

But it was too late. I realise I like him more than the Pisces Guy and eve plan to even stop seeing the Pisces Guy. But the problem is Leo Guy don't text me anymore and I feel distant from him. Hence I really hope you guys to let me know how to chase back a Leo guy once he loses interests in a girl.

I came across a paragraph from a website article.

"When a leo isn't into you or has lost interest: They may still respond to your calls/texts/emails but they will be short, and/or polite. There will be a lack of warmth in them. You will definitely feel the shift from warm to chilly. They may not even respond at all. They go MIA and give no explanation, and even get angry when you ask them where they have been. You will get responses such as "I was busy...", "It's none of your business" or you will get blank silence. They care not to explain themselves. And you can't guilt them into it. Even if they feel guilty they will not give into it. They will disappear and that's that. They will start to pick you apart. The little things they once did for you cease to exist. And they will not like you to touch them. When you invade a leo's space, and they do not want you, they will pull away from your hugs, the kisses, even the sex. They just turn off and shut down! "

The Leo Guy totally acts like that now. Appreciate if you guys can tell me what to do. Thank you.
Ignoring a Leo is the worse thing to do if they want or care about you but is the best thing to do if you trying to hurt them js. It will only bother them if they love you tho or really care. Leo's are tricky my ex gf we still talked up to 3 mo after a breakup I didn't want to do it anymore and went silent. Ignored her for a week prior and she finally stopped. Month later hit me up I didn't reply another month later she contacted agian I replied very harshly. She then couple days later deactivated Facebook for 2 months. When turned back on she hit me up agian and we talked for a few weeks then I finally told her I don't want talk any more period. Even tho I love her. She hasn't hit me up after that been 6mo she finally went official with her baby daddy she was with before me after a year of are breakup just rambling but it's prob over to much pride in fire signs. And even after some form of relationship with a Leo If it goes sour and they still want you there not always going to say it or show it just take the l
Thanks solo87 and blackphase!

However, just want to know what if I were to chase this Leo guy? Will he feel annoyed and irritated? Cause I went to read about Leo guys that they like girls who are confident in themselves to walk away and once you ignore him, he might come back and talk to you.

I've stopped talking to him for a few days already and I really miss him. Before we even stop the conver, I did confront him and ask if I've done anything wrong as he seems so distant from me. He just replied " distant then distant right? it's not like we're in a relationship". No wrong in his thinking, but was kind of sad when I read it.
If you can handle the good chance of gettin rejected or just talking to somebody the best thing to do is talk to him when he talks to you don't be boring an I wouldn't chase there use to it but give them attention? Also you have to make yourself come of as better then them without it being forced it has to be natural. Stay interesting and improved. You will have to stay casual agian at first and follow there lead this is where it was hard for me to fall to as a Aries in my situation lol.
To be honest, I was kind of clingy and dependent towards the Leo guy at the end before everything of this happens. Like I keep initiating to go out dates so I can spend alone time with him. But the more attention or affection I gave him, he just pull himself away.

But thanks solo87! I guess I might just wait till he talks to me again.
Posted by blackphase
Posted by starrynight
To be honest, I was kind of clingy and dependent towards the Leo guy at the end before everything of this happens. Like I keep initiating to go out dates so I can spend alone time with him. But the more attention or affection I gave him, he just pull himself away.

But thanks solo87! I guess I might just wait till he talks to me again.
That's what pushed away the one I liked too.

Also, when replying, hit quote at the bottom of what you are replying to or I may not see it and respond back smile
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Sigh~ so does that means he gone for good? Sad I keep trying my luck cause just before that each time I initiate he was all positive about it. But just within a week everything changes, he's all negative, asking me why meet up or he's not free or tell me he gonna meet a friend and is a girl.

That's why I stopped being clingy or desperate and don't text him anymore.
Posted by leowww
Posted by starrynight
To be honest, I was kind of clingy and dependent towards the Leo guy at the end before everything of this happens. Like I keep initiating to go out dates so I can spend alone time with him. But the more attention or affection I gave him, he just pull himself away.

But thanks solo87! I guess I might just wait till he talks to me again.
You didn't lie but you weren't honest about your relationship status so once he discovered the truth he most likely got turned off and didn't think you were deserving of his attention anymore. And the more you'll insist desperately to have him back the more he'll pull away.

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Hey leowww! yeah but I wasn't honest cause at the start we are nothing but as normal friends and we don't talk about love stuffs. It's only I realise I'm falling for him, hence I come clean. But I admit maybe I'm too late or something.

Yeah I was kind of desperate in a form of wanting to meet him alone, and he didn't agree to it, which makes me sad.

are you a leo? are there any ways I can salvage this?
Hey TheLibraMudra, how I wish I could do that. cause when I like someone, I really will want him to know. But it seems for now I think it's best to give him some space as I scare I annoyed the hell out of him

WHy not act cool and let it go. Then ask him to meet you out somewhere different for something fun? Just invite him out and let it all go so you can see where it goes smile

Good luck
I'm a leo...so if the girl wasn't upfront about her status that she was seeing someone, it would likely make the leo lose trust from the getgo...we love trustworthy, loyal partners, and super down to earth....so it may give off the vibe you're playing the field a bit. Even if you weren't, we think that you are "taken"...leos DO NOT ever want to be 2nd choice in your books or to steal from others; we dont like fighting for a prizeLaughing.

We like being upfront and we value honesty most of all.

But in your case there maybe a chance if you text or email him and be honest with him....act cool and explain the situation that there must be some sort of misunderstanding between you two and not quite sure why he is upset at you. If the girl I liked made me 2nd guess if my actions were incorrect, I may cool down and approach her again. We love being right, who doesnt? But most of us, if we know we are wrong, we will drift back to make amends.
Posted by bumboklatt
Posted by Lunabee
WHy not act cool and let it go. Then ask him to meet you out somewhere different for something fun? Just invite him out and let it all go so you can see where it goes smile

Good luck
Yeah cmon people what ever happened to being chill?

Just offer him a fun night out or something. Heck I'd go out with anyone for a fun night out, on hindsight that's my gift and my curse tho haha
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it's that 5th house sun, i see you Winking alright alright alright
Posted by LarsC

But in your case there maybe a chance if you text or email him and be honest with him....act cool and explain the situation that there must be some sort of misunderstanding between you two and not quite sure why he is upset at you. If the girl I liked made me 2nd guess if my actions were incorrect, I may cool down and approach her again. We love being right, who doesnt? But most of us, if we know we are wrong, we will drift back to make amends.
Back then when I first told him that I was seeing another guy and told him that I seldom see that guy, he replied me and said "technically you're still seeing other guys". After wards next few days I did told him about me and that guy RS is quite rocky and not stable and this Leo guy did suggest to me to "break up and find other guy." And he was still the same. He still treat me nice. But out of the sudden he just change to being very cold towards me when I starts to pay more attention and clingy.

I did ask him like what's wrong and all that but he just tell me that I'm thinking too much since we aren't in a RS. and then we're back to being cold again.

So it's like I've tried to ask and explain to him but I believe he's quite upset with me or don't even care anymore. Sad
Posted by starrynight
Posted by LarsC

But in your case there maybe a chance if you text or email him and be honest with him....act cool and explain the situation that there must be some sort of misunderstanding between you two and not quite sure why he is upset at you. If the girl I liked made me 2nd guess if my actions were incorrect, I may cool down and approach her again. We love being right, who doesnt? But most of us, if we know we are wrong, we will drift back to make amends.
Back then when I first told him that I was seeing another guy and told him that I seldom see that guy, he replied me and said "technically you're still seeing other guys". After wards next few days I did told him about me and that guy RS is quite rocky and not stable and this Leo guy did suggest to me to "break up and find other guy." And he was still the same. He still treat me nice. But out of the sudden he just change to being very cold towards me when I starts to pay more attention and clingy.

I did ask him like what's wrong and all that but he just tell me that I'm thinking too much since we aren't in a RS. and then we're back to being cold again.

So it's like I've tried to ask and explain to him but I believe he's quite upset with me or don't even care anymore. Sad
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Ah...ok. gotcha. In that case...if I was in that guy's shoes, I may be thinking I dont want to get tangled in this mess because it's not clear cut. I like being with a girl who doesn't have any residual attachment (incase we are their rebounds). Put yourself in his shoes, wouldnt you want to wait till the girl is finished with the pisces and probably cool down being single first before you approach again...to make sure she then is really into YOU.

When you do become single maybe post it onto social media so the leo knows...and wait for a cool down period so he knows you are available and without any baggage. Act friendly but not over eager if he ever approaches you...lol...we leos love a good chase, we are like kittens with a new ball! But we do NOT like desperation or over anxiousness! it drives us away, total turn off :S
Posted by Freetobe007
Give one more try to reach out and if he doesn't reciprocate, then move on because there's really no telling when he'll regain interest. With Leos romantically, it tends to be either a ton of fire or no fire at all. There is no in between and we are very fixed in one or the other.

Personally speaking, I don't ever come back from disinterest. Once I lose interest, the disinterest morphs into indifference and by that point, I've severed any and all emotional attachment. Once I make the decision to disconnect with someone, I never decide to connect with that person again and I will stop taking any physical, mental, or emotional initiation to make them a part of my life. This isn't uncommon among Leos.
could I know what actually triggers you to be disinterest in them? does it happen to you before? And are there anyone try to reach back to you and you just avoid them?

Posted by Miamia13
Don't keep reaching out.

I would say distance is best if he hasn't completely lost interest. It depends on how deep you two were...

If you were of significance to him, then you'll still remain on his radar. If your on his radar, he'll still secretly want your attention. But he won't want it until you back-off and make him wonder if he can still have it.

I have experienced this with Leo's. But I was significant enough in my situation for him to pop back up with distance.

However, Leo's usually have followers/admirers waiting in the wings. I've seen Leo men jump to a different woman hours after a failed relationship attempt. Leo's can't be second, if he thinks you made him second in your life then he will find someone who will make him feel like first. Or find someone to temperalrily cool-off the ego burn. Very sensitive egos with these kittens...

Yes I'm keeping my distance away from him now as a breather I hope. What do you suggest if I still want to be friends with him, should I start talking to him after a few more weeks or I should just totally stop and let him initiate a conversation?

Posted by MiZLeo
Never chase a leo. That is a sure fire way for me to run for the hills. Unless I'm in love with you that will just annoy me.
what if I drop him a lil gift on this upcoming Valentine day? is it okay or it seems too much for Leo to take it and will backfired eventually?
Posted by starrynight
Posted by Miamia13
Don't keep reaching out.

I would say distance is best if he hasn't completely lost interest. It depends on how deep you two were...

If you were of significance to him, then you'll still remain on his radar. If your on his radar, he'll still secretly want your attention. But he won't want it until you back-off and make him wonder if he can still have it.

I have experienced this with Leo's. But I was significant enough in my situation for him to pop back up with distance.

However, Leo's usually have followers/admirers waiting in the wings. I've seen Leo men jump to a different woman hours after a failed relationship attempt. Leo's can't be second, if he thinks you made him second in your life then he will find someone who will make him feel like first. Or find someone to temperalrily cool-off the ego burn. Very sensitive egos with these kittens...

Yes I'm keeping my distance away from him now as a breather I hope. What do you suggest if I still want to be friends with him, should I start talking to him after a few more weeks or I should just totally stop and let him initiate a conversation?

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It all depends how he feels about you, if u are still someone they cherish and can imagine a lifetime with, all they need is space and for u to show him why u be worth him wanting u again......but if we dont see you as potential, just be careful, often times exes do stay friends only, ..becoz the magic's gone from the relationship. there's nothing much we want from it other than friendship. And yes, often times we can jump to new relationships in a flash, that's how we move on (well, until we found one that crushes us heart & soul)...that we dont want to move on!
Posted by Freetobe007
But what actually triggers it is anything shady; sneakiness, deceit, lack of integrity, a lack of honor, snake-ish behavior, selfishness to the point of someone else's detriment, or untrustworthiness. If I get the sense that someone is a subtraction, not an addition, to my life because of their own habit or personality type, then they'll get cut off.
well put Big Grin

as in all relationships, we want someone to make us even better than who we are!

and we will do the same for our partner as well

we are kinda like libras in a sense dont you think?
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by starrynight
Posted by MiZLeo
Never chase a leo. That is a sure fire way for me to run for the hills. Unless I'm in love with you that will just annoy me.
what if I drop him a lil gift on this upcoming Valentine day? is it okay or it seems too much for Leo to take it and will backfired eventually?
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2nd that. You gonna spook the little kittie
Posted by LarsC
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by starrynight
Posted by MiZLeo
Never chase a leo. That is a sure fire way for me to run for the hills. Unless I'm in love with you that will just annoy me.
what if I drop him a lil gift on this upcoming Valentine day? is it okay or it seems too much for Leo to take it and will backfired eventually?
2nd that. You gonna spook the little kittie
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But if that's the case, how do I show the signs of wanting him to be back? or what can I do. hahah