Leo Man Scorpio Woman

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Fine45 on Friday, March 16, 2018 and has 26 replies.
I’m new to Leo’s, I met one like him. I love sleeping with him. But that’s all I want or need from him. He told me that’s all he wants was sex. Now he makes me wait so we won’t start liking each other. We are in our 40’s. I have no intention to go any further than what we are. Why is he acting differently. It was his idea for sex only. I’m ok with it. But he is different.
Theres a thin line between sex and relationships with leos, if he feels like it isn't going anywhere he will be very distant, leos only put time and effort in long-term goals
Posted by Fine45
I’m new to Leo’s, I met one like him. I love sleeping with him.
Whatcha love about it?

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Posted by Fine45
I’m new to Leo’s, I met one like him. I love sleeping with him. But that’s all I want or need from him. He told me that’s all he wants was sex. Now he makes me wait so we won’t start liking each other. We are in our 40’s. I have no intention to go any further than what we are. Why is he acting differently. It was his idea for sex only. I’m ok with it. But he is different.
Leo is a direct sign. If you tell a Leo male (or any man really) that all you want is sex, then expect ONLY sex. Also know though that Leo's are looking for the full package in a partner/potential love interest. Ultimately we want someone we can share our emotions with, someone who understands us fully. So if you can't provide all of that, you're not going to get our full attention.

Even if we do have multiple lovers, we'll be inclined to drop them for the right person who fulfills both our emotional and physical needs. In fact I'd argue that most Leos who have multiple partners do so because they are either young or haven't had the best experiences with past relationships. In both cases the Leo wants to keep the commitment light so they don't become too invested.

So when you said that you only wanted sex, you put yourself on the back burner in this Leo's mind. You've basically told him that you're not open to making another connection outside of the physical one (which is fine). There's nothing wrong with that, but know that he's not going to put much energy further into this connection. In his mind you probably don't truly care about him and are getting your other needs fulfilled elsewhere.

On that note, guys know that an emotional connect is very important to women. Not to say that women don't want a physical connection as well, but there's something odd about a woman who specifically requests for ONLY a physical connection (sex). The same way that it's odd if in a romantic setting a man requests ONLY an emotional connection (no sex). Why? Well as a species we each have bargaining chips.

It's no secret that men want sex and we use an emotional connection (quality time, relationships, etc) to get them. Conversely while women love sex too, it's no secret that you want an emotional connect (hence the impetus of your topic here). So you've essentially given away much of your bargaining position if you're looking to establish a true emotional connection with a Leo.

An easier way to put this would be to say that you've "friend with benefits-zoned" yourself. In this scenario your connection is now solely physical without any of the emotional responsibility. So the better question is, why would you expect anything more from this Leo? If you went into a restaurant and asked for only a burger, which was then handed to you, would you wonder why there were no fries or drink with it?

If you want something from a Leo, you need to say it (or barring that, not negate the thing you want). Leos may not be subtle, but we are intuitive. We do possess the ability to read between the lines when it comes to matters of the heart. If you only want sex, to us that means you don't/can't make an emotional connection with us for whatever reason. It's not our job to dig deeper and "figure you out". We take everyone as they come.

If you're going to deal with a Leo, then the insecurities and manipulation need to stop. Say what you want and don't hide your vulnerabilities. It will only make you seem disingenuous. Why? Leos are looking for a person with whom we can also be vulnerable. If you're looking for sex only to clearly hide your true feelings and protect yourself, you may not be strong enough for this connection if it becomes serious.
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Fine45
I’m new to Leo’s, I met one like him. I love sleeping with him. But that’s all I want or need from him. He told me that’s all he wants was sex. Now he makes me wait so we won’t start liking each other. We are in our 40’s. I have no intention to go any further than what we are. Why is he acting differently. It was his idea for sex only. I’m ok with it. But he is different.
Leo is a direct sign. If you tell a Leo male (or any man really) that all you want is sex, then expect ONLY sex. Also know though that Leo's are looking for the full package in a partner/potential love interest. Ultimately we want someone we can share our emotions with, someone who understands us fully. So if you can't provide all of that, you're not going to get our full attention.

Even if we do have multiple lovers, we'll be inclined to drop them for the right person who fulfills both our emotional and physical needs. In fact I'd argue that most Leos who have multiple partners do so because they are either young or haven't had the best experiences with past relationships. In both cases the Leo wants to keep the commitment light so they don't become too invested.

So when you said that you only wanted sex, you put yourself on the back burner in this Leo's mind. You've basically told him that you're not open to making another connection outside of the physical one (which is fine). There's nothing wrong with that, but know that he's not going to put much energy further into this connection. In his mind you probably don't truly care about him and are getting your other needs fulfilled elsewhere.

On that note, guys know that an emotional connect is very important to women. Not to say that women don't want a physical connection as well, but there's something odd about a woman who specifically requests for ONLY a physical connection (sex). The same way that it's odd if in a romantic setting a man requests ONLY an emotional connection (no sex). Why? Well as a species we each have bargaining chips.

It's no secret that men want sex and we use an emotional connection (quality time, relationships, etc) to get them. Conversely while women love sex too, it's no secret that you want an emotional connect (hence the impetus of your topic here). So you've essentially given away much of your bargaining position if you're looking to establish a true emotional connection with a Leo.

An easier way to put this would be to say that you've "friend with benefits-zoned" yourself. In this scenario your connection is now solely physical without any of the emotional responsibility. So the better question is, why would you expect anything more from this Leo? If you went into a restaurant and asked for only a burger, which was then handed to you, would you wonder why there were no fries or drink with it?

If you want something from a Leo, you need to say it (or barring that, not negate the thing you want). Leos may not be subtle, but we are intuitive. We do possess the ability to read between the lines when it comes to matters of the heart. If you only want sex, to us that means you don't/can't make an emotional connection with us for whatever reason. It's not our job to dig deeper and "figure you out". We take everyone as they come.

If you're going to deal with a Leo, then the insecurities and manipulation need to stop. Say what you want and don't hide your vulnerabilities. It will only make you seem disingenuous. Why? Leos are looking for a person with whom we can also be vulnerable. If you're looking for sex only to clearly hide your true feelings and protect yourself, you may not be strong enough for this connection if it becomes serious.
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I love your insight, and thank you. But he was the one who said he only wanted sex. That’s fine with me, but why should I wait for him if he will not sex me on a regular. Why does he text me back. These was his rules I followed. I don’t mind if he had someone Elsa, which he said he had many. Great so he don’t care what I do. But yet he does. Don’t ask for something and get it then get scared when you met your match.
Posted by Fine45
I love your insight, and thank you. But he was the one who said he only wanted sex. That’s fine with me, but why should I wait for him if he will not sex me on a regular. Why does he text me back. These was his rules I followed. I don’t mind if he had someone Elsa, which he said he had many. Great so he don’t care what I do. But yet he does. Don’t ask for something and get it then get scared when you met your match.
If he's the one who said he only wanted sex, then there's your answer right there. He's acting differently because he knows that he doesn't need to try with you. It's possible he's keeping his feelings close to his chest, but it's also likely that he doesn't feel the need to pursue you any further.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Fine45
I love your insight, and thank you. But he was the one who said he only wanted sex. That’s fine with me, but why should I wait for him if he will not sex me on a regular. Why does he text me back. These was his rules I followed. I don’t mind if he had someone Elsa, which he said he had many. Great so he don’t care what I do. But yet he does. Don’t ask for something and get it then get scared when you met your match.
If he's the one who said he only wanted sex, then there's your answer right there. He's acting differently because he knows that he doesn't need to try with you. It's possible he's keeping his feelings close to his chest, but it's also likely that he doesn't feel the need to pursue you any further.
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So, why won’t he give me the dick. I know he likes my cat. Once a month is not enough are humanly possible for a Scorpio in her prime.

Yet he says if we do it more often we will catch feelings. My feelings are somewhere Elsa but he don’t make me climb the walls.
I had a leo fwb... it was so weird. He was the boy next door. You'd think he'd be calling for some often nah it was like every few months then it died. I think we did it like twice then wad gonna do ita third but I got carried away with the oral and there wasn't enough time for anything else. Then I was supposed to see him on a Sunday but I didn't hit him up and neither did he and then I texted him a few days later no response. It just died and now we act like we don't know each other 💁🏿

Never did a fwb thing and I won't again lol. Was too weird and not enough sex, at least not with a leo. Shoot my cousin was actually seeing a leo and they actually had feelings for each other and she barely got any lmaoo.

I'm good on that.
Posted by Fine45
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Fine45
I love your insight, and thank you. But he was the one who said he only wanted sex. That’s fine with me, but why should I wait for him if he will not sex me on a regular. Why does he text me back. These was his rules I followed. I don’t mind if he had someone Elsa, which he said he had many. Great so he don’t care what I do. But yet he does. Don’t ask for something and get it then get scared when you met your match.
If he's the one who said he only wanted sex, then there's your answer right there. He's acting differently because he knows that he doesn't need to try with you. It's possible he's keeping his feelings close to his chest, but it's also likely that he doesn't feel the need to pursue you any further.

So, why won’t he give me the dick. I know he likes my cat. Once a month is not enough are humanly possible for a Scorpio in her prime.

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Because he probably has other options. From how it sounds, you're not high on his priority list.

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
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haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
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The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
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Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

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Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
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Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

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I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
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Is your rising sign Aries? I thought it was, sorry if I'm wrong. Aries rising means that at least some Libra is in your 7th house -- whatever is left of Libra that started in your 6th house.

Ascendant sign and degree determines the descendant (other wise known as the 7th house cusp) sign and degree -- the signs will be opposite. So, if you have Aries ascendant, you will have a Libra descendant (7th house cusp). But, there can be interceptions sometimes. So, I have assumed your descendant is Libra, and if you have Scorpio in the 7th house too as you described, that means Scorpio intercepts.

Can you post your chart?

Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
Is your rising sign Aries? I thought it was, sorry if I'm wrong. Aries rising means that at least some Libra is in your 7th house -- whatever is left of Libra that started in your 6th house.

Ascendant sign and degree determines the descendant (other wise known as the 7th house cusp) sign and degree -- the signs will be opposite. So, if you have Aries ascendant, you will have a Libra descendant (7th house cusp). But, there can be interceptions sometimes. So, I have assumed your descendant is Libra, and if you have Scorpio in the 7th house too as you described, that means Scorpio intercepts.

Can you post your chart?

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Does this work?

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If he won’t give you what you want on your terms then negotiations have failed. Move onto the next.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
Is your rising sign Aries? I thought it was, sorry if I'm wrong. Aries rising means that at least some Libra is in your 7th house -- whatever is left of Libra that started in your 6th house.

Ascendant sign and degree determines the descendant (other wise known as the 7th house cusp) sign and degree -- the signs will be opposite. So, if you have Aries ascendant, you will have a Libra descendant (7th house cusp). But, there can be interceptions sometimes. So, I have assumed your descendant is Libra, and if you have Scorpio in the 7th house too as you described, that means Scorpio intercepts.

Can you post your chart?

Does this work?

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Yes, thank you. :-)

Yes, the last few degrees of Libra, and most of the degrees of Scorpio are in your 7th house. So, I can see why you attract Scorpios for sure for potential partnerships, when I look at that and other things in your chart that you were mentioning. Libra too, with that bit of Libra in your 7th plus your Libra Venus that's conjunct your moon (out of sign conjunction, so conjunction by degrees, not sign).

Cool that your Leo sun is in the 5th house -- that's considered ideal (where the sun wants to be).

If you ever want me to share what I see in more depth, so you can confirm or shoot down (lol) my analysis, let me know. It can be good practice and learning for me. I've been studying astrology for a while and there is still a lot to learn.

Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
Is your rising sign Aries? I thought it was, sorry if I'm wrong. Aries rising means that at least some Libra is in your 7th house -- whatever is left of Libra that started in your 6th house.

Ascendant sign and degree determines the descendant (other wise known as the 7th house cusp) sign and degree -- the signs will be opposite. So, if you have Aries ascendant, you will have a Libra descendant (7th house cusp). But, there can be interceptions sometimes. So, I have assumed your descendant is Libra, and if you have Scorpio in the 7th house too as you described, that means Scorpio intercepts.

Can you post your chart?

Does this work?

User Submitted Image
Yes, thank you. :-)

Yes, the last few degrees of Libra, and most of the degrees of Scorpio are in your 7th house. So, I can see why you attract Scorpios for sure for potential partnerships, when I look at that and other things in your chart that you were mentioning.

Cool that your Leo sun is in the 5th house -- that's considered ideal (where the sun wants to be).

If you ever want me to share what I see in more depth, so you can confirm or shoot down (lol) my analysis, let me know. It can be good practice and learning for me. I've been studying astrology for a while and there is still a lot to learn.

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Sure my knowledge isn't as deep as yours, so I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Superman77
Great match but it’s very toxic.

He’s caught the feels and is backing off. That’s my take on it. We fall for scorps every single time.
haha :-)

Truly, though? I haven't seen that pattern.
The amount of Scorpios / Scorpio energy people I attract seems noticeably disproportionate to other signs. For example when I was hanging out with some friends about a month ago a Scorpio woman (who was a friend of a friend of a friend) started flirting on me 5 minutes after she arrived. I hadn't even met her yet and she was firing on all cylinders.

I imagine my Virgo Moon, Cancer Mercury, and Cap Mars also plays a part in the attraction.
Do you have Scorpio in your 7th house (even if no planets, etc. are in Scorpio?) or anything in your 8th house?

Definitely I can imagine your other placements could add to the attraction.

What about the falling for Scorpios -- did that happen with the Scorpio who flirted with you?

Yep Scorpio is in my 7th. Most of the women I've dated/been interested in have had Scorpio in their chart (usually in their major planets).

As for the Scorpio woman, the attraction was definitely there. Her direct yet bubbly attitude was one that could ensnare any Leo man.
Does your 7th house start with Libra and then it's intercepted by Scorpio? If so, maybe you attract Libra and Libra placements too?

I have Scorpio in the 7th house like you, but the house starts with Scorpio and it's intercepted by Sagittarius. Most of the men I've dated have had Sagittarius somewhere major, and/or Scorpio, but no Scorpio sun men so far.

It's interesting to me to see how the 7th house features in partnerships.

I don't think so. According to astro.com both Virgo and Libra are in my 6th house. I do tend to attract more Libra energy as well.
Is your rising sign Aries? I thought it was, sorry if I'm wrong. Aries rising means that at least some Libra is in your 7th house -- whatever is left of Libra that started in your 6th house.

Ascendant sign and degree determines the descendant (other wise known as the 7th house cusp) sign and degree -- the signs will be opposite. So, if you have Aries ascendant, you will have a Libra descendant (7th house cusp). But, there can be interceptions sometimes. So, I have assumed your descendant is Libra, and if you have Scorpio in the 7th house too as you described, that means Scorpio intercepts.

Can you post your chart?

Does this work?

User Submitted Image
Yes, thank you. :-)

Yes, the last few degrees of Libra, and most of the degrees of Scorpio are in your 7th house. So, I can see why you attract Scorpios for sure for potential partnerships, when I look at that and other things in your chart that you were mentioning.

Cool that your Leo sun is in the 5th house -- that's considered ideal (where the sun wants to be).

If you ever want me to share what I see in more depth, so you can confirm or shoot down (lol) my analysis, let me know. It can be good practice and learning for me. I've been studying astrology for a while and there is still a lot to learn.

Sure my knowledge isn't as deep as yours, so I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
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Super! I will get back to you with that soon (in the next few days).
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Fine45
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Fine45
I love your insight, and thank you. But he was the one who said he only wanted sex. That’s fine with me, but why should I wait for him if he will not sex me on a regular. Why does he text me back. These was his rules I followed. I don’t mind if he had someone Elsa, which he said he had many. Great so he don’t care what I do. But yet he does. Don’t ask for something and get it then get scared when you met your match.
If he's the one who said he only wanted sex, then there's your answer right there. He's acting differently because he knows that he doesn't need to try with you. It's possible he's keeping his feelings close to his chest, but it's also likely that he doesn't feel the need to pursue you any further.

So, why won’t he give me the dick. I know he likes my cat. Once a month is not enough are humanly possible for a Scorpio in her prime.

Because he probably has other options. From how it sounds, you're not high on his priority list.

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This. He has options that will give the total package. Mature Leos want emotional connectivity with who we have sex with.