Leo man needs his space

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Alex718 on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 and has 11 replies.
Me and my leo got into a fight. I hurt him a bit but I tried fixing it and he just keeps ignoring my texts and phone calls. I messaged how sorry I am and all he told me was that he needs space to think. What does this mean for Leos? Do leos ever come back and forgive or could it be done forever?
Leo's are forgiving but it depends on what happened and how meaningful you are to them.
It depends on how serious you two are.
Sorry, my PC lagged and you got pretty much two of the same responses, lol.
I'll give him his space but is this normal for leos?
Posted by Jynja
Posted by Alex718
I'll give him his space but is this normal for leos?

To take time away to think through an issue before responding to it?
I thought it was normal for human beings.
click to expand

What I don't understand is that whenever i had an argument with an ex or a breakup me and the person would always talk about it. This guy completely shut down even after i apologized to him a million times and we havn't even been together for that long. All he told me was give me space until I'm ready to see you. How can someone even make a decision with out even talking about the issue?
Let him go lick his wounds and regroup.
Posted by truecap
Let him go lick his wounds and regroup.

How long does this usually take? I'm thinking giving him a week but that might be to short I have no idea.
He just txted me.I guess that didn't take to long. I just have to be careful around him he's so sensitive! I didn't know leos were even this sensitive.
Glad he contacted you. yeah, I do need my space, especially with an Aries moon, I can think unrationally initially when my emotions are in full force. So I will step back and give myself time to calm and objectively look at the situation. Still working on the process as it does still bite me in the ass.
Posted by TheLioness79
Glad he contacted you. yeah, I do need my space, especially with an Aries moon, I can think unrationally initially when my emotions are in full force. So I will step back and give myself time to calm and objectively look at the situation. Still working on the process as it does still bite me in the ass.

Good to know. I guess that's how he deals with stuff also and now i know not to freak out when he asks for space.