Leo Man / Scorpio Woman: Fight or The End?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by TrueBlessings on Sunday, November 20, 2016 and has 16 replies.
Hi all,

So I just go back from what was possibly the worst date of my life with someone I used to work with and reconnected with in the summer. We used to bicker back then, but he took it to a new level. We were gettig along so great, until this happened! As a matter of fact, I don't even know if this was a date or a casual hang out as friends given what he told me.

Here goes:

1. We couldn't find a place where to have a drink because all places were packed, so we went to a random bar he chose.

2. We started talking about religion and when I told him I was spiritual, he started mocking me saying: 'I knew it was too good to be true. You're one of those looneys. Are you a vegetarian'. I found it insulting, so I walked out on him. He really hurt my feelings, so I walked out on him for like 3 minutes and then I came back with an apology.

3. Bear in mind, he and I are used to bickering/teasing each other all the time.

4. He kept telling me 'you're so beautiful and intelligent', but to me, it was way too soon to talk about kids and religion. We had never dated before, it was our second meet up outside of work and he was being very 'full on' which made me uncomfortable. Hence, whenever I teased him, I thought it was 'buddy like'.

5. Then, he told me 'Do you think I'd be here if I didn't care about you? I can't take it anymore. I told you you were beautiful multiple times and I got nothing in return'. What was here supposed to get? Then, he kissed me on the cheek and walk out on me. I asked him 'are you really leaving?'. He said 'I'd rather study'.

All night he told me 'I've never seen such a smart and beautiful woman', then he walks out on me. I didn't know this was supposed to be romantic. Hence, the fact that I kept teasing him as usual.

Do you think he'll come back? I don't understand why he kissed me and left. I sent him an apology on FB, I know he read it. The worst part of it all is that I paid for the both of us and he told me 'you emasculated me'. How? He paid on our last hang out! It was my turn! It makes sense.

I'm so hurt because I really liked him, but I didn't want it to go so fast! He started talking about children and marriage! I wanted to take my time and thought he'd take my jokes as 'buddy' jokes. Is it completely over? What can I do to salvage this?

The worst part of it all is that I told him, I'm spiritual but not really affiliated to a particular religion. I started disclosing my personal journey with regards to religion (how I gew up in a household with certain values, stirred away, became almost non-spiritual, almost converted to judaism and then turned spiritual again). This moron (who happens to be of jewish decent and has no problem liking jewish pages on Facebook) thought I brought the 'judaism' because of him. He got mad.

I told him straight up, 'you're not the center of the world, I didn't know you then'. Then he got mad and said, 'I'm not jewish, I'm an atheist'. He got mad for some reason and told me: 'You're one the most criticial woman I know, yet you seem to be the dumbest because I hate people who say 'I'm spiritual''. Then, I told him it means I believe in the divine, an unknown power above us without any particular affiliation and that's when he said 'I knew it was too good to be true ...'.

He got mad when I brought up the judaism and stated he's atheist. I think he's in denial about something and took it out on me. I'm sure he's in denial and the fact that I made him face a religion which happens to be part of his ancestry created this drama.

I stormed off but went back to him after 5 minutes because I liked him. I legitimately thought he'd come back after he stormed off (it was 11pm at that stage and he knew I had to take public transports to get home). If he cared one bit, he would have made sure I made it home safely (especially as the week before, he was expressing his concerns regarding the fact I take public transport alone at night). If he cared that much, he would have shown it. His goodbye kiss on the cheek means nothing to me and him ignoring my texts afterwards is worse.
I don't care much about his religious affiliation or lack thereof.

I don't even know what I did for him to storm off like that and cut me off. I'm still trying to understand. He's the one who was offensive, not me.

This is so messed up. If he truly cared, he'd be too scared to let me go because he knows I can have options if I want to! What a moron.

I feel as though he used some random excuse to pick up a fight and get rid of me. He was already partially drunk when I got there anyway. He was making zero sense and was utterly different from how he was the week prior *shy and SOBER*.

He even went as far as asking me where I go lingerie shopping and wanted to show me some x-rated store to which I said no. The worst came when he mentioned us going to visit prostitudes. Wtf? I stopped him right there with the convo.
Posted by leowww
The more details you give us about this guy the more I wonder why did you ever give him time of day?

And my point above wasn't about religious affiliations, it's about respect. He sounds very childish, arrogant & corny = good riddance.
This is actually what I told him. He disrespected me and was insulting. That's when he snapped saying 'I told you you were beautiful blah blah and you still aren't happy'.

What a disaster!
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
The more details you give us about this guy the more I wonder why did you ever give him time of day?

And my point above wasn't about religious affiliations, it's about respect. He sounds very childish, arrogant & corny = good riddance.
This is actually what I told him. He disrespected me and was insulting. That's when he snapped saying 'I told you you were beautiful blah blah and you still aren't happy'.

What a disaster!

I would have been the one who left..

I couldn't entertain someone who talks to me like that.

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I initially walked out ... then came back after 5 minutes because that's how much I cared!

I legitimately thought he'd come back when he stormed off. He never did. That's proof he doesn't care!

Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
The more details you give us about this guy the more I wonder why did you ever give him time of day?

And my point above wasn't about religious affiliations, it's about respect. He sounds very childish, arrogant & corny = good riddance.
This is actually what I told him. He disrespected me and was insulting. That's when he snapped saying 'I told you you were beautiful blah blah and you still aren't happy'.

What a disaster!

I would have been the one who left..

I couldn't entertain someone who talks to me like that.

I initially walked out ... then came back after 5 minutes because that's how much I cared!

I legitimately thought he'd come back when he stormed off. He never did. That's proof he doesn't care!

Why do you care? I'm genuinely curious.

You seem to agree that he's not worth your time... So... Is this only because he left you and not the other way around ?

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He's not worth my time, but it doesn't change the fact I still cared at some point. I don't move on easily even if it's obvious it's over.

Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
The more details you give us about this guy the more I wonder why did you ever give him time of day?

And my point above wasn't about religious affiliations, it's about respect. He sounds very childish, arrogant & corny = good riddance.
This is actually what I told him. He disrespected me and was insulting. That's when he snapped saying 'I told you you were beautiful blah blah and you still aren't happy'.

What a disaster!

I would have been the one who left..

I couldn't entertain someone who talks to me like that.

I initially walked out ... then came back after 5 minutes because that's how much I cared!

I legitimately thought he'd come back when he stormed off. He never did. That's proof he doesn't care!

Why do you care? I'm genuinely curious.

You seem to agree that he's not worth your time... So... Is this only because he left you and not the other way around ?

He's not worth my time, but it doesn't change the fact I still cared at some point. I don't move on easily even if it's obvious it's over.

... If it's obvious that it's over then what's the point of this thread? You titled it... Fight or Is it the end? Anyway. Good luck Op.

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It's obvious from the advice I got here.

I don't know about his perspective.

All you had to do was pay the guy a compliment. He kissed your ass all night, showering you with compliments and he told you why he walked out. He got nothing in return. Nowhere in your post did you say you even told him he looked good or something like that. He probably felt like you wasn't interested. That's what I'd have thought.

He shouldn't have just walked out though. That was shitty.
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
Posted by TrueBlessings
Posted by leowww
The more details you give us about this guy the more I wonder why did you ever give him time of day?

And my point above wasn't about religious affiliations, it's about respect. He sounds very childish, arrogant & corny = good riddance.
This is actually what I told him. He disrespected me and was insulting. That's when he snapped saying 'I told you you were beautiful blah blah and you still aren't happy'.

What a disaster!

I would have been the one who left..

I couldn't entertain someone who talks to me like that.

I initially walked out ... then came back after 5 minutes because that's how much I cared!

I legitimately thought he'd come back when he stormed off. He never did. That's proof he doesn't care!

Why do you care? I'm genuinely curious.

You seem to agree that he's not worth your time... So... Is this only because he left you and not the other way around ?

He's not worth my time, but it doesn't change the fact I still cared at some point. I don't move on easily even if it's obvious it's over.

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Cared about him in the way a coworker cares about another coworker, right? I mean you say this was your first date with him...or friend hangout, you weren't clear.

It seems abundantly clear from how he's disrespected you that pursuing anything romantic with him is not possible. Despite what kinds of fantasies you may have had of how it would go down with him.

Aww someone's been reading PUA 101. Cute

Posted by Impulsv
It's is the leo manipulation

N hescgot u begging n feedingbhis ego

I'm reading the opposite. He fed her ego bigtime. She walked out on him first because he teased her a little (which she already admitted to doing).

I'm seeing that she had nothing to offer him.
Wait... don't you two have history?
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by Ssuperman
Posted by Impulsv
It's is the leo manipulation

N hescgot u begging n feedingbhis ego

I'm reading the opposite. He fed her ego bigtime. She walked out on him first because he teased her a little (which she already admitted to doing).

I'm seeing that she had nothing to offer him.
Why scorp does not go well with Leo

Leo needs kiss as compliments non stop

N leo give them expecting something In return

In fact Scorpio does not want them or need them

n find them fake
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You're absolutely right
Posted by Impulsv

Why scorp does not go well with Leo

Leo needs kiss as compliments non stop

N leo give them expecting something In return...

That's just your suspicious nature.

Maybe they didn't work before because he refused to

wear the standard issue tracking device, issued by

all Scorps on the second date.

I'm just tired of the stereotypes.

Straight Face

This leo is playing games