So my Leo had a hard week: he was required to focus a lot, to constantly drive from here to there, to spend more time on preparing for his company's events,....all the exhausting works. He told me earlier that week would be overwhelming, and thus, he still made time to see me and we had so much fun despite his busy schedule.
But after the week, when all the fusses and requirements are over, he just becomes this out-of-battery robot. He spent less time on the internet, checked in with me twice a day with less energy. He explained that he was so relieved that week was over and he was just feeling like calm and unbothered, relaxing mode (oldies mode). It's been going on 2 days now and I don't know how to boost his energy back.
Because a Leo can sometimes be secretive/selective many aspects of their life, so I know "hot/cold" are not always about their partner (me). I'm just feeling like being supportive and patient should be okay waiting for his energetic self to come back.
Do you guys have this moody feeling? How to gain back confidence and energy for a Leo man then?
@Black-Mamba I don't even include myself into the stories and you have already found dirt to throw? clever!
and fyi, I didn't even bother him, just a caring question that's it. satisfied?
Signed Up:
Jun 21, 2018Comments: 1997 · Posts: 3728 · Topics: 76
Your boy needs a big cat nap!